In Lioden, you play as a lion leading a pride of lions as their, well, leader! You've claimed a territory of your own. Now, it's time to claim some lionesses and build your kingdom!
First things first: a fancy leader needs a fancy name, do they not? When naming your lead lion, you must choose a name that no other leader has on the site! As well, your leader's name has a hard limit of 30 characters. This means that, if you really wanted to, you could name your leader "Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123", or "asdfghjkl;qwertyuiopzxcvbnm,.", or... well, you get the idea. There's quite a bit of room to work with, and you can utilise numbers, spaces, and symbols to give a personal touch to your leader's name.
Many players like to use UTF-8 symbols within their leaders' names in the form of fancy fonts and lettering. Keep in mind that these symbols are generally three (3) to four (4) characters long at the minimum.
Let's say that you want to name your leader "Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV". Okay, not a bad name, clocking in at 23 characters... but you want some pizazz! No regular plain letters for this player, no sir. "π‘πΈππͺπ΅ ππ²π½π½π ππͺπ½ ππΈπ ππ₯", now that's the stuff. Hey, wait a minute! The name field for your leader only goes up to "π‘πΈππͺπ΅ ππ²π½π½π ππͺπ½ ", but the fancy font name appeared to have exactly the same amount of characters as the regular font name did. What gives? Well... that is because, as stated, each UTF-8 symbol is 3 to 4 characters long (at minimum). "π‘πΈππͺπ΅" looks like it's only 5 characters, but it's actually 20. If you try to use that as your leader's name, it will end up being cut off at "π‘πΈππͺπ΅ ππ²οΏ½". A sad day for Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV indeed, but it's nothing that can't be adjusted using some clever thinking skills.
Using the tool below, you can preview names before setting them as your leader's on Lioden. This tool is meant to help see how long your desired name is and if it will properly display, or if it will end up being too long.
Preview your leader's name
If at any point in time you'd like to change your leader's name, there is an option to do so at the bottom of the Oasis on Lioden! For a fee of 1 GB, you can give your leader a new identity that fits them more than their old one did.

Important Note: If you decide to take a hiatus from Lioden and you're attached to your leader's name, you may wish to rollover at least once per year. Your leader's name will be reset if you are inactive and do not rollover for an entire year. This is because leader names are unique, so only one leader can have a certain name at one time. If you return to the site and someone else took your leader's name while you were gone, you'll have to wait for them to change their leader's name in order to get it back. Keep in mind that Lioden does send automated reminder emails in 3 month intervals to inform you that your leader's name will be reset!
Your leader can also have a title in addition to a fancy name! What are titles, exactly? They're words or phrases that can describe your leader's personality to other players.

As you can see, Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV's title is "the Sapphic". Titles can be applied either before your leader's name or after your leader's name.

If you were to choose "Before my name", your leader would then display as "Sapphic Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV".
Your leader's title displays on your den page, on your leader's page, and underneath your icon and player name on the forums.

As seen above, Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV's player displays the "Sapphic" title in the forums!
If you choose to hide your title via the "Hide Title" button on the Questing page, your leader will have no title on your den page or their own page, and no title will display underneath your icon and player name on the forums. You can re-enable titles at any time.
Please click here to view a complete list of all titles on Lioden!
Lions come in many different colours and patterns, some rarer than others! Generally, when you're first starting out and you roll a leader, they will only have very common appearance traits. However, as you progress through the game, you can obtain many items to change their look and make them more suitable to your personal taste! Some traits can only be bred down, while others can be applied, and so on.
Check out the Lion Appearance page for much more information than we can provide here. There's a lot of information, so trust usβit's better to get it through that page, rather than squish it all in here!
Lab Test Frog
Male lions have gorgeous manes and can look downright dashing with the right base, mane, and marking combination, but what if you want a lioness leading your pride...? While you cannot have a fully-functioning female lion ruling your pride, you can roleplay as though your leader is a lioness using the Lab Test Frog item! What does a Lab Test Frog do? It makes your lion appear as the opposite sex, while still maintaining their biological sex's functionalityβlionesses with Lab Test Frogs will appear as male, but still be able to get pregnant and hunt, while submales and kings with Lab Test Frogs will appear as female, but be able to patrol (submales) and breed with other players' lions (kings).
Let's go ahead and equip a Lab Test Frog on Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV to see just how this strange amphibian works.

Here Royal is in all their studly glory. When we equip the Lab Test Frog from our hoard and visit their page...

Oh my gosh, they're freakin' gorgeous. A divine beauty. Yas, queen!
When a leader has a Lab Test Frog equipped, this also opens up the possibility for them to be posed. Currently, adult males only have default poses, although male poses are a work-in-progress set to be released sometime after Wolvden launches! For now, we make do with those beautiful, varied female poses. Only leaders with Lab Test Frogs equipped can be posed. Since Royal is, indeed, a leader with a Lab Test Frog equipped, let's throw a Pose: Jolly [F] on them.

Stunning. If you're a bigger fan of female lines than male lines, why not try and throw a Lab Test Frog onto your own leader?
Important Note: The first time you equip a Lab Test Frog on your leader, you will unlock the Sapphic title! The title can be equipped in the same area as other titles, via the Quests and Snakes page.

Experience and Leveling
Experience refers to your leader's progress towards their next level. All new leaders start off at a lowly Level 1 with 0% progress and no Experience. You can view your leader's Experience and Level on their page, under the "Lion Stats" table. You can also view them from the sidebar panel located on each page.

At current, there is no cap on how high your leader's level can go. You are only limited by how much Experience your leader can gain, and how long your leader will live for!
Important Note: It is a waste of Experience items to level up an heir or submale before they are made leader of a pride. When a lion is kinged, they are wiped down to Level 1 with no Experience, even if they were Level 30 as a submale.
Levels are increased by earning Experience ("EXP"), which can be gained through the following methods.
- Winning battles against NPCs in Explore. If your leader has the Arrogant (Snarky) or Vicious (Evil) personalities, they will receive extra EXP (depending upon their personality) from winning battles.
- If your leader has the Humble (Good) personality, they can chase off lions within their pride and earn +2 Experience per lion chased.
- Participating in PVP against other players' leaders. Attacking for Experience grants the most EXP out of all options.
- Completing snake quests.
- Completing Gorilla Enclave quests.
- Sparring with a submale once per day.
- Certain explore encounters, both event-exclusive and year-round, will grant a small amount of Experience.
- Completing certain event-exclusive quests.
- Participapting in (and completing) event-exclusive storylines.
- Participating in certain event-exclusive features, such as August's Vulture Chase.
- Using EXP-granting items, such as Broken Drones, Coconuts, Giant Tortoises, and UAV - Search and Rescues.

* Purchase from The Peddler for 25 DB.
* Potential prize for sending a score between 2000 to 2499 in Serengeti Shuffle.
* Low Reward from Slots.
* Dropped from an encounter during wet season.
* Dropped from an encounter during March's event.

* Potential prize for sending a score between 2000 to 2499 in Serengeti Shuffle.
* Low Reward from Slots.
* Potential prize for sending a score between 200 to 999 in Whack a Snake.

* Purchase from The Boneyard for 20 LB.
* Purchase from the Champion Shop for 50 MB.
* Purchase from the Shaman Shop for 50 ScB.
* Potential reward from Cups.
* Potential prize for sending a score between 3500 to 4444+ in Serengeti Shuffle.
* Low Reward from Slots.
* Potential prize for sending a score between 500 to 999 in Whack a Snake.
* Reward for completing Novel 3 pool quests during the January storyline.
* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Every time you level up your leader, their energy will refill up to 100% and they will gain stats equal to their new level multiplied by two. Leveling up also gets you closer to exploring new biomes, which unlocks a variety of encounters!
For a closer look at the biomes available to explore in, as well as their level requirements, check out the Exploring page!
Your leader displays stats on their page, just as lionesses do. Under the "Lion Stats" table beneath their image, you can find their level and their stats.

Stats determine how well your lion does in battles against NPCs as well as when PVPing other leaders. The higher your leader's stats, the higher stats their offspring will have, too!
When a leader takes over a pride, they keep the stats they had when they were just your heir. If you've chosen to re-roll a lion, then new stats are generated. Leaders can increase their stats in many ways, including the following.
- Leveling up. Every time you level up your leader, their energy will refill up to 100% and they will gain stats equal to their new level multiplied by two. For example, if your leader has leveled up to Level 10, they will earn 20 stats dispersed in random categories.
- Food. Certain food items have a low chance of granting stats. These foods vary, though the most common "stat foods" are Egg Yolks and Honeycomb. View a full list of stat-granting items on the Stat Items List page!
- Choosing the "Eat It!" option whe you come across half-buried beetle larvae in Explore has a low chance of giving your leader +1 stat in a random category.
- Playing Baoball. Twice a day, your leader can play the minigame Baoball. They are guaranteed to earn 2 stats, though they can gain up to 4 per day.
- Player vs Player (PVP). Leaders can attack each other via PVP for Skill! Your leader can only PVP for Skill if their current Skill amount is less than or equal to their current level multiplied by 12 (LVL x 12). For example, a Level 5 leader can only PVP for Skill if their Skill is at or below 60. If your leader's Skill surpasses their level multiplied by 12, you'll have to level them up until the option becomes available again.
- Sparring with submales. Once per rollover, your leader can spar with one of your submales for a chance to gain 2 to 5 stats in a random category.
- Increasing Impression. Once your leader reaches Dreamboat, each time they refill their Impression bar again, they'll earn 5 stats: one in each category, minus Skill.
Some mutations can also affect your leader's stats. Check out the Mutations page for more information.
Impression refers to how easily your leader can claim lionesses in Explore. All new leaders start off at Barely Noticeable Impression with 0% progress. There are ten Impression levels to work through.
Impression Levels
- Barely Noticeable
- Not Very Impressive
- Not Impressive
- Average
- Slightly Impressive
- Somewhat Impressive
- Impressive
- Very Impressive
- Extremely Impressive
- Dreamboat
What does Impression actually do? It really comes into play in three areas: claiming lionesses, entering the weekly special lioness raffle, and participating in Adventuring quests. The higher your Impression, the easier it is for you to claim lionesses in Explore. You must also be Dreamboat, the highest Impression level, in order to enter the weekly special lioness raffle and participate in Adventuring quests.
Depending on your leader's Impression level, you will come across better lionesses whilst exploring.
Starting at Average Impression, your leader will find lionesses in Explore that have been chased by other players. This means that they will tend to come with slightly better stats, more markings, nicer bases, etc. You can generally easily tell the difference between a basic NCL and a chased NCL, as basic NCLs are capped at three markings and have very basic bases and markings.
Starting at Impressive Impression, your leader will now be able to find lionesses with attributes that are exclusive to leaders with higher Impression. This includes a pool of three different marking colours that come in different shapes, special eye colours, and special skin colours. An example of an NCL with exclusive attributes would be a lioness with Mosaic eyes, Clouded skin, and Clay, Copal, and Marigold markings. Your Impressive leader may also claim lionesses who are already in heat, as well as lionesses that come with poses that match their personality types.
Exclusive to Dreamboat, your leader will now be able to find special rarity-based lionesses, as well as lionesses that have had miscarriages induced on them, which increases their chances of producing mutated cubs. Your Dreamboat leader also impresses the ladies so much that every single lioness they claim will already be in heat!
Raising Impression
You can raise your leader's Impression through several different methods.
- Claiming lionesses in Explore. If your leader has the Confident (Kind) or Self-Absorbed (Evil) personalities, they will receive an extra +1% Impression from claiming lionesses.
- Winning battles against NPCs in Explore.
- Participating in PVP against other players' leaders.
- Completing snake quests.
- Completing Gorilla Enclave quests.
- Certain explore encounters, both event-exclusive and year-round, will grant a small amount of Impression.
- Completing certain event-exclusive quests.
- Feeding Dove Feast to your leader. Each Dove Feast grants +20% Impression per item used, and you can give a maximum of fifty (50) Dove Feasts to your leader each rollover. This is enough to boost a Barely Noticeable leader all the way up to Dreamboat in one go! Dove Feast can be crafted in February, is a prize from Serengeti Shuffle, and can be purchased from various site shops.

* Purchase from the Referral Shop for 8 RP.
* Purchase from the Gorilla Enclave for 50 MT.
* Purchase from the Manticore Shop for 50 BB.
* Potential prize for sending a score between 3500 to 4444+ in Serengeti Shuffle.
For more details on Impression, check out the Impression section of the FAQ!
Leader Personalities
Personalities are a fun aspect of Lioden that can give your leader a sense of character and added depth, as well as presenting some awesome bonuses throughout your leader's lifetime!
The Personality Snake is available for all your personality needs. He resides within the Crossroads navigation map. At the Personality Snake, you can view all the different personalities for leaders. You can also purchase three personality-changing masks from him if you need to change your leader's personality, or another lion within your pride.
Important Note: Your leader's personality can conflict with the personalities of your pride members. Each time you rollover, your pride members will lose mood, but the amount of mood they lose can differ depending on their personalities compared to your leader's. Evil and Good conflict with each other, resulting in major mood drops. Snarky and Kind conflict with each other and will result in the same major mood drop. Matching personalities, such as Evil and Evil or Good and Good, will result in the lowest mood drop possible. Any other personality combinations will lower your pride members' moods as usual.
Personality | Category | Benefits |
Arrogant | Snarky | Bonus +5 Experience from each battle won. |
Bold | Snarky | Can switch snake quest for free once per rollover. |
Candid | Kind | Regains +3% Energy with each successful lioness claim. |
Chivalrous | Good | Deals additional damage during daytime battles. |
Confident | Kind | Bonus +1% Impression with each successful lioness claim. |
Even-Tempered | Neutral | Increase or decrease karma by +/-10 points when visiting the Karma Snake once per rollover. |
Fatherly | Kind | Ability to take two cubs or adolescents per rollover from the Giving Tree. |
Forgiving | Good | Can switch snake quest for free once per rollover. |
Heartless | Evil | No energy loss when killing lions within your pride. |
Humble | Good | Earn +2 Experience when chasing off a lion within your pride. |
Hyperactive | Snarky | Daily button to gain +30% Energy once per rollover if your energy is below 70%. |
Loner | Neutral | Your pride members all only lose 5% Mood per rollover, regardless of their personalities. |
Mysterious | Neutral | Deals additional damage during nighttime battles. |
Patient | Kind | Bonus +5 Silver Beetles from each battle won. |
Protective | Good | No energy loss when sending lions within your pride to the Nature Reserve. Event-Only personality applied with the March Personality Changer. |
Self-Absorbed | Evil | Bonus +1% Impression with each successful lioness claim. |
Stoic | Neutral | Lose -7% Energy from a successful battle, rather than -10%. Event-Only personality applied with the May Personality Changer. |
Unscrupulous | Evil | Ability to "punish" lionesses for an unsuccessful hunt to gain a random carcass once per rollover. |
Vicious | Evil | Bonus +4 Experience and +2 Silver Beetles from each battle won. Event-Only personality applied with the March Personality Changer. |
Personality Masks
Personality masks are used to change a lion's personality. Some of them are available year-round, while others can only be purchased from exclusive shops!

* Purchase from the Gorilla Enclave for 150 MT.
* Purchase from the Referral Shop for 6 RP.

Pride leaders are the only genetically-male lions on Lioden that can breed with lionesses. Players have the option to put their leaders up for stud, which means that other folks can breed lionesses to their stud in exchange for Silver Beetles or
Gold Beetles. To put your leader up for stud, go to their page and scroll to the bottom, where you'll find the "Studding Services" panel.

The table listed above will allow you to set a stud fee. Your leader's minimum stud fee is entirely dependent upon how many markings they have: each marking will raise your leader's minimum stud fee by 25 SB. If your leader has 10 markings, this means their minimum fee can only go as low as 250
SB! Your leader's stud fee will also be reset any time you add or remove a marking from them, as the system has to recalculate what their minimum fee needs to be.
For more details on studding, check out the Studding page! It includes lots of helpful information, such as how to accept and reject stud requests, remove your own stud requests, and what items can be applied to pride leaders for their stud requests.
It has finally come time to retire your leader... whether due to their old age, or you've just gotten tired of their smelly face. You now have a serious choice to make about the future of your pride. Your leader is the backbone of your game, so it's important to get this right and continue your enjoyable experience on Lioden!
Starting from the age of 15 years, your leader can be retired for free. Each day you rollover, you will be told in your Daily Rollover Summaries how many days your leader has left until they are forcibly retired. Pride leaders will die naturally at 16 years of age, so if you fail to choose an heir and retire your leader before they reach 16, you will be automatically redirected to the Retire page when you rollover. From there, you must choose an heir or choose to re-roll in order to continue playing the game, so it's in your best interest to make sure you have everything sorted out before this happens.
Note: If you wish to retire your leader at any age before 15 years, it will cost you a fee of 10 GB. Be aware that if you wish to retire your leader again within 30 days of their last retirement, there is an extra 15
GB fee to bypass the 30 day retirement cooldown!

Alright. So. Your leader is going to be retired. What are your choices, exactly? Well, there are three options that you can choose from.
- "Use the appearance of the chosen HEIR (cub's appearance)": selecting this option means that you will be taking on the appearance of the heir that you choose: their base, eyes, mane colour, mane shape, skin, and all of their markings. You will not keep your current leader's appearance if you choose this option, and you will not be able to use your current leader's appearance again (unless you happen to have a male lion that is an identical clone). You can only select this option if you have a male lion in your pride.
- "Keep the appearance of my CURRENT MALE": selecting this option means that you will be retaining the appearance of your current pride leader: their base, eyes, mane colour, mane shape, skin, and all of their markings. You will not take on the appearance of your chosen heir if you choose this option, and your heir's appearance will be completely overwritten. You can only select this option if you have a male lion in your pride. This is a popular option with players that like to heritage replace ("heritage rep"), mutation replace ("mut rep"), or stat replace ("stat rep") their leadersβthey get to keep the appearance of their beloved leader while refreshing them into a functionally-new lion with better stats, a nicer mutation, or no heritage!
- Reroll: Reroll instead of choosing an heir: selecting this option means that you will be taken to the reroll screen, where you will have to choose from one of eighteen basic starter lions. You will not take on the appearance of your chosen heir, nor will you retain your current leader's appearance. Choosing this option means that you are starting over with a very basic leader. If you have no male lions in your pride, this will be your only option.
It is important to note the text beneath the "Rename" field in that screenshot: "This name must still be unique, you may not use the same lion name as another member. You CAN choose the name your main male already has."
When you name your heir with the intention of keeping their name once they become your pride leader, make sure that you use the Search page in Crossroads to check and see if any other players are currently using that name for their own leaders. It would be very unfortunate to try and use a name that is already taken by another player's leader! If that were to happen, you wouldn't be able to choose that name, and you'll have to pick something else.
Important Note: Remember that your leader's experience, impression, karma, and level are all reset to 0 when they are retired. Your stats are determined by the heir you chose to be your new leader during retirement.
Age-Related Note: If you have an heir that is 10 years 1 month of age or older, they will be de-aged down to 8 years of age when they are made your leader. If you have an heir that is 2 years 11 months or younger, they will be aged up to 3 years of age when they are made your leader. This information can be extremely useful if you'd like to maximise the training and patrolling time with your heir before retirement!
Mutation-Related Note: Mutations are tied to a lion's stats. If the heir you are using has a mutation, then your leader will get that mutation, even if you choose the option to keep the appearance of your current male. That being said, if your leader is mutated, but the heir you are choosing is not mutated, then your leader's mutation will disappear once they are retired.
Once you have successfully retired your leader, they will automatically turn into a 16 year old Grandpaw. Grandpaws, sadly, do not offer much in the way of functionality, but they sure are cuteβthey'll interact with the cubs in your pride and even offer you some sage advice if you visit their page. Once your Grandpaw turns 17 years old (or if you choose to retire them early), you'll be able to see them within your King Dynasty, located at the bottom of your den page. Your King Dynasty is where all your previous leaders go. They'll retain the biography they had when they were still alive, but any backgrounds and decors equipped to them will either return to your hoard (if they still had uses leftover) or be destroyed (if they had no uses remaining); instead, they'll have a background showing them up in the clouds, and they'll be equipped with a halo. You can still see their stats, level, appearance, karma, and so on, as well as retain the ability to edit their biographies.