Following a path towards where most of the clues had been clustered, you investigate the area more closely. Your nose picks up a strange scent and your ears pick up the rustling of branches nearby. There! In that tree!

"No way...is this really Africa? Ha! I was right!"

"Listen, listen, I'm not going to hurt you!" the cat yowls cheerfully, mouth wide as it takes in your smell. Belatedly the cat seems to realize that it's smaller than you and likely wouldn't win in a fight, but it bravely stands tall.

When he sees you staring at him blankly, he sits on his haunches and looks thoughtful.
"That always seems to work for all of the humans who look at me. They cheer and the lady in green tosses me some meat and I show them my powerful leap." He looks excited by that, but when you continue to stare at him unimpressed, he changes tactics.
"I live in a zoo! Or well, I did..."

Realizing that you could be an unfriendly lion too, Mateo looks at you warily.
"I'm not here to bother you or steal your pride or anything," he assures you. "I know those other lions always growled at me about that. Anyway, I don't want to be here. We were being transported to another zoo. Something about a breeding program at a super fancy place that was better than where I was at. It was kind of cramped and smelled bad."

"Yeah well I've been cooped up for months on that ship with no one to talk to. It was so noisy that it was hard to hear anyone when they did talk. There were lots of us on there."
Lots of jaguars...so Mateo isn't alone? The thought fills you with unease. Where were all the others?
"I didn't think I'd make it after the ship crashed. I managed to swim ashore here and the others made it out but..." he shakes his head sadly. "I have no idea where they are. I've been leaving scent marks and calling but I haven't heard from them."

"Are you the one who's been messing with them? Not cool man." His tail thrashes side to side and a growl sits in his throat.
After a moment he huffs and looks away.
"I guess I am in your territory and it's your right and all, but--HEY WAIT!"

"You say you've been seeing clues? They can't all have been mine--I don't poop that much. I bet you found stuff left behind by the others! Oh please, you have to help me find them! I'll reward you!"
Mateo has far too much energy this early in the day, but he's clearly not a threat like you once thought. And that reward sounds nice, too. Maybe you can help him?

Seeing your scowl, Mateo attempts to reassure you.
"Don't worry, I'm sure they're just looking for company. Safety in numbers in this strange world and all that. Just tell them I'm here and waiting and they'll leave you and your lion friends alone."
The jaguar bounds away, shouting something about having to get things ready for his friends. Guess it's time to get going. Why can't he help? It always seems like you're the one who has to do everything.

0/5 jaguars found in dens.
You have not fulfilled your task yet.
To complete this quest, you must find and interact with 5 jaguar encounters in Explore. You must also visit other players' territories and den pages and interact with jaguars that may display.
Jaguar Explore Encounters
These encounters can be found in any biome and are not tied to your pride leader's level. It is possible for you to click past the encounters, however you can find them again while exploring. The encounters can show up during both daytime and nighttime. Not counting towards other factors, this will generally take about six full energy bars (~600% energy) to complete this, assuming you don't fight any NPCs. It can take more energy or less energy than this estimation, depending on item usage, luck, and whether encounters are skipped.
Tip: You can hide your monthly event activity to remove event encounters from the Explore pool without affecting the adventure encounters. Using Coffee Beans (to expend only 1-2% energy per step instead of 1-3% energy per step), Hyena Butter (to lower the chance of coming across NCLs), and energy items such as Bone Marrows, Energy Boosts, Fermented Marula Fruit, Grubs, Meat Pies, Red Bulls, and Roasted Lambs can help you finish this quest faster. Monthly event activity can be unhidden once the quest is complete.
You can view your progress as you explore on the Invasion of Spots page. With each encounter interacted with, your count will go up.
![]() |
A jaguar is high in a tree, looking lost. This must be one of Mateo's friends! | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Come with me | You call up to the jaguar, explaining that Mateo is looking for them and that you can lead the way. Looking excited, the jaguar climbs down and follows you back to Mateo. | +1 towards "Jaguars Found in Explore" |
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Looking frightened, a jaguar tries to hide out of sight. You should tread carefully. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Come with me | Reassuring the jaguar that you're not going to harm them, you tell them you're a friend of Mateo's and can lead them back to him. With a relieved look the jaguar follows you. | +1 towards "Jaguars Found in Explore" |
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You hear the crunching of bones and the tearing of meat before you see the jaguar hovering over a fresh kill. They see you and hiss at you in warning. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Come with me | Keeping your distance to show you don't mean to steal the kill, you call out to the jaguar that you're here to find them and bring them to their companions. | +1 towards "Jaguars Found in Explore" |
![]() |
A jaguar wanders alone up ahead, looking around as if they are lost. They seem so defeated and sad. | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Come with me | You pad to catch up with the jaguar, and their face brightens as you tell them Mateo has sent you to find them and bring them back to the haven. Purring, the jaguar follows you happily. | +1 towards "Jaguars Found in Explore" |
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This jaguar is on edge. They snarl at you and thrash their tail in warning, not pleased at your intrusion. Be careful! | ||
Action | Result | Reward |
Come with me | Trying to stay calm, you talk the jaguar into sitting with you for a few moments as you explain who you are and that Mateo is looking for them. The jaguar is wary, but they agree to follow you from a distance to Mateo. | +1 towards "Jaguars Found in Explore" |
Jaguar Den Encounters
This portion of the quest does not require the player whose den page you're on to be online. You can go through all offline accounts one by one and complete this quest.
You can also use the "# member(s) online" link on the sidebar to find players whose dens you can interact with, as that page displays 20 different players at one time.
If no jaguar is present within a player's den page, the following alert will display.
If a jaguar is present within a player's den page, the following alert and button will display, with the artwork changing depending on how many jaguars you have found.

Clicking the "Lead the way!" button will result in the following alert.
# / 5 jaguars found in dens
The players must be unique, and you cannot find more than one jaguar on the same player's den page. If you have already found a jaguar in a player's den page, the following alert will display.
You can view your progress as you explore on the Invasion of Spots page. With each den jaguar interacted with, your count will go up.

Once you have found 5 jaguars in Explore and 5 jaguars on players' dens, return to the Invasion of Spots page.

5/5 jaguars found in dens.

After a nap, that is.
This ends Day 3. You must wait one rollover to proceed to Day 4.
Click here to view the directory for the Invasion of Spots.