Mane shape genetics were introduced in February 2018.
While mane shape genetics are nowhere near as detailed as base genetics when it comes to breeding, a mane shape's fails might just convince you to choose one shape over another.
If you want to ensure that a mane colour and mane shape passes from a lion, the Ochre Saltlick item will guarantee that all cubs produced in a lion's immediate litter will inherit their mane colour and mane shape, so long as the item is given to them before the breeding takes place.

Please keep in mind when viewing this page that the headshots shown below the main lion art display what that mane shape can pass and "fail" to if bred to itself.
For a quick view at what two different mane shapes can produce when bred to each other, check out the Mane Shape Outcome Viewer at the bottom of this page!
Normal Mane Shape
Normal can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.
It can also be found on rolled kings and generated NCLs.

When bred, Normal passes the following.

Scarce Mane Shape
Scarce can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.
It can also be found on rolled kings and generated NCLs.

When bred, Scarce passes the following.

Thick Mane Shape
Thick can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.
It can also be found on rolled kings and generated NCLs.

When bred, Thick passes the following.

Barbary Mane Shape
Barbary can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Barbary passes the following.

Crested Mane Shape
Crested can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Crested passes the following.

Heavy Mane Shape
Heavy can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Heavy passes the following.

Katanga Mane Shape
Katanga can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Katanga passes the following.

Razor Mane Shape
Razor can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Razor passes the following.

Regal Mane Shape
This mane shape is required to be bred with Sideward for the Mane Noble adult mutation.
Regal can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Regal passes the following.

Regent Mane Shape
Regent can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Regent passes the following.

Sideburn Mane Shape
Sideburn can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Sideburn passes the following.

Sideward Mane Shape
This mane shape is required to be bred with Regal for the Mane Noble adult mutation.
Sideward can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Sideward passes the following.

Transvaal Mane Shape
Transvaal can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Transvaal passes the following.

Tufted Mane Shape
Tufted can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Tufted passes the following.

Wavy Mane Shape
Wavy can be applied with a Mane Changer from the Oasis.

When bred, Wavy passes the following.

Pariah Mane Shape
Achieved by breeding a lioness to a Pariah-maned Savage Male.
Alternatively passed down from breeding to or with a Pariah-maned lion.

When bred, Pariah passes the following.

Savage Mane Shape
Achieved by breeding a lioness to a Savage-maned Savage Male.
Alternatively passed down from breeding to or with a Savage-maned lion.

When bred, Savage passes the following.

Tsavo Mane Shape
Achieved by breeding a lioness to a Tsavo-maned Savage Male.
Alternatively passed down from breeding to or with a Tsavo-maned lion.

When bred, Tsavo passes the following.

So far, there is only one mane shape that can be bred from a combination of different mane shapes: Royal.
For this one combo mane shape, it is implied that breeding the Royal mane shape to any of its parent factors (including Royal) has a chance of producing a Royal-maned cub.
Any parent can have the required factor mane shapes. Whether you are breeding a Barbary-maned father to a Hellraiser-maned mother, or a Hellraiser-maned father to a Barbary-maned mother, the Royal mane shape just requires one factor from each side to be bred to each other.

Royal Mane Shape
Potentially achieved by breeding two factor mane shapes to each other (listed above). For example, if you have a Barbary lioness, breed her to a Hellraiser, Sideburn, Thick, or Tufted stud to have a chance at producing a Royal-maned cub. It can also be passed down from a Royal-maned parent when bred to another Royal-maned parent, or when bred to one of its factor mane shapes.
This mane shape is required for the Mane Imperial adult mutation.

When bred, Royal passes the following.

Blade Mane Shape
Blade can be applied with a Crescent Moon from the Gorilla Enclave.

When bred, Blade passes the following.

Diabolic Mane Shape
This mane shape is required to be bred with Hellraiser or Incubus for the Mane Succubus adult mutation.
Diabolic can be applied with a Possession from the Diabolic Altar.

When bred, Diabolic passes the following.

Hellraiser Mane Shape
This mane shape is required to be bred with Diabolic or Incubus for the Mane Succubus adult mutation.
Hellraiser can be applied with a Invocation from the Diabolic Altar.

When bred, Hellraiser passes the following.

Incubus Mane Shape
This mane shape is required to be bred with Diabolic or Hellraiser for the Mane Succubus adult mutation.
Incubus can be applied with a Seduction from crafting in Monkey Business.

When bred, Incubus passes the following.