How to Play
Cups is a fun little minigame where, for a mere 5 SB, you can guess which cup has a prize under it. You can win anything from a little bit of SB, to some food, and even a cool background!

You may come back after an hour to play the game again. If that's too long for you, you can skip the waiting period for 1 GB. Be careful not to get addicted, though!
There is always a prize under one of the cups; however, the chance of getting the prize is 1 in 3. Pick up a cup and see if you get something. Good luck!


There are two achievements that can be earned from Cups.
Achievement Method
The method to earning these achievements is... honestly, pretty much luck. There's no way to tell what cup the prize is under. You'll just have to pray to RNGesus and hope for the best!