Treasure Hunting is a feature first unveiled in January's Development Update #64 which gives a fun use to the submales within your pride.
Currently, there are two Treasure Hunting events: one in January, and one in September. A third Treasure Hunting event has been teased in September's Development Update #72 and is planned to be released in 2025.
When Treasure Hunting was first unveiled, it lasted about 2 and a half weeks, from January 12th 2024 to the end of January 31st 2024. However, the event has been updated to take place during the last 10 days of any month that contains a Treasure Hunting event. This means that Treasure Hunting in January will occur from January 21st to January 31st, and Treasure Hunting in September will occur from September 20th to September 30th.
During a month that has Treasure Hunting available, you can visit the Event page on Lioden and follow the Treasure Hunting banner to access the activity. Through this page, you can send out one of your submales to explore one of four available treasure maps. Your submale must not be busy patrolling in order to go on a hunt. The map that you choose to explore on does not matter unless you have found a clue that marks off a specific coordinate. All maps give the same rewards.
Once you have chosen a map, you can then pick a tile for your submale to hunt in. The tile that you send them to hunt in does not matter unless you have found a clue that marks off a specific coordinate. All tiles have the same chance to grant rewards and clues.
After you've picked your tile, click the Find Treasure! button, and your submale will start off on their treasure hunt!
Each hunt lasts for 15 minutes, and will reward one small prize from the Treasure Rewards pool as well as 2 to 4 Doubloons. What are Doubloons? A currency specific to the Treasure Cove shop which unlocks during Treasure Hunting events, of course!
Every time you send your submale out on a hunt, there is a chance they will discover a treasure map, which will lead to a bigger reward if the directions on the map are followed and you discover the right area to send your submale out to. You'll know if you've found a treasure map, as the banner that pops up after finishing a treasure hunt will mention it.
+# Doubloons
1 x Treasure Reward Item
You found a treasure map!
Treasure maps are not actual items on Lioden, and won't be found in your Hoard. Instead, finding a treasure map will add a new button just to the right of the treasure hunting interface, which looks like the button below.
Clicking this button when you have found a treasure map will display a miniature drawn variant of a treasure map with a red X () drawn over a spot on the map. The
indicates that treasure can be found at that spot!
Finding this spot, and therefore discovering the treasure, will reward you with two items from the Treasure Rewards pool (including Treasure Cove items available for that month) and 15 to 25 Doubloons.
If you don't want to find the treasure yet, or you've sent your submale out on the wrong tile, don't worry! The clue will stay until you select the right tile and finish the hunt. Keep in mind that treasure maps you find may not always be for the map they were discovered in, so be sure to carefully compare the drawn map to the ones your submale can search in.
From the example shown above, we've found the correct spot to search in. All we need to do now is send out our submale, wait for the hunt to be done, and collect our reward!
+# Doubloons
1 x Treasure Reward Item
1 x Treasure Reward Item
The Treasure Hunting event for January takes place from January 21st 12am Lioden time to January 31st 11:59pm Lioden time.
These are the maps you can send your submale out on when treasure hunting during January's event.

Treasure Map Variants
These are the variants of the maps above. These images are seen when your submale has found a treasure map, and will have placed randomly to denote where to find buried treasure.

The Treasure Hunting event for September takes place from September 20th 12am Lioden time to September 30th 11:59pm Lioden time.
These are the maps you can send your submale out on when treasure hunting during September's event.

Treasure Map Variants
These are the variants of the maps above. These images are seen when your submale has found a treasure map, and will have placed randomly to denote where to find buried treasure.

Treasure Rewards
All items that can be found in Treasure Cove can also be awarded as rare drops from completing a Treasure Map hunt. Each Treasure Cove shop pool is exclusive to its relative event, so you cannot find January's Treasure Cove items while hunting in September, and vice versa.
As mentioned above, regular hunts where you do not follow a map clue and you do not find the treasure will give you one item from the pool below along with 2 to 4 Doubloons.
Following a map clue and finding the treasure will give you two items from the pool below along with 15 to 25 Doubloons. Map clues will lead to possibly receiving the items below marked as Treasure Map Exclusive, as well as items from Treasure Cove.

Treasure Cove
The Treasure Cove is where you go to spend your Doubloons during January's and September's Treasure Hunting event.

"Ahoy matey!"
The seal slaps his flippers and bows his head.
"I be the trader in these parts. Welcome to me shop. I see ye've collected some shiny doubloons - feel free to browse me wares and if ye fancy somethin' ye see, maybe we can barter."


"Ahoy matey!"
The seal slaps his flippers and bows his head.
"I be the trader in these parts. Welcome to me shop. I see ye've collected some shiny doubloons - feel free to browse me wares and if ye fancy somethin' ye see, maybe we can barter."