The day is bright and smells of adventure as you patrol the cliffside. The salty wind ruffles your fur and the air is brisk. What adventures await you today?
Page 1

As you mark a familiar spot, a strange dark mass some distance down the shoreline draws your attention. What on earth is that? With careful pawsteps, you make your way down the cliffside and onto the soft, squishy sand. The closer you get, the more details you're able to make out. It's a large cargo ship!
Page 2

The ship is easily the biggest thing you've ever laid eyes on. It groans as it shifts on the rocks where it crashed as the waves push on it. The steel smells funny, as if it's been sitting here for some time. There are no humans here, at least not anymore--their scent is faint, and you can tell they're long gone.
Page 3

Large containers and various crates lay scattered on the sand in different states of disrepair. There's strange nesting material strewn about and lying in some of the containers and a distinct smell reaches your nose. It's feline, like yours, but it's definitely not from a lion. And there...are those pawprints?
Page 4

Among the crates and boxes, you see many pawprints crisscrossing over each other and clustered together over packed sand. It's hard to make out distinct sets, but there are definitely multiple. How many large cats were here? They all smell the same and have what you can only explain as a fresh odor, similar to what you smell like after a good swim.
Page 5

Trying to track one set proves difficult, but eventually you follow one to the cliffside. One of the pawprints sinks deeper in the sand, as if the owner has a limp. There's nothing to lose by following, surely? You're a strong lion. There's nothing you can't take on!
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The tracks lead up the cliff and into your territory! How dare they--this is your place! There's no time to waste. Your lionesses and cubs are vulnerable if you fail to find this interloper. Who knows what they could do to your pride?
Hurry and explore as much as you can!
You have not fulfilled your task yet. 0/200 steps taken in explore.
Hurry and explore as much as you can!
You have not fulfilled your task yet. 0/200 steps taken in explore.
Page 7
To complete this quest, you must click the "Explore" paw print 200 times, essentially taking "200 steps". Not counting towards other factors, this will generally take about three and a half to four full energy bars (350 to 400% energy) to complete this, assuming you don't fight any NPCs.
You can view your progress as you explore on the Invasion of Spots page. With each "Explore" paw print click, your step count will go up.
Once you have reached 200 steps, return to the Invasion of Spots page.

The tracks lead up the cliff and into your territory! How dare they--this is your place! There's no time to waste. Your lionesses and cubs are vulnerable if you fail to find this interloper. Who knows what they could do to your pride?
Hurry and explore as much as you can!
Hurry and explore as much as you can!
Page 7

Your exploration proved fruitful! You didn't actually find anyone...but you spotted some strange clues. You have to look into these more, but first...it's nap time for the mighty lion. You are beat! It's been a long day. Now that you're sure your pride is safe for now, it's time for a good rest. You'll pick up the investigation tomorrow.
Page 8
This ends Day 1. You must wait one rollover to proceed to Day 2.
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Related Pages: Invasion of Spots, Invasion of Spots: Day 2