Oh no, your pride is starving! Each lion has a hunger bar that tracks their level of hunger, and in order to do things like breed and regain energy, you will have to keep your pride fed. Lions are carnivores, so naturally they must be fed with some tasty animal carcasses. You can purchase food from other players as well as from official site shops, and you can find carcasses in Explore, but the best way to earn food would be to send your lionesses out on hunts! Hunting provides a steady source of food for your pride, and you can even earn some currency from extra food you sell to others. It also helps your lionesses gain experience and stats! Let's find out more about hunting below.
Hunting is a great, free way to feed your pride. In order to hunt, you need at least one adult lioness who is not nested and who does not have a mutation that prevents her from hunting. Adolescent females and lionesses that are Blind, Clawless, Deaf, Eyeless, or Toothless are unable to hunt or accompany other lionesses on hunts.
Once you have at least one lioness, you will need to put her into the hunter role. This can be done directly through her page. There is also a button at the bottom of the hunting page to "Set All Lionesses to Hunter", though clicking this button will set all eligible lionesses in your pride to the hunter role, so you may prefer to individually set your hunters.
On your lioness's page, scroll to the bottom and click to show the "Update Lion" section. Click the radio button next to "Hunter", then click "Update", and she is now a hunter!

All adolescent females and lionesses that have the hunter role will display a spear icon ( ) under the status bar within their cave.

Now that you have a hunter, it's time to check out the hunting page!

This is where you can send your lionesses out on a hunt. A party of up to 5 lionesses and 2 adolescent females can be sent out. The higher your lionesses' levels, the better chance you have of taking down more difficult prey, which means more food!
To proceed, choose the tiles that you want your lionesses to hunt in (or pay a fee of 5 SB to have the locations chosen for you). Tiles correlate to the number of lionesses you have available to hunt, so if you only have one lioness who can hunt, choose only one tile. Adolescent females do not need their own tiles, so you can set up to 5 tiles for one hunt if you have 5 adult lionesses. Tiles matter when it comes to what type of prey you are aiming to get—further down on this page is a helpful guide detailing which prey can be found in various tiles. After you have chosen your tiles, select your hunting party, or select the checkboxes next to the lionesses you would like to send out. Finally, click the "Start the Hunt!" button to send your lionesses out!
Hunts last for 30 minutes, but can be skipped for a fee. To skip a hunt, it initially costs 1 GB or 1000 SB, and with each hunt you skip for that rollover, the fee is increased by +100 SB. Every 10 hunts you skip will set the base cost up by +1 GB and +1000 SB. If you choose to skip 10 hunts, the next time you skip for that rollover, it will cost 2 GB or 2000 SB, and so on.

Whether you skip your hunt or wait the full 30 minutes, your lionesses will still gain experience and stats. Each lioness can earn +1 to 2 stats per hunt. You can also cancel a hunt, but cancelling will still use up one hunt from your lionesses, and they will not gain any experience or stats.
Each successful hunt can bring back 1 to 2 carcasses. These can add up quickly if you're sending your lionesses out hunting regularly!

There is a chance that the hunt is unsuccessful, which means no prey will be brought back. There is a low chance of this happening overall, though the chance of a failed hunt increases if you send out lionesses with lower levels. August's event has a further increased chance of hunts failing, due to scorching temperatures dehydrating and exhausting your lionesses.

If your pride leader has the Unscrupulous (Evil) personality, you will have the ability to click a button and "Punish" your lionesses for a failed hunt. Punishing them will grant you one Gazelle Carcass once per rollover.

Adolescent Training
As mentioned above, you can send up to two adolescent females to accompany your adult lionesses on hunts in order to gain training experience towards their cub training bar.
Just like their adult counterparts, adolescent females are limited to one hunt per 30 minutes (but can hunt sooner if you choose to skip a hunt). Your adolescent females can earn 1% to 2% training experience with each hunt, whether it is successful or unsuccessful. While adult lionesses are given a limited amount of free hunts per day, there is no limit to the number of hunts that adolescents can accompany, and you do not need to pay to replenish their hunts.
Hunting Parties
If you have a good amount of lionesses that you like to send out on hunts, it's recommended to create a hunting party to group them all together in a convenient way. Rather than selecting individual lionesses to go out on a hunt, you can simply click once to select a party you'd like to send out after choosing your hunting tiles. There is no downside if you prefer not to set up a party, however!
Any lioness with the hunter role can be added to a hunting party, even if she is nested; however, you will not be able to send her out on hunts until she has given birth. Thankfully, you can combine hunting parties and individual lionesses in one hunt. If you have a hunting party of 5 lionesses, but 2 of them are nested, you can still select your party to send out, as well as 2 lionesses from the Individuals list. Lionesses that are ineligible to hunt (whether due to nesting or being out of hunts) will be displayed in italics. Once a lioness dies, she will be automatically removed from any hunting party she was part of. Lionesses that leave your pride due to neglect will also be automatically removed from hunting parties.

Existing hunting parties can be edited at any time by clicking the "Edit" link next to your hunting party's name under the "Your Hunting Parties" tab. Under the editing panel, you can change your hunting party's name, remove lionesses from your party, add lionesses to your party, or disband the party completely. Each party has a limit of 5 lionesses that can be added, but there is no limit to the amount of times you can cycle lionesses in and out of a party. There is also no limit to the amount of hunting parties you can have.

Replenishing Hunts
All lionesses start each day with 10 free hunts. 10 hunts can go by pretty quickly if you're checking back every 30 minutes to claim hunts and send your lionesses back out again! Once a lioness uses up all 10 hunts, the only way she can hunt again is if you replenish her hunts. Replenished hunts only count for that specific rollover—if you do not use all of the hunts you paid to replenish, they do not carry over for future rollovers. The first 10 hunts replenished per lioness cost 10 SB; after this, the cost per hunt increases to 30 SB. The cost resets upon rollover.

There is a low chance your lionesses will end up receiving scars while out on hunts, whether they are successful or unsuccessful. These scars will be automatically equipped to your lionesses when they return from their hunt, and can be removed with full uses still intact.

Hunting Prey List
Below is a list of all prey that can be found while hunting, what tiles they can be found in, how common or rare they are to come across, and how many lionesses are needed to take down this prey.
Tile Key | |||
Desert | Drylake | ||
Grassy | Jungle | ||
Marshlands | Plains | ||
River | Rocky | ||
Savannah | Shrubland | ||
Village | Waterhole |

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Rare
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Extremely Rare
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Rare
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Rare
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Rare
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Rare
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Rare
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Common
- 1-2 Lionesses

- Uncommon
- 2-3 Lionesses

- Common
- 4-5 Lionesses

- Common
- 2-3 Lionesses