Titles are words or phrases that can be used to describe your pride leader's personality to other players.

As you can see, Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV's title is "the Sapphic". Titles can be applied either before your leader's name or after your leader's name.

If you were to choose "Before my name", your leader would then display as "Sapphic Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV".
Your leader's title displays on your den page, on your leader's page, and underneath your icon and player name on the forums.

As seen above, Royal Kitty Cat Boy IV's player displays the "Sapphic" title in the forums!
If you choose to hide your title via the "Hide Title" button on the Questing page, your leader will have no title on your den page or their own page, and no title will display underneath your icon and player name on the forums. You can re-enable titles at any time.
Locking Titles
As you can see in the screenshot of the Questing page above, there is an option to "Lock Title (100 SB)". You do not need to lock your title unless you intend to use a karma-related title. Per the small text on the Questing page: "Locking your title will stop your title from automatically changing when you gain a new karma level UNLESS you change into a different karma type. For example, your title will automatically change if you drop from Good into Neutral. It will also be unlocked when you next change your title manually."
As an example, you would only need to lock your title if you want to keep the Sweetheart title (gained by Good karma, ranged 100 to 119), but you also wish to continue to gain Good karma. If you do not lock your title, then your pride leader's title will automatically change from Sweetheart to Notable Lion upon hitting 120 karma; however, if you lock it, then you can safely gain as much karma as you would like while retaining the Sweetheart title.
That being said, if you drop below 100 karma (the minimum level needed for the Sweetheart title), you no longer have the ability to use the Sweetheart title, even if you have locked it, unless you reach that karma level again. Your pride leader's title will automatically change to Recognizable, the title just below Sweetheart, and will remain there unless you gain/lose enough karma to change to a different title or you manually change it to a special title. You can only keep a locked karma title if you have enough karma to use that specific karma title. Going above a karma threshold is fine, but going below a karma threshold redacts your ability to use that title even if it is locked, until you gain enough karma to achieve that title again.
If you want to use a special title, you do not need to lock your title. Special titles overwrite karma titles if you choose to use them.
Karma Titles
All of the titles within this section are affected by your pride leader's karma level. You'll be able to learn more about karma when our Karma page is completed (coming soon!).
The following titles are available to use if your pride leader has Good karma. The required karma levels are indicated next to the title.
- Kind (30 to 39)
- Amiable (40 to 59)
- Good Natured (60 to 79)
- Recognizable (80 to 99)
- Sweetheart (100 to 119)
- Notable Lion (120 to 149)
- Remarkable (150 to 179)
- Magnificent (180 to 199)
- Renowned (200 to 249)
- Merciful (250 to 299)
- Amazing (300 to 349)
- Incredible (350 to 399)
- Majestic (400 to 499)
- Famous (500 to 599)
- Dreamboat of Ladies (600 to 799)
- Prince of the Savannah (800 to 999)
- King of the Jungle (1000+)
The following titles are available to use if your pride leader has Neutral karma. The required level for Neutral karma is between -29 to 29.
- Usual (the default title)
- Baron
- Beast
- Brilliant
- Bro
- Catnip
- Extraordinary
- Fearless
- Free
- Fun
- Graceful
- Independent
- King
- King Of Hearts
- Ladies Man
- Lord
- Love Muffin
- Neutral
- Normal
- Pretty Cool Guy
- Prince
- Provoking
- Scary
- Sexy
- Sovereign
- Stunning
- Typical
- Wonder On Four Paws
The following titles are available to use if your pride leader has Evil karma. The required karma levels are indicated next to the title.
- Indifferent (-30 to -39)
- Mean (-40 to -59)
- Ill Natured (-60 to -79)
- Fearsome (-80 to -99)
- Wicked (-100 to -119)
- Savage (-120 to -149)
- Sinister (-150 to -179)
- Malicious (-180 to -199)
- Vicious (-200 to -249)
- Devastator (-250 to -299)
- Hateful (-300 to -349)
- Terrifying (-350 to -399)
- Ruthless (-400 to -499)
- Evil (-500 to -599)
- Scourge of Lions (-600 to -799)
- Prince of Terror (-800 to -999)
- Deathlord of the Jungle (-1000+)
Special Titles
The following title is unlocked by completing the Journey to Vredefort Crater quest.
- Interstellar
The following titles are unlocked by completing challenges during their respective months.
- Punk (Punk Breeding Challenge)
- Special Snowflake (Albino Cub Challenge)
Item Unlocked
The following title is unlocked by equipping a Lab Test Frog item to your main lion.
- Sapphic
Event Unlocked
The following title is unlocked by completing The Lone Wanderer storyline.
- Lone Wanderer
The following titles are unlocked by interacting with certain explore encounters during the February event.
- Impeccable
- Nice Guy
- Pervert
- Total Chad
Flirt Shop
The following titles can be purchased from February's Flirt Shop for 1000 Silver Beetles each.
- Amorous
- Eros
- Fetish
- Flirty
- Frivolous
- Heartbreaker
- Hot Stuff
- Luscious
- Sensual
- Spicy
- Studmuffin
- Stunning
- UwU
Slap Shop
The following titles can be purchased from February's Slap Shop for 1000 Silver Beetles each.
- Asshole
- Brave
- Brutal
- Cold-Blooded
- Grumpy
- Heartless
- Naughty
- Protector
- Punisher
- Smug
- Spanker
- Warrior
The following titles are unlocked by interacting with certain explore encounters during the March event.
- Buzzkill
- Toxic
Champion Shop
The following titles can be purchased from May's Champion Shop for 300 Manticora Beetles each.
- Champion
- Epic Fail
- Lionnister
- Notorious Loser
- True King
- Winner
The following titles are unlocked by visiting certain pages during the August event.
- Bone Collector (The Peddler)
- Maneater (Savage Males)
Prophet Shop
The following titles can be purchased from September's Prophet Shop for 100 Jewel Beetles each.
- Apocalyptic
- Augur
- Badland Strider
- Harbinger
- Horse Whisperer
- Locust Devourer
- Pestilent
- Prophet
- Wanderer
- Wastelander
Blood Beetle Shack
The following titles can be purchased from October's Blood Beetle Shack for 100 Blood Beetles each.
- Lich
- Monster
- Monster Slayer
- Necromancer
- Nightmare
- Undead
- Witch
- Witcher
The following titles are unlocked by accumulating a certain amount of Heaven Reputation during October's event.
- Angelic (20 Reputation)
- Blessed (40 Reputation)
- Holy (60 Reputation)
The following titles are unlocked by accumulating a certain amount of Hell Reputation during October's event.
- Demonic (20 Reputation)
- Cursed (40 Reputation)
- Unholy (60 Reputation)
The following titles are unlocked by interacting with certain explore encounters during the December event.
- Aztec Knight
- Confused
- Untitled
Retired Titles
Civil War
The following titles were awarded for completing the retired July event's storyline, Civil War, and achieving certain endings. As the storyline was introduced in 2017 and retired in 2021, it is only possible for a player to have earned four of the following titles at most. Currently, there is no way to achieve these titles.
- Astral (Let Apollyon complete the ritual in Novel 6)
- Divine (Help Apedemak complete the ritual in Novel 6)
- Heavenly (Let Menhit complete the ritual in Novel 6)
- Phoenix (Die with Apollyon's help in Novel 6)
- Resurgent (Die during Apedemak's ritual in Novel 6)
Slap Shop
The following title was removed from the Slap Shop in 2021 per this news post. All players that purchased the title are able to keep it on their account, but it can no longer be purchased as of February 2021.
- Abusive