It's time to get back at it! Whatever crashed here and escaped off of that ship is bound to be around here somewhere. There's only so many places to hide, and you know them all. There's no hiding from you!

Get started
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0/1000 steps taken in explore.

0/20 more tracks found.

0/10 unique scratch marks found.

0/10 unique scent marks found.

0/3 meal leftovers found.

0/2 odd roaring echoes heard.

You have not fulfilled your task yet.

Page 2

To complete this quest, you must click the "Explore" paw print 1000 times, essentially taking "1000 steps". You must also find and interact with several clue encounters in Explore. These encounters can be found in any biome and are not tied to your pride leader's level. It is possible for you to click past the encounters, however you can find them again while exploring. The encounters can show up during both daytime and nighttime. Not counting towards other factors, this will generally take about fifty-five full energy bars (~5500% energy) to complete this, assuming you don't fight any NPCs. It can take much more energy or a bit less energy than this estimation, depending on item usage, luck, and whether encounters are skipped.

Tip: You can hide your monthly event activity to remove event encounters from the Explore pool without affecting the adventure encounters. Using Coffee Beans (to expend only 1-2% energy per step instead of 1-3% energy per step), Hyena Butter (to lower the chance of coming across NCLs), and energy items such as Bone Marrows, Energy Boosts, Fermented Marula Fruit, Grubs, Meat Pies, Red Bulls, and Roasted Lambs can help you finish this quest faster. Monthly event activity can be unhidden once the quest is complete.

You can view your progress as you explore on the Invasion of Spots page. With each "Explore" paw print click and each encounter interacted with, your counts will go up.

Meal Leftover Encounter  

The smell of a fresh kill lures you to a nearby carcass. Someone has been hunting on your lands!
Action Result Reward
Sniff it You sniff it suspiciously, and although there's not much left, you can tell this mess wasn't made by a lion. Hmm... but if it wasn't a lion, then who was it? +1 towards "Meal Leftovers Found"

Roaring Echo Encounters  

A strange echoing call causes you to pause in your tracks. It's definitely a feline! But either it's sick or that's just how it sounds, because it sure sounds weird.
Action Result Reward
Track it down You pad off in the direction you think it came from, but the sound doesn't come again and you're left staring at the air in confusion. +1 towards "Roaring Echoes Heard"
Your pelt prickles as you hear an odd sort of roaring that echoes over the land. That can't be a lion, can it?
Action Result Reward
Track it down It can't be too hard to find the source, surely? But the more you look the more you wonder if your ears were playing tricks on you. +1 towards "Roaring Echoes Heard"

Scent Mark Encounters  

A strange smell touches your nose. The smell of a young tree is mixed with something else. Someone was here not too long ago!
Action Result Reward
Check it out It's definitely feline, but what sort of animal would make such a disgusting smell? Lion piss smells much better. +1 towards "Scent Marks Found"
A bush is stripped bare and its branches have been broken and strewn about. Who wants to make such a statement?
Action Result Reward
Check it out No lion you know would destroy a perfectly good bush like this. It must be an intruder of some sort. But the smell is foreign, and you can't quite place it. +1 towards "Scent Marks Found"
If this tree weren't already dead, it would be dead before too long. Whoever marked it must have something wrong with them because it absolutely REEKS!
Action Result Reward
Check it out You don't need to get close to know this isn't from a lion. There are some smelly lions around here, sure, but nothing quite like this. This is one scent mark you won't soon forget. +1 towards "Scent Marks Found"
This human-made thing is an eyesore, but whoever peed on it just made it worse. Gross!
Action Result Reward
Check it out The pee has soaked into the flimsy wood, and you can tell it's going to last for days under the hot sun. Whoever did this must not know human things shouldn't be messed with; it always leads to trouble! +1 towards "Scent Marks Found"
This boulder would be the perfect place for…wait a minute! Someone has scent-marked over the one you left just yesterday! How dare they?
Action Result Reward
Check it out This won't do at all. You stomp around the boulder to look for a clean, unused spot to put your own scent mark on. It seems this visitor has an endless supply of pee to mark with, and you can't find a bare spot no matter how hard you look. +1 towards "Scent Marks Found"

Scratch Mark Encounters  

A large trunk looms ahead with some impressive scratch marks carved into it. The claw marks are similar to a lion but distinct in their own way. How strange.
Action Result Reward
Inspect The trunk doesn't reveal anything further, no matter how hard you look. The claws definitely don't belong to a lion, though, and the faint scent left behind is like nothing you've ever smelled. +1 towards "Scratch Marks Found"
A broken human thing that fell a long time ago blocks the way. It would make for a good scratching post! But wait... someone has already been here.
Action Result Reward
Inspect You sniff the claw marks curiously, wondering what sort of cat made these. They aren't from any lion of these lands. +1 towards "Scratch Marks Found"
A recent storm has felled this big tree. What a great spot for a nap! It looks like this place has already been claimed, though - it's covered in scratch marks!
Action Result Reward
Inspect You scratch the tree experimentally next to one of the marks. No, definitely not a lion…but it's not of any other big cat you know around here, either. Are you seeing things? +1 towards "Scratch Marks Found"
Just the thing you were looking for to sharpen your claws! But there are already claw marks here, and they're quite fresh. They almost look like yours, but they're not quite right.
Action Result Reward
Inspect It looks like someone had a good scratching session. None of your neighbors come this way, so who could it be? +1 towards "Scratch Marks Found"
This tree stretches high into the sky with claw marks carved into the wood of one of the high branches. Whoa! No lion you know can climb that high. Strange.
Action Result Reward
Inspect You can't get that high yourself, but there are some claw marks lower down on the tree that you look at curiously. Someone clearly enjoyed their time here. +1 towards "Scratch Marks Found"

Track Encounters  

Strange tracks lead to the north. They aren't lion tracks... hmm.
Action Result Reward
Follow You follow them until they disappear. Whoever it was, they're gone now. +1 towards "Tracks Found"
Oddly shaped tracks make their way east from the way of the shore. They smell funny, too.
Action Result Reward
Follow Eventually the tracks disappear and you can't find them again. They vanished into thin air! +1 towards "Tracks Found"
These paw prints are feline but they don't belong to anyone you know. A traveler, perhaps?
Action Result Reward
Follow The tracks lead to a tree before they disappear without a trace. Maybe you imagined them? +1 towards "Tracks Found"
An intruder on your lands coming from the west! But wait…they don't belong to a lion.
Action Result Reward
Follow You know every nook and cranny of your lands; they can't hide from you! But the tracks lead nowhere in particular, and you don't find anyone. +1 towards "Tracks Found"
Someone is making their way south, ignoring your scent marks. No lion you know would dare do that.
Action Result Reward
Follow It's time to face this impertinent visitor! But no matter how far you follow the tracks, no one ever appears. +1 towards "Tracks Found"

Once you have taken 1000 steps and found the required encounters, return to the Invasion of Spots page.

1000/1000 steps taken in explore.

20/20 more tracks found.

10/10 unique scratch marks found.

10/10 unique scent marks found.

3/3 meal leftovers found.

2/2 odd roaring echoes heard.

Page 2

Your paws feel like they're going to fall off! So much walking...but you gained so much insight. You have an idea of where the visitor is hiding out, but right now you're in no shape to confront them. It's time for a good rest--you've earned it!

Page 3

This ends Day 2. You must wait one rollover to proceed to Day 3.
Click here to view the directory for the Invasion of Spots.