Hoorah! It is the official month of the Lioden Championships! Challenge each other and battle for supremacy, fame, and above all.. Manticora Beetles! Use your arena tokens to enter the Battle Arena and fight your way to glory!
Looking for the Punk Breeding Challenge? Click here!
Event Information
This event is highly focused on exploring and community interaction.
The explore encounters exclusive to this month can be found in all biomes.
Your lion's karma and level, as well as the biome you explore in, do not matter for this event.
In May, the community is working to unlock three tiers of one bar.
The more tournaments are participated in, the faster the Champion Shop will unlock.
This month's currencies are Manticora Beetles and
Arena Tokens.
Manticora Beetles are predominately gained in Explore, but are also gained from participating in tournaments. Arena Tokens are gained by challenging other players and winning.
May Storyline
Explore Encounters
Hover over the icons in the upper right corner to see whether an encounter is available during daytime, nighttime, wet season, or dry season. If on mobile, you can tap the icons for the same effect.
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A beaten up and flustered Rielhken is muttering to himself about how he isn't good enough or old enough for the tournaments. He slurs his words, overwhelmed by disappointment and exhaustion. It looks like he had a rough sparring session when trying to qualify. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
No need to rush things | You decide to console him a bit. After all, frustration only leads towards a path of destruction. Training not only affects the body, but it tests your patience and mind as well. He nods, then shares the rest of his protein snack with you. | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Hyrax Fur ![]() |
You have lots of time to train! | You sit beside him and reassure him it's a good thing he's too young right now. He has so much time to train and get stronger before he's able to qualify. He'll be so prepared on day one that he'll absolutely crush the competition! He smiles and asks you for a small tip for training recovery, which you gladly share. | +1 Manticora Beetle +50 Experience |
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A loud commotion behind a tall hill catches your attention. You climb it, only to find Vashkartzen sparring with a Primal lion! You observe the testosterone-fueled scene as the lions growl and huff at each other. Suddenly, they back off before either of them gets seriously hurt. You're impressed at how a mere lion was able to match the strength of a mutated beast! Vash notices you and leaves you a token of appreciation, but let's be honest - that spar was epic and you were lucky just to witness it. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Take the Gift | N/A | +3 Manticora Beetles +1 Arena Token |
NOTE: This encounter will only have a chance of appearing once Tier One of the Champion Shop is unlocked. |
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A loud commotion grabs your attention. Pei'Kat is tussling with Riehlken, a young lion who is small enough to match her posture! | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Cheer for Pei'Kat! | You cheer for Pei'Kat, knowing how much it took for her to get to this point! She can kick his ass easily! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1% Impression |
Cheer for Rielhken! | You cheer for Rielhken - after all, he's fighting an adult lioness! That's pretty darn brave! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Vulture Egg ![]() |
Watch Judgingly | You sit back and watch the fight, occasionally shouting a useless tip at them and enjoying your free show outside of the arena. | +1 Manticora Beetle +2% Energy |
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A loud howl mixed with odd chuckling and yodeling disturbs your usual stroll. In a cloud of dust, a big, chonky hyena rolls on your path, excited to see you! It looks like Laharu, the ever-hungry striped hyena, is sneaking into the grandstands to watch the championships... and probably steal some leftover snacks. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Give Him a Makeover | You grab some dry grass and tie it around Laharu's head and tail, making him appear more lion-like. He mirrors your sly grin when he realises he can go on the stands without anyone noticing an imposter. That's one grateful hyena! | +2 Manticora Beetles |
Play Together | You bump your head against his, thrilled to loaf around with him. His chuckles finally end once you both lie down to rest after an intense game of Bite That Tail. Did you roll on him accidentally? Maybe. | +1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +2% Energy |
Find Food | You start to ask a question but can't even finish your sentence when the hyena perks up and yelps, knowing exactly what you were going to say. He's ready to go scavenging together! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Barbary Sheep Carcass ![]() |
An earthquake strikes! You don't explore until you feel safe. | ||
NOTE: This encounter is meant to be a foreshadowing of the June event, "Rise of the Serpent". |
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Confused by the colourful clutter laying on your path, you stop to discover a lioness hidden behind some rocks. She appears to be painting supportive banners for the championship stands. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Join in! | You ask if you can help, and the lioness eagerly gives you some tools to decorate her banner with. You have some fun being creative together! | +1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Natural Glass ![]() |
Give feedback! | You suggest the red dye isn't popping out enough, to which she gives you an upset look. "Who asked?" she exclaims, swatting some dirt at you to shoo you away. Well, it's her loss that her banner won't be seen from a distance. | -1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Underbrush ![]() |
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Haha, look at you! I just won TEN Championship battles in a row - I doubt you could beat me even if I had broken paws! | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Punish | Initiates a battle with a Lion. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the battle is won. |
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Haven't I seen you during the Championships?! Oh my gosh, did you SEE the last battle yesterday? So intense! | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Punish | Initiates a battle with a Lion. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the battle is won. |
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I haven't won a single match in the Championships... It's okay though, it's still fun... I think. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Punish | Initiates a battle with a Lion. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the battle is won. |
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I spent the whoooole night with the last Champion... He was so beaten up... So, you know, I licked his wounds and all... | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Attack | Initiates a battle with a Lioness. | Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if the battle is won. No Manticora Beetles are awarded for this battle. |
Claim | Initiates the "Claiming a Lioness" interaction. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the lioness is successfully claimed. |
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It looks like young lions gather in this area when they aren't in the mood for cheering or training. The group of lions ahead of you are betting on outcomes, winning streaks, and what kind of daily drama will happen between the champions. You notice that Rielhken seems to be losing quite a bit of currency. He looks up and spots you in the crowd. "Hey! [NAME]! Can I borrow some beetles?!" | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Scold | You frown and huff at the youngsters, expressing disappointment at their growing addiction to gambling. It's a really difficult addiction to break when you're older. They whine at you for a while, but disperse eventually, and you notice they've left some betting stones behind. | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Rainbow Stones ![]() |
Shrug | You shrug helplessly. You have nothing, so they leave you alone. After checking out their gambling ring setup, you find an object they dragged over, but found too rough to lie on. | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Rugged Tire ![]() |
Give 20 SB | You scoot closer and push some beetles towards Rielhken, who excitedly bets it all. A short while later, you pick up on the distant sound of loud cheering, and an adolescent female arrives with news on the latest tournament. Rielhken's bet wins! He gratefully shares his winnings with you. | +2 Manticora Beetles |
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It's hard to miss this big group of lions in front of you as you're exploring. They're clearly not strangers: it looks like V'Kai is surrounded by a group of other young lions, all of which are excitedly chattering about the tournaments. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Brag About Your Participation | You confidently strut towards them and ask if they saw your fights. Mixed martial arts, baby! The lions yowl about how awesome it was, all the while showering you with gifts and head rubs. | +3 Manticora Beetles +1 Shiny Stones +1 Tree Agama ![]() ![]() |
Puff Up And Walk By | Everyone whistles and swoons as you pass them. V'Kai bolts towards you, tackling you and tossing beetles at you like silver, skittering confetti. After your entourage leaves and you're finally alone, you gather some beetles before they crawl away. | +4 Manticora Beetles +1% Impression |
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Oh, you're participating in the Championships? Please, those primitive sports are nothing but a bloody coliseum to please the owners of Lioden... | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Punish | Initiates a battle with a Lion. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the battle is won. |
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Oh look at you, so brave! That defined muscle tone..! Haven't I seen you in the winning ceremony during the Championships? | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Attack | Initiates a battle with a Lioness. | Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if the battle is won. No Manticora Beetles are awarded for this battle. |
Claim | Initiates the "Claiming a Lioness" interaction. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the lioness is successfully claimed. |
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Oh my gosh the Championships are, like, the best games ever, totally! | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Attack | Initiates a battle with a Lioness. | Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if the battle is won. No Manticora Beetles are awarded for this battle. |
Claim | Initiates the "Claiming a Lioness" interaction. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the lioness is successfully claimed. |
Oh no! The ground is shaking. It must be an earthquake. You wait until everything is calm again. | ||
NOTE: This encounter is meant to be a foreshadowing of the June event, "Rise of the Serpent". |
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Ohhh, don't worry about losing in the Championships. It's the adventure and journey that counts! | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Attack | Initiates a battle with a Lioness. | Acts as a regular battle, so you can gain SB, Experience, and Impression if the battle is won. No Manticora Beetles are awarded for this battle. |
Claim | Initiates the "Claiming a Lioness" interaction. | +1 to 2 Manticora Beetles if the lioness is successfully claimed. |
The dirt you walk on is vibrating, as if a giant worm was moving deep inside. | ||
NOTE: This encounter is meant to be a foreshadowing of the June event, "Rise of the Serpent". |
The ground under your paws is rumbling gently. | ||
NOTE: This encounter is meant to be a foreshadowing of the June event, "Rise of the Serpent". |
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Two lions, entangled in an epic fight, have rolled in front of your path. You could join in, but that would drain your energy, so you decide to let them resolve their differences on their own. The red guy begins badly coughing and rolls on his back to signal he's yielded. You have a chance to confirm, like a judge, that "Deadly Falafel the Third" is a true winner. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Falafel Won | It's pretty clear that Deadly Falafel the Third won here, and it's probably not his first time. The dark lion grins, your input appreciated, before he drags his opponent away to brag in the gorge. | -2 to -3 Karma +3 Manticora Beetles |
The Fight Was Unfair | You exclaim that the fight happened outside of the arena, and you're not in an official position to judge. Falafel is absolutely furious and huffs off, leaving the red guy to warmly thank you. | +2 to 3 Karma +3 Manticora Beetles |
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You find a group of lionesses chatting and giggling excitedly. One of them, named Kvarts, has dressed herself up with extra effort and flair. Maybe she wants one of the fighters to notice her in the crowd? | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Ask about her favourite | You check out the drawing and ask who she's cheering for. She blushes and describes her favourite fighter. You mention that you've fought him once, and you might be able to introduce the two of them. She beams at you, clearly thrilled at the chance! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1% Impression |
Ask about the outfit | You check out the flowers adorning the bones on her chest and make a chef's kiss expression. She chuckles and shares the biggest flower with you, placing it on your head. Now you're both gorgeous! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Fuchsia Flower ![]() |
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You find a lioness restlessly pacing back and forth. After asking what's wrong, you learn that Pei'Kat is upset that she isn't allowed to participate in the championships due to her very small posture. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
It could be dangerous | You try to explain that the regulations are there for a reason. The lack of physical balance could get her hurt, after all. She angrily tells you to fuck off and throws rocks at you. Ouch! | -1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +2 Rock ![]() ![]() |
Offer tips about gaining mass | You lean in and mention that you tried out a special diet not too long ago. She seems intrigued and attentively listens to your tips about gaining mass. Grateful, she leaves you an egg, hoping there's enough yolk in it for your troubles. | +1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Ostrich Egg ![]() |
Lionesses can fight too? | You're genuinely curious, as you had no idea lionesses could participate in tournaments. She says they can, as long as they're able to match a weight category to challenge an adult male or another lioness. You promise you'll cheer for her once she gets in. Maybe you should go let some feisty leader lionesses know they can fight, too! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Shiny Red Rock ![]() |
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You find a well-sculpted lion, training viciously before the next tournament. When you approach him, after a small chat, you learn that Ghaurvan is on a losing streak despite his chiseled abs. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Teach your best move | You decide to show him your best winning move. He deserves something extra that is sure to help him win after putting so much work into his physique. | +1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +1% Impression |
Teach a crap move | You decide to show him a useless move that could possibly confuse his opponent... if he's lucky. Less competition for you, after all! | -1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +80 Experience |
Let's see your moves! | Initiates a battle with Ghaurvan. | +2 Manticora Beetles if the battle is won. |
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You find a young lion, Rielhken, gently swaying under a marula tree. It looks like he ate too much of the ripe fruit and now appears to be a bit tipsy. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Take the Fruit | You huff at the youngster, grabbing a fruit from under his paws. He's had enough. He looks away and slowly trudges back to his friends. | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Fermented Marula Fruit ![]() |
Berate | You put on your best angry parent face and start a tirade about being responsible and consuming things in moderation as one grows up. You sit there as long as needed for the lion to sober up, then watch him go back to the canyon. | -1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +3% Energy |
Help Out | You shake your head, but still approach him like a good friend would. You grab his neck and help him get up, letting him lean against you as you both travel back to the canyon. He seems grateful that you're not patronising him about his mistakes. | +1 Karma +1 Manticora Beetle +1% Impression |
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You find Pei'Kat training hard on a mannequin. It must be difficult to find someone with a similar posture to train. But... wait, that's the point! She should train against an average lion to get better at kicking their ass. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Teach Endurance | You invite her for a tussle, telling her she should learn to take on a few punches first. Once she can control the pain, an exhausted opponent is free to get their ass kicked! | +1 Karma +2 Manticora Beetles |
Train with me! | You ask her to take it out on you! She would probably beat up someone her own size pretty quickly, but you're able to take a few poundings and let her train her muscles even longer! | +1 Manticora Beetle +60 Experience +1% Impression |
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You hear low, whiny growls nearby. Ghaurvan appears to be very angry about losing yet another fight at the tournament, and he's taking his frustration out on the trees. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Offer a meal | You ask the guy if he'd like a hearty meal, during which he could tell you everything about what happened. Perhaps you can analyse it together! | +1 Manticora Beetle -5% Hunger |
Put energy into a chase! | You roar, challenging the lion to a chase. Maybe he could release some steam in a less brutal competition! | +1 Manticora Beetle +30 Experience |
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You meet an older lioness who is cheering her grandsons on in the tournament. She keeps asking you questions about them, but when you're unable to remember every name she throws at you, she starts to ask about your success so far. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Lie | You shift your eyes to the side and mumble that you haven't been that lucky so far. The lioness smiles gently at you and pats your paws with concern, promising that luck will soon turn around for you! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Lucky Foot ![]() |
Brag | You puff out your chest and smile, describing your recent fights and the amazing podium applause you received. She seems very impressed. It appears you've gained a new fan! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1% Impression |
I don't fight | You chuckle nervously, admitting that you don't really participate in the tournaments. She nods, then turns and grabs something from a small bag she was dragging along. A fitting gift to youngsters like yourself! | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Fermented Marula Fruit ![]() |
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WOOO Go Champions! |
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You stumble upon V'Kai and Vashkartzen! At first you think maybe they are fighting, but it looks like it was a tussle, and now V'Kai is very affectionate towards his brother... Not that "Vash the Rash" seems too happy about it, but here outside of the Arena, they seem more like family to you. You go your own way, giving them some privacy. Better not risk Vashkartzen beating the crap out of you for seeing that he has a softer side. | ||
NOTE: This encounter will only have a chance of appearing once Tier Three of the Champion Shop is unlocked. |
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You're surprised at the familiar sight of a certain lioness in a hare mask. The lioness herself is so excited to see you that her mask falls off! It looks like Wenet has arrived with her cousins to cheer for their favourite fighters. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Ask About Fluffballs | "Why yes, I brought snacks!" she exclaims, grabbing a piece out of her fluffball bundle to show you. Thanks, I guess? | +1 Manticora Beetle +1 Bunny Carcass ![]() |
Ask About Favourites | She excitedly goes on and on about a few lions you've never heard of. As you're about to fall asleep, she shoves a small gift your way and runs off to her cousins, as they are going to a party. | +1 Manticora Beetle (High Chance) |
She gasps, ready to tell you EVERYTHING about her favourite group of fighters. Apparently they are called "Hot Buns", and one of them has the opening fight tonight! She gives you some berries to paint your face for the event, but you think they might have a more valuable use than decorating your fur. | +1 Marble Berries (Low Chance)![]() |

Challenges can be accessed from the Event page, where you can see something that looks a bit like the below.

Click "Challenge A Lion!" to challenge another player! Once you have, and before they respond, you'll see this.

Challenges can only be done once every 15 minutes, and you can only challenge one person at a time if they are online. If the player you have challenged does not respond within 15 minutes, you are free to go challenge someone else. There is also a small chance that you'll be able to sneak in and steal an Arena Token in that time!
If they do accept, the rest of the 15 minute cooldown will apply to the challenger; however, the player you have challenged can go out and find someone else to challenge. If the challenge is rejected, the cooldown is cleared and you can find someone else who might accept.
If you win a challenge, you will earn 1 to 4 Arena Tokens! If you lose, you do not earn anything, but thankfully you won't lose your current Arena Tokens, either!
When you send out a challenge, you'll get a notification like so.
When your opponent responds, you'll be notified in a similar fasion.
Defend Yourself
Here is where you'll defend your title!

Like sending out a challenge, you can win or lose these ones. You'll earn 1 to 4 Arena Tokens for winning, and none for losing. If you do not respond to a challenge, there is a small chance that your opponent will win an Arena Token anyway, so stay vigilant!
Battle Arenas

Welcome to the championship arena! Here you may exchange Arena Tokens to enter tournaments against other lions in your tier.
Each tournament consists of 8 lions fighting each other in matched battles. Once the 8th lion enters, the tournament runs. Each tournament has 3 rounds of battles - quarter finals, semi finals, and then the final. The winners from each round will battle until a final winner is chosen.
You can enter one tournament at a time, and receive an hour's cooldown after your entry to recuperate before you can enter your next one.
While your pride leader's stats do not matter for challenges, they are important when it comes to the Battle Arena. The higher your stats, the better your chances are of winning against the other lions you're up against; however, keep in mind that there is also a luck factor in play. This luck factor is intended to assist players that are towards the lower end of a stat tier so that they have a chance to win in one of the tournaments, rather than losing against everyone else.
To prevent lower-statted lions from being pitted against bloodthirsty beasts with thousands of stats, the Battle Arena is divided into several different tiers, based upon a lion's total stat count.
Stat Tiers | |||
Beginner | Advanced | Expert | Ultimate |
0 to 50 | 501 to 800 | 2001 to 2500 | 6001+ |
51 to 150 | 801 to 1200 | 2501 to 3000 | |
151 to 300 | 1201 to 1600 | 3001 to 4000 | |
301 to 500 | 1601 to 2000 | 4001 to 6000 |
Keep in mind that if you go above the stat limit for one tier, you will be moved to the next tier. If you choose to retire your pride leader while participating in a tournament, you will be permitted to finish your current tournament before you are moved to the next stat tier.
So, let's go ahead and participate in the Battle Arena!

You place the tokens into a giant turtle shell, and the match for your round has been picked! Your opponent and you will battle soon in today's tournament once all players are ready!
Once the tournament has successfully finished, each participant will receive a Game Notification informing them that the tournament is over, and the results have been posted.

Accessing the provided link will display the results in a similar fashion as presented below!

As seen above, the first round (or the "quarter finals") is made up of eight different kings. They are pitted against one another in groups of two, where four will win and four will lose. Once the first round is complete, it then moves on to the second round (or the "semi finals"). This is comprised of four kings in total, and only two will continue on. When the second round finishes, the third round (or the "finals") takes place, which is where the tournament comes to an end. Only one king will be victorious...
... But even if you lose, you can still win! If you lose a round, there is a chance to gain between 1 to 2 Manticora Beetles. If you win a round, you can gain between 4 to 5 Manticora Beetles. Event currency isn't all you earn from the tournaments, though!
Whether you win or lose, you'll have a chance to bring home a trophy. Some are more useful than others!
Loser Trophies

Winner Trophies

Champion Shop

"Oh my gosh! IT'S YOU! For all the effort during Championships, we, your adoring fans, thought that opening a small shop would be a nice relaxing way to spend your waiting time in between the matches! You can, like, totally buy something from me!"
The Champion Shop is where you go to spend your Manticora Beetles.
This shop is opened by the combined efforts of participating in Battle Arena tournaments. Each time a tournament runs, 8 points are added towards unlocking the Champion Shop!

![She's your biggest fan! [Male Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringlionessblack.png)
![She's your biggest fan! [Male Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringlionessfawny.png)
![She's your biggest fan! [Male Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringlionessgolden.png)
![She's your biggest fan! [Male Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringlionessmaroon.png)
![She's your biggest fan! [Male Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringlionesspanther.png)

![HEY! The impudence of that guy! [Female Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringchallengerblack.png)
![HEY! The impudence of that guy! [Female Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringchallengerfawny.png)
![HEY! The impudence of that guy! [Female Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringchallengergolden.png)
![HEY! The impudence of that guy! [Female Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringchallengermaroon.png)
![HEY! The impudence of that guy! [Female Only]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Decoration/tadoringchallengerpanther.png)

Tier three of the Champion Shop unlocks champion-themed titles for you to purchase and equip to your leader.
Title | Price |
Alpha | 300 ![]() |
Beta | 300 ![]() |
Champion | 300 ![]() |
Epic Fail | 300 ![]() |
Gigachad | 300 ![]() |
Lionnister | 300 ![]() |
Notorious Loser | 300 ![]() |
Omega | 300 ![]() |
Sigma | 300 ![]() |
True King | 300 ![]() |
Winner | 300 ![]() |
Currency Exchanges
At the Champion Shop, you are able to exchange Arena Tokens for
Manticora Beetles at a rate of 25 Arena Tokens to 1 Manticora Beetle, or 125 Arena Tokens to 5 Manticora Beetles.
Monkey Business Crafting
While these recipes are able to be crafted year-round, certain components for recipes can only be found during May's event.
![It's a collectible dead and dried Habrodera nilotica Beetle. [Iridescent]](https://static.lioden.com/images/items/Beetles/beetlehabroderaniloticairidescent.png)


- 30 x Lion's Claw

- 15 x Crocodile Scale
- 5 x Snake Skin - Dark

- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair
- 5 x Herb: Ubhubhubhu
- 5 x Herb: Umganu

- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair
- 5 x Herb: Ubhubhubhu
- 5 x Herb: Umganu

- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair
- 5 x Herb: Ubhubhubhu
- 5 x Herb: Umganu

- 10 x Malachite Sunbird Feathers
- 3 x Beetle: Habrodera nilotica [Iridescent]
- 10 x Scimitarbill Feathers
- 15 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 10 x Malachite Sunbird Feathers
- 3 x Beetle: Habrodera nilotica [Iridescent]
- 10 x Scimitarbill Feathers
- 15 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 10 x Malachite Sunbird Feathers
- 10 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 10 x Herb: Nut Grass
- 10 x Scimitarbill Feathers

- 15 x Glossy Ibis Feather
- 5 x Malachite Sunbird Feathers
- 5 x Scimitarbill Feathers

- 10 x Rainbow Stones
- 10 x Shiny Stones

- 10 x Lion's Claw
- 10 x Lion's Tooth
- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair

- 10 x Lion's Claw
- 10 x Lion's Tooth
- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair

- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair
- 2 x Devil's Claw
- 2 x Lion's Claw

- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair
- 2 x Devil's Claw
- 2 x Lion's Claw

- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair
- 2 x Devil's Claw
- 2 x Lion's Claw

- 15 x Lion's Tooth
- 2 x Lion Skull
- 25 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 15 x Lion's Tooth
- 2 x Lion Skull
- 25 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 40 x Marble Berries

- 15 x Porcupine Quills
- 2 x Malachite Sunbird Feathers
- 2 x Rawhide

- 10 x Herb: Nut Grass
- 10 x Shiny Stones

- 5 x Crocodile Scale
- 5 x Snake Skin - Dark

- 5 x Crocodile Scale
- 5 x Snake Skin - Dark

- 5 x Crocodile Scale
- 5 x Snake Skin - Dark

- 5 x Snake Skin - Dark
- 10 x Underbrush
- 10 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 5 x Snake Skin - Dark
- 10 x Underbrush
- 10 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 5 x Snake Skin - Dark
- 10 x Underbrush
- 10 x Herb: Nut Grass

- 20 x Herb: Marula Fruit
- 10 x Lion Skull
- 20 x Underbrush
- 20 x Tail Tuft Hair

- 2 x Broken Tusk
- 10 x Lion's Tooth

- 10 x Rainbow Stones
- 10 x Tail Tuft Hair

- 30 x Lion's Tooth

- 2 x Lion Skull
- 5 x Lion's Claw
- 2 x Malachite Sunbird Feathers
- 2 x Scimitarbill Feathers
- 10 x Stick

- 5 x Lion Skull
- 5 x Lion's Claw
- 5 x Lion's Tooth
- 20 x Shiny Stones
- 20 x Tail Tuft Hair

- 2 x Kudu Horn
- 15 x Lion Skull
- 5 x Lion's Claw
- 5 x Lion's Tooth
- 3 x Porcupine Quills
Marula Base
Base Genetics: Golden Light Solid Special
Applied with Sweet Sweet Marula (base).
Sweet Sweet Marula is crafted in Monkey Business.

Medal Base
Base Genetics: Black Medium Solid Special
Applied with Shiny Medal (base).
Shiny Medal is purchased from the Champion Shop.

Ornament Base
Base Genetics: Golden Dark Solid Special
Applied with Ornate Body Frame (base).
Ornate Body Frame is purchased from the Champion Shop.

Triumph Base
Base Genetics: Golden Light Countershaded Special
Applied with Triumphant (base).
Triumphant is purchased from the Champion Shop.

Trophy Base
Base Genetics: Golden Dark Solid Special
Applied with Trophy of the Champions (base).
Trophy of the Champions is crafted in Monkey Business.

Victor Base
Base Genetics: Golden Medium Solid Special
Applied with Victor's Secret (base).
Victor's Secret is crafted in Monkey Business.

Breed Only
Abyssinian Base
Base Genetics: Golden Dark Countershaded Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Beet Base
Base Genetics: Red Dark Countershaded Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Damu Base
Base Genetics: Golden Dark Solid Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Mushroom Base
Base Genetics: Cream Medium Countershaded Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Nudar Base
Base Genetics: Golden Light Countershaded Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Ripe Base
Base Genetics: Golden Dark Countershaded Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Sahara Base
Base Genetics: Golden Medium Solid Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Sunspot Base
Base Genetics: Golden Medium Countershaded Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

Wine Base
Base Genetics: Red Medium Countershaded Special
Achieved by claiming a groupie from V'Kai with this base.

These eye colours can be found on groupies claimed from V'Kai, as well as bred down from a lion that has one of the following eye colours.

- Amber
- 5%
- Apricot
- 40%
- Crimson
- 5%
- Peach
- 5%
- Red
- 5%
- Saffron
- 20%
- Sinoper
- 10%
- Sunset
- 5%
- Yellow
- 5%

- Banana
- 40%
- Cucumber
- 10%
- Green
- 5%
- Hazel
- 10%
- Jade
- 5%
- Olive
- 5%
- Sunburst
- 20%
- Yellow
- 5%

- Earth
- 10%
- Grape
- 40%
- Grey
- 10%
- Mint
- 10%
- Pink
- 10%
- Sage
- 10%
- Tyrian
- 10%

- Emerald
- 5%
- Green
- 20%
- Guava
- 40%
- Mint
- 10%
- Pink
- 20%
- Peach
- 5%

- Blue
- 30%
- Hetero Blue & Ice
- 40%
- Ice
- 30%

- Cucumber
- 25%
- Hetero Cucumber & Saffron
- 50%
- Saffron
- 25%

- Denim
- 20%
- Green
- 10%
- Grey
- 10%
- Hetero Denim & Jade
- 20%
- Jade
- 20%
- Malachite
- 10%
- Sage
- 10%

- Earth
- 25%
- Hetero Earth & Intense Gold
- 50%
- Intense Gold
- 25%

- Blue
- 30%
- Hetero Ice & Blue
- 40%
- Ice
- 30%

- Earth
- 25%
- Hetero Intense Gold & Earth
- 50%
- Intense Gold
- 25%

- Hetero Intense Salt & Malachite
- 50%
- Intense Salt
- 25%
- Malachite
- 25%

- Denim
- 20%
- Green
- 10%
- Grey
- 10%
- Hetero Jade & Denim
- 20%
- Jade
- 20%
- Malachite
- 10%
- Sage
- 10%

- Hetero Malachite & Intense Salt
- 50%
- Intense Salt
- 25%
- Malachite
- 25%

- Cucumber
- 25%
- Hetero Saffron & Cucumber
- 50%
- Saffron
- 25%

Applicator: Blemish
Purchased from Vashkartzen using Reputation.
Auburn Blemish
![]() Fiery Blemish
![]() Noctis Blemish
![]() Onyx Blemish
![]() Prune Blemish
![]() |
Applicator: Brawl
Purchased from Vashkartzen using Reputation.
Ebony Brawl
![]() Onyx Brawl
![]() Red Brawl
![]() |
Applicator: Grunge
Purchased from V'Kai using Reputation.
Auburn Grunge
![]() Bloody Grunge
![]() Fiery Grunge
![]() Noctis Grunge
![]() Onyx Grunge
![]() Prune Grunge
![]() Red Grunge
![]() |
Applicator: Inverted Blemish
Purchased from V'Kai using Reputation.
Almond Inverted Blemish
![]() Cream Inverted Blemish
![]() Doubloon Inverted Blemish
![]() Fiery Inverted Blemish
![]() White Inverted Blemish
![]() |
Applicator: Inverted Brawl
Purchased from V'Kai using Reputation.
Cream Inverted Brawl
![]() Fiery Inverted Brawl
![]() White Inverted Brawl
![]() |
Applicator: Inverted Maracaja
Purchased from V'Kai using Reputation.
Cream Inverted Maracaja
![]() Doubloon Inverted Maracaja
![]() Fiery Inverted Maracaja
![]() Steele Inverted Maracaja
![]() White Inverted Maracaja
![]() |
Applicator: Inverted Squabble
Purchased from V'Kai using Reputation.
Almond Inverted Squabble
![]() Cream Inverted Squabble
![]() Doubloon Inverted Squabble
![]() Fiery Inverted Squabble
![]() White Inverted Squabble
![]() |
Applicator: Maracaja
Purchased from Vashkartzen using Reputation.
Auburn Maracaja
![]() Chocolate Maracaja
![]() Goridhe Maracaja
![]() Noctis Maracaja
![]() Onyx Maracaja
![]() |
Applicator: Rumble
Purchased from Vashkartzen using Reputation.
Auburn Rumble
![]() Fiery Rumble
![]() Noctis Rumble
![]() Onyx Rumble
![]() Prune Rumble
![]() |
Applicator: Scraped Grunge
Purchased from Vashkartzen using Reputation.
Auburn Scraped Grunge
![]() Bloody Scraped Grunge
![]() Fiery Scraped Grunge
![]() Noctis Scraped Grunge
![]() Onyx Scraped Grunge
![]() Prune Scraped Grunge
![]() Red Scraped Grunge
![]() |
Applicator: Squabble
Purchased from Vashkartzen using Reputation.
Auburn Squabble
![]() Fiery Squabble
![]() Noctis Squabble
![]() Onyx Squabble
![]() Prune Squabble
![]() |