As stated within the Skins section of the Appearance page, a lion's Skin refers to the colour of their nose and paw pads. Some skins are very common, while others are rare and can only be passed down through breeding.

You may be interested in seeing how you can acquire a sniffer and toe beans of your particular tone. Perhaps you may even just want to preview how a skin looks!

When breeding, each offspring of a pairing has a potential of three (or four, depending on the bases of the parents) different skin colours that it can inherit. There is a 10% chance it will inherit the father's skin, a 10% chance to inherit the mother's, and an 80% chance to inherit the skin assigned to the base it receives. If one parent has a base listed within the Breed-Only Skin Genetics section, an additional 7% chance will roll after the 10%/10%/80% chance, and if the 7% chance is successful, the cub will inherit a special, breed-only skin.

For example, an Albino-based lion with Clouded skin is bred to an Albino-based lion with Greige skin. They produce an Albino-based cub. The cub has a 10% chance to inherit Clouded skin (from Parent A), a 10% chance to inherit Greige skin (from Parent B), and an 80% chance to inherit Pink skin (the skin associated with the Albino base).

Let's now look at an example that has a chance to produce a breed-only skin. An Albino-based lion with Clouded skin is bred to an Interstellar-based lion with Greige skin. They produce an Albino-based cub. The cub has a 10% chance to inherit Clouded skin (from Parent A), a 10% chance to inherit Greige skin (from Parent B), and an 80% chance to inherit Pink skin (the skin associated with the Albino base). However, thanks to Parent B having the Interstellar base, the cub has an additional 7% chance after the previous rolls to inherit Echo skin, which only passes down from Interstellar-based parents or lions that already have Echo skin.

Wild Skins  

These skins can be found on rolled kings and NCLs. They can also be applied using a Skin Changer.

Skin Changer item.

Dark Brown

Custom Skins  

These skins are available through the customiser in the Oasis. They can also be applied using a Skin Changer.

Skin Changer item.


Special NCL Skins  

These skins cannot be applied using Skin Changers or any other applicators. They can only be achieved via claiming exclusive NCLs with these skins in the wild or bred down from lions with these skins.


Applicator Skins  

These skins are only available by applying the respective item to your lion, or passed down from breeding.


Breed-Only Skins  

These skins cannot be applied using Skin Changers or any other applicators. They can only appear on cubs that are bred from a parent with the skin's associated base or bred down from lions with these skins. Cubs bred from certain parents with certain bases have a 7% chance to roll a breed-only skin that matches the parent's base. This 7% chance rolls after the initial skin inheritance above, so after the 10%/10%/80% chance for the cub to get a skin tied to the base it is generated with or the skin of one of its parents.

Eggshell Blue

Breed-Only Skin Genetics  

The following table lists which bases can produce breed-only skins when a parent matching that base is bred.

Skin Required Bases
Bunting Champagne, Citrine, Goldenrod, Sulphur
Echo Interstellar
Eggshell Blue Haliotis
Ink Noctis, Styx
Lilac Glass, Kunzite, Protea
Plum Prismatic, Water Hyacinth
Quail Buttercream, Pearl, Qahir, Teardrop
Sandstone Arabica, Buff, Cameo, Flaxen
Welsummer Anjeer, Sapela, Sepia, Shedua

Event Skins  

These skins cannot be applied using Skin Changers or any other applicators. They can only be achieved via breeding with Savage Male studs that have these skins.


Skin Genetics  

These genetics are separate from the above breed-only skin section. This table lists out the skins associated with each base on Lioden. These skins have an 80% chance of appearing on a cub that has the associated base, even if both parents do not have that skin.

Skin Associated Bases
Apricot Almond, Buttermilk, Cremello, Festive, Hazelnut, Hellebore, Lemon, Solaris, Sunshine, Tawny
Badawi Nomad
Bat No associated bases.
Black Aardwolf, Anubis, Augur, Black, Blood Moon, Bloodstone, Cairngorm, Chartreux, Demiurge, Duat, Ebony, Flint, Gregarious, Grullo, Harbinger, Haze, Incense, Incorporeal, Interstellar, Jet, Korat, Locust, Maltese, Mudstone, Mummy, Nadir, Noctis, Obsidian, Onyx, Penumbra, Plague, Przewalski, Ripe, Seer, Shard, Slate, Soot, Spectre, Unholy, Velvet
Blue Arctic, Aufeis, Blue Poinsettia, Celsian, Cloudburst, Cotton Candy, Drupa, Ennead, Esker, Glacial, Gleam, Haliotis, Hoarfrost, Ice, Nacre, Rime, Sidereal, Snowflake, Stratosphere
Brown Brass, Brown, Butternut, Caramel, Copper, Dikela, Jacana, Maziwa, Mobola, Sahara, Sapela, Scallop, Sienna, Supernal, Swarm, Zarasa, Zarbanu
Bunting Finch, Latte
Burnt Acacia, Auburn, Blazing, Bloodbourne, Chaos, Demonic, Fiery, Inferno, Prune, Redwood, Wicked, Wine
Butterfly Cameo, Green, Leonid, Savannah
Cinder Ember, Red, Rough Ruby
Clouded Ankh, Mandarin, Snowpard
Coral Cinnabar, Luteo, Orchid, Sunglow
Dark Camel, Chatoyant, Damu, Deshret, Haunted, Henna, Inpu, Labradorite, Nuummite, Pecora, Rose Pink, Scoundrel, Sha, Trophy
Dark Brown Amber, Bronze, Chestnut, Chocolate, Dark Brown, Dark Golden, Dinar, Hirola, Honey, Hyena, Liver, Madagascar, Ochre, Vandal, Xanthic
Doubloon No associated bases.
Dudley Ancestral, Bandit, Bast, Hematite, Kimanjano, Rhubarb, Tusk, Udara
Dusky Alabaster, Dawn, Glass, Haruspex, Kunzite, Prismatic, Pulsar, Temporal, Ubaste, Water Hyacinth
Echo Constellation, Nun
Eggshell Blue Jellyfish, Khnum
Fallow Angelic, Apricot, Arabica, Aspen, Blonde, Bone, Cedar, Champagne, Dark Vanilla, Fulvous, Heavenly, Howlite, Jacinthe, Jackal, Meteorite, Olive, Powder, Sulphur, Sunspot
Gray Asiatic, Basalt, Divine, Eggshell, Frost, Frostbitten, Gunmetal Gray, Moss Agate, Pewter, Platinum, Rhino, Steele, Sterling, Titanium
Greige Medal, Murk, Nefer, Opalescent, Phantom
Growth No associated bases.
Ink Desolate, Nether, Thoth
Lagoon Decennial, Ra
Lavender No associated bases.
Lilac Iris
Marbled Cretaceous, Hibiscus, Lilac, Medium Golden, Opal, Progenitor, Rhodonite, Rose Gold, Silver Gray, Zarafshan, Zarin, Zer, Zivar, Zloto
Matte Ambrosia, Elysian, Majivu, Ornament, Styx, Vagabond, Wepwawet
Orange Brimstone, Ducat, Gilded, Maat, Sunrise, Windfall, Witch
Pale Aether, Serruria, Sphinx
Peach No associated bases.
Pink Albino, Ardor, Azalea, Buttercream, Cherry Blossom, Fuchsia, Hexaplex, Manakbir, Maroon, Merlot, Mongoose, Moonstone, Sorrel, Sundust, Sunset, Teardrop, Wild Rose
Plain Mistletoe, Senegal
Plum Cassis, Cimmerian
Quail Sunkissed
Quartz Sutekh
Red Anjeer, Astral, Blush Rose, Dark Fawn, Deep Fawn, Fawn, Ginger, Light Golden, Mahogany, Mauve, Pearl, Protea, Reindeer, Rosy Brown, Ruddy, Rust, Sepia, Seth, Shedua, Umber
Ruffian Outlaw
Sandstone Horus
Sandy Abyssinian, Asali, Atlas, Cabochon, Fossil, Mulberry, Nautilus, Parhelion, Persimmon, Sandy
Sanguine Beet, Black Rose, Flamingo, Zombie
Tan Ammonite, Beige, Celestial, Cocoa, Deira, Dove Gray, Eggnog, Fallow, Flaxen, Gray, Guardian, Khaki, Mushroom, Palomino, Pecan, Qahir, Ragdoll, Ruffian, Russet, Sepulture, Skyward, Smog, Soul, Tan, Ukame
Tawny Buff, Bushveld, Doubloon, Dusty Rose, Goldenrod, Goridhe, Marula, Nacarat, Nudar, Ogdoad, Rufous, Saffron, Taupe, Topaz, Triumph
Welsummer Dandelion
White Antler, Argent, Ashen, Birch, Bisque, Bisquit, Citrine, Citron, Clear White, Cream, Cream Darker, Cream Lighter, Dhahabi, Dun, Dusty, Ethereal, Hallowed, Isabel, Ivory, Light Cream, Linen, Oatmeal, Silver, Skeletal, Squall, Sunflower, Vanilla, Wheaten, White, Willow
Yellow Harvest Moon, Peach, Victor