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Novel 3, Chapter 2 is only available after you have completed Laharu's quest from Novel 3, Chapter 1 and rolled over.
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Just as promised, you meet Laharu to follow the path of the hyena clans. As you walk along the wasted valley, long, low hyena howls, whoops, and chuckles seem more and more intense. You cannot understand this form of communication, but for Laharu, it seems helpful. He climbs on a ridge to check the lands below. You take a peek. Among the grey wasteland, many hyenas wander in packs of all sizes, playing with bones, tussling with each other, fighting, and socialising.

"See that female there, ordering the others around?" Laharu points at a chubby spotted hyena laying down in a pit full of bones. "I will distract her guardians, so you can take her on."

Page 1

Laharu bravely runs down alone to face the dozens of spotted hyenas. Noticed by the guarding males, he manages to grab their attention enough to have them chase him around. What a good guy. You sneak slowly and get into position. The large female is right there. Eliminating her and breaking up the clans might bring back the balance of prey.

Page 2

In order to proceed, you must defeat the Queen Mother in battle. Laharu will not help you in this battle. You can only defeat her on your own, or use a Lucky Foot to win the battle.

If you lose or choose to "Flee", you will need to visit the storyline page to fight her again.

Once the Queen Mother has been defeated, you will be prompted to "Return to Story?"

As you fight the Queen Mother, the battle is interrupted by another spotted hyena biting you on the rump. With more and more hyenas arriving to help their leader, you start getting distracted from the main fight, and are no longer in control. The Queen Mother whoops dreadfully, her vicious, bloody smile snarling at you.

Keep fighting!
Page 3

You defeat a few hyenas, but others keep pinning you to the ground as the Queen Mother watches. Suddenly, out of nowhere, as usual, Laharu lunges at her throat and starts suffocating her! He must have noticed you were in trouble and came back to help. The hyenas visibly distracted by the attack on their leader are easier to defeat. You pound on the guardians before they get to Laharu. He snorts blood, biting harder as the female falls.

Get closer
Page 4

"[NAME]," Laharu coughs with clenched jaws, "Should... should I kill her?" He questions you quietly, probably unsure of such an act. It is his own species, after all, but he does trust that the king of beasts will make a wise decision. He looks around nervously as other hyenas circle you, not daring to approach and risk their life for a leader that can be replaced. You hurt all over from the fights, and the hyenas probably do, too. Maybe they will learn.

Page 5

This page is only visible if you clicked "KILL" on Page 5.

You raise your lips, showing long fangs to the struggling Queen Mother. "Kill." Spoken in a deep lion voice, it makes all the nearby hyenas howl in some deep, alien vibrato. Laharu closes his eyes and clamps down onto her throat. None of the clanmates dare to come near. They do the same within their own ranks - kill and compete; this is not worth risking lives for. Their united clans leader is killed, and they disperse. There's a few fallen hyenas left over for the vultures.

Page 6

Here, you will have the option to choose which marking applicator you would like to receive for your reward. You can only pick one from the following marking applicators. All other unique backgrounds and universal rewards will still be granted.

Applicator: Hyena Stripes Heavy

Applicator: Hyena Spots Heavy

Applicator: Hyena Blots Heavy

Applicator: Lycaon Heavy

Applicator: Proteles Heavy

Applicator: Lycaon Scarce

Applicator: Lycaon Unders Scarce

Once you have chosen your applicator, click "Choose Rewards" to continue on.

You completed The Lone Wanderer story!
1x Chosen Marking Applicator
+20 Leather Beetles
+30% Impression
+400xLVL EXP
500 Silver Beetles
1x Hungry Hyena Lands ("Kill" choice only)
1x Hyena Wastelands ("Kill" choice only)
1x Laharu
1x Hyena Meat
1x Faux Mohawk: Striped Hyena
1x Faux Mohawk: Spotted Hyena
1x Hyena Nose
1x Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Spotted]
1x The Jackal

Chosen Marking Applicator

The Jackal

Hungry Hyena Lands

Hyena Wastelands


Hyena Meat

Faux Mohawk: Striped Hyena

Faux Mohawk: Spotted Hyena

Hyena Nose

Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Spotted]

Your leader will also lose -200 Karma for choosing this option. This is not mentioned anywhere within the reward text.

If this is your first time participating in the storyline, you'll earn the "Game of Thrones, Just Smellier" achievement upon reaching this page.

This page is only visible if you clicked "LET GO" on Page 5.

You huff and nudge Laharu away. He lets the Queen Mother go, and limps back, tired and damaged by the chase from earlier. You order the leader to break apart the clans, otherwise the lions will do the same as they did and join together their prides - but instead of hunting down the prey, they'd hunt and eat hyenas. The female gets up, with her head held low to the ground. With a slow, trembling chuckle, she runs away, taking her buddies with her. There's a few fallen hyenas left over for the vultures.

Page 7

Here, you will have the option to choose which marking applicator you would like to receive for your reward. You can only pick one from the following marking applicators. All other unique backgrounds and universal rewards will still be granted.

Applicator: Hyena Stripes Scarce

Applicator: Hyena Spots Scarce

Applicator: Hyena Blots Scarce

Applicator: Lycaon Heavy Inverted

Applicator: Proteles Scarce

Applicator: Lycaon Scarce Inverted

Applicator: Lycaon Unders Heavy

Once you have chosen your applicator, click "Choose Rewards" to continue on.

You completed The Lone Wanderer story!
1x Chosen Marking Applicator
+20 Leather Beetles
+30% Impression
+400xLVL EXP
500 Silver Beetles
1x Hyena Clans ("Let Go" choice only)
1x Hyena Lair ("Let Go" choice only)
1x Laharu
1x Hyena Meat
1x Faux Mohawk: Striped Hyena
1x Faux Mohawk: Spotted Hyena
1x Hyena Nose
1x Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Spotted]
1x The Jackal

Chosen Marking Applicator

The Jackal

Hyena Clans

Hyena Lair


Hyena Meat

Faux Mohawk: Striped Hyena

Faux Mohawk: Spotted Hyena

Hyena Nose

Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Spotted]

Your leader will also gain +200 Karma for choosing this option. This is not mentioned anywhere within the reward text.

If this is your first time participating in the storyline, you'll earn the "House of Fallen Clans" achievement upon reaching this page.

"Hopefully this will make the smaller clans go back home, too," Laharu smiles at you as you both turn back. He's still limping a bit; the poor guy got injured. You're so used to him faking sympathy for food, and you feel bad for thinking it's yet another trick. It's getting late, and your pride is probably worried, but just to have your conscience clean, you decide to walk him home first.

Good job, Laharu
Page 8

"I believe you made a good choice, [NAME]. I just helped a bit for my own good - you have no idea how hungry I am because of them," he says, looking at you intensely. After a moment of silence, he grunts, as if you didn't take the hint. "Anyway, it will take some time before the prey feels safe enough to come back. I hope you can visit me every day still and help until I get better?" He gives you those big, watery eyes from before again.


Suuure (you know what will happen if you say no, [NAME], just get on with it)
Page 9

"That's so great! Hey, ummm, do you have anything to eat? Maybe some leftovers on the way home? This fight sure wore me out." He continues to look at you.

Page 10

"You sure?"

Page 11

He chuckles nervously. You approach his den, and he limps back under the tree.

"Come back tomorrow, okay? I guess I'll just starve until then. Byeee," he howls at you, waving his fluffy tail goodbye.

Page 12

Laharu isn't here. Or, maybe he is, but he's hiding very well. Either way, you should come back tomorrow.

Page 13

If this is your first time participating in the storyline, you'll earn the "Fifty Stripes of Hunger" achievement and the "Lone Wanderer" title upon reaching this page.

This ends Novel 3, Chapter 2 and thus, the storyline. For the remainder of the month, you will be able to access Daily Quests.
Click here to view the directory for The Lone Wanderer storyline.