Monkey Business is a pawn shop ran by a lazy mandrill. Here, you can purchase useful items, neat backgrounds and decors, craft items and nesting material, as well as sell any unwanted items.
The non-background and decor items that the monkey sells are considered to be gameplay buffs, but are not considered to be extreme enough to be sold in the Oasis. You can purchase items that will age up your beetles and adolescents, buy some extra food, nesting material, or toys, and even some pretty non-dynamic backgrounds and decorations for your lions!
Selling to the Monkey
Lionesses bringing home a bunch of extra food that you don't need? Tired of Coffee Locusts and Stag Beetles infesting your hoard? Or are you sick of seeing the skulls of your enemies? The monkey will gladly take all that off your paws!
At the top of the page, you'll see a section where you can either Trade In Your Items or do Bulk Trade-Ins.
The first section, Trade In Your Items, is for individual item sales.
The second section, Bulk Trade-Ins, is for selling all items in a stack. The monkey gives a slight bonus for selling items in bulk; the more items you have to trade in, the more SB you'll get, compared to selling them individually.
You can also sell your rotting items to him! Clicking on Sell # Rotting Items will automatically sell any rotting food (food with 1 day left until expiry) in your hoard.
If you accidentally sell an item to the monkey, you can contact the Modbox to get the situation sorted out. To prevent the monkey from getting his grubby hands on your merchandise, you may want to consider burying any items you don't want to show up within the trade lists!
Decor Crafting
At the top of the Monkey Business page, underneath where you can sell items to the mandrill, you'll see a neat image that links you to a special crafting page!

If you'd like to see a full list of what you can craft at Monkey Business, please head over to the Crafting page!
Bundles & Specialty
As the name says, this section houses bundled items and special items that can enhance your gameplay. Bundles hold between 2-3 items in a category (food, snacks, and toys), and can be great for the lion on a budget.

The decorations found in Monkey Business are a great way to decorate your lions without spending too much! There are a few special decors that are only available on certain days of the year, so make sure you prepare in advance!

Limited Time Decors
These decors are available only during certain times of the year. They cannot be purchased from Monkey Business during any other time. Note: Decors can always be purchased from 12am Lioden time to 11:59pm Lioden time on the day(s) that they are available.
Hover over the hourglass icon on the lower right corner to see when a decor is available to purchase. If on mobile, you can tap on the icon for the same effect.

![Ornamental dark frame for your lion display. [October Friday 13th]](
![Ornamental rust frame for your lion display. [October Friday 13th]](

![Scarce spiderwebs for that spooky and sticky touch. [October Friday 13th]](
![Thick spiderwebs for that spooky and sticky touch. [October Friday 13th]](
![Veil of spiderwebs for that spooky and sticky touch. [October Friday 13th]](

The backgrounds here are much cheaper than the ones you find in the Oasis, but for an important reason: they are not dynamic. These backgrounds are static and do not change with the time of day or season, but they still look great!

Limited Time Backgrounds
These backgrounds are available only during certain times of the year. They cannot be purchased from Monkey Business during any other time. Note: Backgrounds can always be purchased from 12am Lioden time to 11:59pm Lioden time on the day(s) that they are available.
Hover over the hourglass icon on the lower right corner to see when a background is available to purchase. If on mobile, you can tap on the icon for the same effect.

These items are classified as applicators, and can be used to change your lion's appearance in some form.

Limited Time Other
These items are available only during certain times of the year. They cannot be purchased from Monkey Business during any other time. Note: These items can always be purchased from 12am Lioden time to 11:59pm Lioden time on the day(s) that they are available.
Hover over the hourglass icon on the lower right corner to see when an item is available to purchase. If on mobile, you can tap on the icon for the same effect.

Nesting Material Crafting
Below the "Backgrounds" section, you'll find a section where you can craft Nesting Material out of excess feathers, herbs, etc. - handy if you're in need of Nesting Material, but you don't have the SB to spare to purchase it!
Here is a list of items that can be crafted into Nesting Material.