This is an archive of all the officially-stored polls that were released on Lioden to date! The vote counts for all polls are stored, and for certain polls, special notes are included to show what sort of effect the poll's results had on Lioden.
Not all polls are included, as some data for older polls were unfortunately not stored and cannot be retrieved.
The polls are ordered from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom.
January 1st, 2021
Who's winning the dance-off? |
vs  |
Votes |
Answers |
1119 |
Lion! |
1307 |
Wolf! |
258 |
N o b o d y |
January 8th, 2021
April: We could do more decors of... |
Votes |
Answers |
983 |
Domestic Sheep breeds! |
594 |
Domestic Chicken breeds! |
681 |
Domestic rabbit breeds! |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of a few new domestic sheep breed decorations in April 2021: Dohne Merino Lamb, Dohne Merino Sheep, Kalahari Red Goat, Meatmaster, Somali Goat Doe, Damascus Buck and Damascus Kid.
January 15th, 2021
April NCL markings: |
Votes |
Answers |
673 |
Inspired by Domestic Sheep breeds! |
1087 |
Inspired by Rabbit breeds! |
292 |
Something subtle and soft like usual! |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of the English Spots marking shape in April 2021. |
January 22nd, 2021
May event decors: |
Votes |
Answers |
519 |
Leg guards matching the war masks! |
850 |
More groupie lions! |
297 |
More body part trophies made out of fallen rivals! |
133 |
More challenger lions! |
391 |
Battle gauntlets! |
January 29th, 2021
Raffle Lioness - new content desire check: |
Votes |
Answers |
1032 |
More exclusive bases |
568 |
More exclusive markings |
389 |
New exclusive eyes and skins |
February 5th, 2021
Should we change these 10 custom mane colours to breed-only to match their base counterparts? - Amber, Anjeer, Ashen, Cameo, Champagne, Chartreux, Flint, Goldenrod, Nacarat, Shedua. - (All lions with these mane colours applied would keep them, they would just be released via raffle lionesses in future!) |
Votes |
Answers |
915 |
Yes, more breed-only mane colours! |
397 |
No, keep them custom! |
845 |
It doesn't really affect me. |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to changing the rarity of the Amber, Anjeer, Ashen, Cameo, Champagne, Chartreux, Flint, Goldenrod, Nacarat, and Shedua mane colours from being Custom (applicable through Oasis tools) to Special Lioness Raffle Exclusive / Breed-only. This change took place on February 19th, 2021. |
February 12th, 2021
Would you like some more piercing decors with various complexity and size? |
Votes |
Answers |
1446 |
Yes please! |
286 |
I do not care. |
345 |
We have enough piercing decors now. |
February 19th, 2021
July special Oasis background: |
Votes |
Answers |
734 |
ʻOumuamua - The first non-comet interstellar object we discovered in our Solar System! |
921 |
Supermassive black hole M87* - The first black hole we captured on an image! |
670 |
Perseverance and Ingenuity - The rover and its drone which landed successfully on Mars in February 2021 in search of extinct life! |
February 26th, 2021
The Lucky Dip is a new feature implemented in February's event shops this year. Have you used the Lucky Dip? If so, has it been worth it? |
Votes |
Answers |
562 |
I have not used it. |
257 |
I tried it once and that was enough for me. |
337 |
I tried it a few times and didn't care for the results. |
836 |
I have used it and thought it was worthwhile, I saved a lot of Heart Shells I would have spent on other items! |
93 |
What's the Lucky Dip? |
March 5th, 2021
Which flower we should take as inspiration for next craftable April base? |
Votes |
Answers |
1047 |
Water Hyacinth (pastel violet) |
342 |
White Gazania (white + stripes) |
349 |
Blue Daisy (blue + yellow) |
409 |
Protea (red + pink + white) |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of the "Scent of Water Hyacinth" Applicator that applies the Water Hyacinth base color in April 2021.
March 12th, 2021
The Dorsal Line marking is a very old raffle-exclusive marking that only comes in one colour: Black. Should we revive this marking with some new recolours? |
Votes |
Answers |
1479 |
Yes, please! Give it typical raffle recolours, like Blue, Lilac, Noctis, etc.! |
35 |
No thanks, I like it the way it is. |
436 |
It doesn't affect me. I am fine whether it is recoloured or stays the same. |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of a few new Dorsal Line recolors: Blue, Brown, Cream, Dark Brown, Gold, Lilac, Noctis, Onyx, Red, Tangor and White. Additionally, the original "Dorsal Line" marking has been renamed to "Black Dorsal Line". |
March 19th, 2021
Thoughts on a new Gorilla Enclave and Referral Shop marking applicator set? |
Votes |
Answers |
63 |
4 random Cairngorm |
198 |
4 random Mandarin |
503 |
4 random Pulsar |
374 |
4 random Soul |
195 |
9 optional Citrine felines |
255 |
9 optional Glass felines |
177 |
9 optional Haze felines |
520 |
9 optional Orchid felines |
March 26th, 2021
Which monthly site event is your favourite? (July is omitted as it's being reworked!) |
Votes |
Answers |
37 |
January's event, "Great Hunger" |
608 |
February's event, "Aphrodisia" |
45 |
March's event, "Anti-Poaching" |
154 |
April's event, "Rabbit Hunting" |
150 |
May's event, "Championships" |
245 |
June's event, "Rise of the Serpent" |
20 |
August's event, "Droughts and Fires" |
48 |
September's event, "Locust Plague" |
266 |
October's event, "To Hell with Rabies" |
163 |
November's event, "Whispering Ancestors" |
197 |
December's event, "Season of Gifting" |
April 2nd, 2021
June preference: |
Votes |
Answers |
293 |
Instead of new Chthonic enemies, add more craftable stuff from Chaos Scales! |
1311 |
Instead of new enemies, add new secret Apophis shrine where you can trade in the Chaos Scales! |
598 |
Add new Chthonic enemies as always, make Chaos Scales tradeable for event currency! |
April 9th, 2021
Are you interested in green markings? They would be cutouts of some existing green bases. |
Votes |
Answers |
1121 |
Yes, give us the greens! |
331 |
No, I am not a fan of green. |
469 |
This does not affect me. I am fine whether green markings are or are not added. |
April 16th, 2021
How would you prefer to obtain the next set of green markings? |
Votes |
Answers |
235 |
Weekly raffle lionesses, in typical raffle marking shapes! |
1025 |
Craftable marking applicator! |
443 |
I don't care how they're released, I just want green markings! |
472 |
I'm not really interested in green markings. |
April 23rd, 2021
Which new set of Hetero eye colours should we release as May groupie-exclusive next month? |
Votes |
Answers |
170 |
Hetero Blue & Grey, Hetero Grey & Blue |
729 |
Hetero Blue & Ice, Hetero Ice & Blue |
1085 |
Hetero Cucumber & Saffron, Hetero Saffron & Cucumber |
326 |
Hetero Green & Yellow, Hetero Yellow & Green |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of two new eye colours released during the May Event (2021) as groupie eye colours: Hetero Cucumber & Saffron and Hetero Saffron & Cucumber. |
April 30th, 2021
Next craftable Murex Shells decors should be...: |
Votes |
Answers |
676 |
Backgrounds! Beaches with shells! The interior of a shell! Aah! |
200 |
More various body wraps with new shell types! |
527 |
Shell-shape-inspired fantasy growths! |
May 7th, 2021
Are there green lions on Lioden? |
Votes |
Answers |
149 |
No |
26 |
No |
33 |
No |
44 |
No |
87 |
No |
80 |
No |
66 |
No |
47 |
No |
104 |
No |
2047 |
Yes |
May 14th, 2021
Upcoming Friday Updates Decor focus: |
Votes |
Answers |
713 |
The Flood Pit! |
291 |
Trivia! |
129 |
Reptile Roundup levels! |
442 |
Crafting recipes! |
329 |
Serengeti Shuffle! |
May 21st, 2021
Dorsal Line took off! Would you like more Dorsal marking shapes...? |
Votes |
Answers |
65 |
Nah! |
628 |
Dorsal Marble, Spots, etc! |
624 |
Dorsal Stripes, vertical, horizontal, variety! |
690 |
Dorsal Blotches or Smokes, blended and messy! |
May 28th, 2021
Following May's new event eyes, should we introduce more breed-only Hetero eye colours? |
Votes |
Answers |
959 |
Yes, more breed-only eye variety! |
226 |
No, keep future Hetero eyes custom-tier and Oasis applicable! |
631 |
I don't care, just give me more eyes! |
June 4th, 2021
Which new set of breed-only Hetero eye colours would you like to see next? |
Votes |
Answers |
167 |
Hetero Blue & Grey, Hetero Grey & Blue |
666 |
Hetero Blue & Ice, Hetero Ice & Blue |
218 |
Hetero Green & Yellow, Hetero Yellow & Green |
124 |
Hetero Brown & Green, Hetero Green & Brown |
473 |
Hetero Denim & Jade, Hetero Jade & Denim |
744 |
Hetero Jet & Red, Hetero Red & Jet |
June 12th, 2021
Would you like Draconid eyes to receive a redesign thanks to the new eye separation update? Here's how it'd look: |
Votes |
Answers |
1219 |
Yes please! |
102 |
I don't care either way. |
149 |
No, I like the old design. |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to adjusting the Draconid eyes to the new version. |
June 18th, 2021
How would you prefer Orchid Felines to be released? (If the majority of votes are for raffle lionesses, we will release another marking applicator in the Gorilla Enclave and Referral Shop in its place!) |
Votes |
Answers |
501 |
Release Orchid Felines through raffle lionesses! |
947 |
I would prefer to buy them from the Gorilla Enclave and Referral Shop! |
555 |
I don't care either way how they are released. |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of the Feline Applicator: Orchid, which can be purchased from the Gorilla Enclave Shop for 200 Monkey Teeth.
June 25th, 2021
Where should we release new fancy eyes? |
Votes |
Answers |
469 |
The Flood Pit! (Applicators) |
121 |
Reptile Roundup levels! (Applicators) |
356 |
Serengeti Shuffle! (Applicators) |
253 |
Gorilla Enclave! (Applicators) |
170 |
Raffle lioness! (Breed only) |
447 |
Newly Claimed Lionesses! (Breed only) |
July 2nd, 2021
Which name should we use for the next August stud base? We're not sure which one just rolls better off the tongue! |
Votes |
Answers |
684 |
Bandit |
633 |
Exiled |
427 |
Banished |
July 9th, 2021
No polls were released that week due to focusing on a feedback survey.
Click here for more information!
July 16th, 2021
The following genetics categories do not have combo bases. Which category should we release a combo base for next? |
Votes |
Answers |
542 |
Black Medium Solid |
106 |
Cream Light Countershaded |
63 |
Cream Light Solid |
154 |
Golden Medium Countershaded |
74 |
Golden Light Solid |
412 |
Red Light Countershaded |
150 |
Red Light Solid |
July 23rd, 2021
We plan to release 2 final Feline 1-9 marking sets. Which colour would you most like to see on a Feline marking set? The top 2 votes will be released either via raffle lionesses or Gorilla Enclave applicators (or a mix) depending on what colour pair ends up winning. |
Votes |
Answers |
134 |
Blue |
91 |
Bone |
226 |
Citrine |
388 |
Fiery |
286 |
Glass |
27 |
Goldenrod |
210 |
Haze |
378 |
Lilac |
182 |
Pearl |
July 30th, 2021
For September's event, what types of decors should we focus on? |
Votes |
Answers |
259 |
Horses |
550 |
Body ornaments, wraps, necklaces |
221 |
Sigils, auras |
413 |
Creepy omen stuff |
August 6th, 2021
We're thinking about Black Friday decor set theme! Would you like to cast a vote towards one of the concepts? |
Votes |
Answers |
432 |
Mount Olympus |
231 |
Lesbos island |
70 |
The Azores |
188 |
Necromanteion of Acheron |
743 |
Japanese Garden |
August 13th, 2021
Some of the old eyes like Jet look very bad on some lion stages and mutations. Would like us to redo them in the new eye style? |
Votes |
Answers |
1341 |
Yes, some of the dark eyes need to be redone in the new eye design. |
63 |
No, I like the old design. |
August 20th, 2021
Craftable Skin Applicators? |
Votes |
Answers |
1416 |
Yes! |
147 |
No! |
August 27th, 2021
A few years ago, we polled about markings you would like to see as event marking applicators. All of the options have been added in, except for Feline 6 White. Should we add Feline 6 White as a buyable applicator to January's Carrion Shop? |
Votes |
Answers |
801 |
Yes! |
72 |
No! |
521 |
I don't mind either way. |
September 3rd, 2021
Would you like visual overlays for explore as snow falls and the tiers raise during December's event? |
Votes |
Answers |
1589 |
Yes |
64 |
No |
September 10th, 2021
Do you dance dance dance? |
Votes |
Answers |
593 |
Yes |
370 |
Never |
582 |
Seldom |
September 17th, 2021
Out of the following base colours, which one would you most like to see further expanded into raffle marking shapes? |
Votes |
Answers |
215 |
Doubloon |
567 |
Fiery |
200 |
Fulvous |
101 |
Ginger |
581 |
Goridhe |
September 24th, 2021
Vote for your favourite new marking colour, out of the 10 proposed colours shown on the right! Depending on community feedback, we may add all colours and pick which are released first via poll results. |
Votes |
Answers |
57 |
Flux |
366 |
Briar |
205 |
Vino |
119 |
Invar |
54 |
Cotton |
196 |
Seal |
96 |
Rufous |
641 |
Cimmerian |
263 |
Algae |
258 |
Pistachio |
October 1st, 2021
Battle beetle content: should we add more colours for existing battle beetles or add in more new species? |
Votes |
Answers |
794 |
Add in more colours for existing battle beetles! |
543 |
Add in more new species of battle beetles! |
October 8th, 2021
Would you prefer to have all of the previous December Advent Calendar decors available in the Mantis Shop during December's event, or continue to be permanently retired once their cycle ends (as they are now)? |
Votes |
Answers |
1225 |
Add retired Advent Calendar sets to the Mantis Shop! |
294 |
Let the sets stay permanently retired! |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of the 2013 Advent Calendar decor set to the Mantis Shop in December 2021.
October 15th, 2021
Vote for December encounters! |
Votes |
Answers |
150 |
More Albino and Melanistic animals! |
324 |
Secret fight club for lions dressed up as beetles! |
178 |
Local humans playing with African animals in the snuh! |
166 |
Nephelines making snow angels! |
171 |
Wenet with cousins! |
289 |
Primal lions building a statue of something secret :O |
161 |
Seth making a snuh version of himself, but bigger |
204 |
Local African Cryptid confused by the snuh |
October 22nd, 2021
What do you like getting most for Halloween in real life? |
Votes |
Answers |
1021 |
Chocolate |
93 |
Fruit (why would you pick this) |
269 |
Hard candy |
126 |
Lollipops |
16 |
Toothbrushes |
69 |
Toys |
174 |
N/A, I don't celebrate it! |
October 29th, 2021
For the next natural-looking marking we’ll release, where should it originate from? |
Votes |
Answers |
506 |
Basic NCLs in Explore (Common Tier) |
173 |
Oasis Customising (Custom Tier) |
206 |
Raffle Lionesses (Raffle Tier) |
601 |
Exclusive NCLs in Explore (Event Tier) |
124 |
RMAs / Total Shuffles (RMA Exclusive Tier) |
November 5th, 2021
Would you like us to redo the oldest backgrounds on Lioden into our current artist's style? (Elephant Graveyard, Savannah, Waterhole, Marshland, Green Savannah, Dry River Bed) |
Votes |
Answers |
1035 |
Yes please! |
143 |
No thank you. |
253 |
I don't care either way. |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of new versions of the following backgrounds in December 2021: Dry River, Elephant Graveyard, Green Savanna, Marshland, Savanna, Waterhole. The older versions have been added to the Monkey Business. |
November 12th, 2021
With the introduction of the November-bound Lilac mane markings, would you like to see more event shop mane marking applicators added in the future? |
Votes |
Answers |
685 |
Yes, it's a neat concept! |
216 |
No thank you, I'm not a fan of mane markings. |
233 |
I don't mind either way. |
November 19th, 2021
Would you like less natural skin colours based on craftable applicators from Shiny Rocks/Shiny Stones? |
Votes |
Answers |
1169 |
Yes! |
153 |
No! |
325 |
I don't care either way! |
December 3rd, 2021
Next set of January markings should be... |
Votes |
Answers |
578 |
More Hyena Spots! |
703 |
More Hyena Stripes! |
473 |
I have no preference. |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of the Applicator: Proteles Heavy & Applicator: Proteles Scarce items as storyline completion rewards in January 2022. |
December 10th, 2021
For January's event, would you prefer more guaranteed storyline decors as rewards, or more event shop decors? |
Votes |
Answers |
739 |
Decors as rewards for completing the storyline! |
218 |
Buyable event shop decors! |
185 |
I have no preference. |
December 17th, 2021
What is your preference regarding new encounters for February's event? |
Votes |
Answers |
622 |
More flirty encounters with NPCs |
369 |
More aromantic encounters to escape the romance madness |
516 |
More generalised encounters of courtship and rivalry between various animals (birds, giraffes, etc.) |
December 24th, 2021
New battle beetle token for February's event should be... |
Votes |
Answers |
759 |
Fluffy pink moth |
359 |
Orchid mantis |
299 |
Dancing jumping spider |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the addition of the Beetle Nemesis: Deilephila porcellus beetle token to the Slap Shop in February 2022. |
December 31st, 2021
What would you like to see more of while exploring? |
Votes |
Answers |
171 |
More event-related encounters |
93 |
More universal encounters |
6 |
More enemy variety |
518 |
More chained encounters (e.g. dying lioness that gives a quest) |
672 |
All of the above! |
January 7th, 2022
What interests you more when decorating your lions? |
Votes |
Answers |
691 |
Ornaments attached to lions (wraps, necklaces, etc.) |
216 |
Animals and creatures |
310 |
Scenery (rocks, plants, etc.) |
200 |
Environment (weather, particles, lights, etc.) |
555 |
Body modifications (fur extensions, wings, etc.) |
January 14th, 2022
What is your favourite colour theme when decorating lions? |
Votes |
Answers |
102 |
Monochrome |
155 |
Pastel |
245 |
Natural tones |
186 |
Lots of varied tones |
808 |
Colours that match the lion’s appearance |
January 21st, 2022
What is your preference for body ornament decors? |
Votes |
Answers |
416 |
More armour-like pieces |
969 |
Subtle ones that don't cover much (e.g. strings, wraps, etc.) |
417 |
More fabric, leather, or pelts |
January 28th, 2022
Preference for female Faux Mane decors? |
Votes |
Answers |
998 |
Big ones that cover bellies, elbows, etc. like Barbary does |
405 |
Medium ones, like the existing Glorious Mane and Rugged Mane decors |
262 |
Scarce ones, like Maneater Mane and Faux Mohawk decors |
February 4th, 2022
Preference for craftable background recipes? |
Votes |
Answers |
419 |
Recipes for some common explore backgrounds/decors (Hyena Lands, Carcass, etc.) |
637 |
Recipes for abundant items (Rainbow Stones, Underbrush, etc.) |
902 |
Recipes for trash items (Muddy Feather, Broken Tusk, etc.) |
February 11th, 2022
New marking preference? |
Votes |
Answers |
287 |
More undertones |
322 |
More top/dorsal covers |
1264 |
More unusual shapes |
February 18th, 2022
Should we add new eyes that are recolours of Draconid? |
Votes |
Answers |
1641 |
Yes, more colourful eyes with thin pupils, please! |
295 |
No thank you, Draconid should stay unique. |
320 |
I'm indifferent either way. |
February 25th, 2022
Which explore zone is your favourite to explore in? |
Votes |
Answers |
252 |
Temperate Savannah |
178 |
Shrubland |
710 |
Tropical Forest |
230 |
Dry Savannah |
197 |
Rocky Hills |
95 |
Arid Desert |
117 |
Marshlands |
184 |
Waterhole |
March 4th, 2022
Inspiration for April NCL markings? |
Votes |
Answers |
479 |
Ostrich Chick Spots |
732 |
Dutch Bunny Patches |
801 |
Quail Egg Flecks |
331 |
Rump pattern to match Face and Limb Patches |
March 11th, 2022
Your preferred theme addition to May's Champion Shop? |
Votes |
Answers |
143 |
Various insects! The grub is used as food for crowds, they can battle, and they look awesome on outfits! |
707 |
Big focus on body paints, including partial ones! |
956 |
Epic warrior augments! Body extensions for fighting, almost like cyberpunk, but with biological growths! |
March 18th, 2022
Which name should we use for the next May event marking? |
Votes |
Answers |
243 |
Brabble |
607 |
Quibble |
1003 |
Scuffle |
March 25th, 2022
Would you like to see solid mane colours that match some existing marking colours, e.g. Blue, Briar, Cimmerian, Cinnabar, Red, etc.? |
Votes |
Answers |
1574 |
Yes, more mane colour variety is always nice! |
129 |
No thank you, there are enough solid mane colours. |
271 |
I don't care either way. |
April 1st, 2022
UwU ? |
Votes |
Answers |
369 |
(´꒳`) |
169 |
^///^ |
214 |
(ᵘʷᵘ) |
174 |
^-^ |
553 |
(•̀ω•́ ) |
181 |
^_^ |
402 |
(′ꈍωꈍ‵) |
402 |
ówó |
April 8th, 2022
Which green marking shade do you like the most? |
Votes |
Answers |
417 |
Algae |
326 |
Bushveld |
363 |
Pistachio |
278 |
Citron |
209 |
Murk |
466 |
I am not a fan of any green shades so far |
April 15th, 2022
We previously polled about solid mane colours that match existing marking colours. Where would you like to see them originate from? |
Votes |
Answers |
245 |
Mane Colour Changer in the Oasis (custom mane colours) |
421 |
Exclusive NCLs in Explore (exclusive mane colours) |
125 |
Weekly Raffle Lionesses (raffle mane colours) |
1242 |
I would prefer a variety of different origins and mane colour tiers! |
April 22nd, 2022
Your preference for the next set of raffle lioness backgrounds? Pick your favourite concept! |
Votes |
Answers |
484 |
Fourteen Falls |
180 |
Great Rift Valley |
85 |
Tsodilo Hills Artworks |
42 |
Bwindi Gorillas |
556 |
Lion Climbing Tree |
125 |
Pelicans of Lake Elmenteita |
134 |
Bioko Island |
112 |
Blyde River Canyon |
170 |
Kruger National Park |
April 29th, 2022
Do you like the Fancy Mice decors? Would you like to see more critters with breed types like that? |
Votes |
Answers |
612 |
Yes! Pigeons! |
215 |
Yes! Guinea pigs! |
332 |
Yes! Rats! |
617 |
Yes! Anything will be fun! |
263 |
I'm not really interested in new critter decors. |
May 6th, 2022
What should we focus on for the next Trivia rewards? |
Votes |
Answers |
1537 |
Sphinx decors for lions to wear |
730 |
Sphinx creatures |
May 13th, 2022
Your preference for the next Flood Pit marking applicator set? |
Votes |
Answers |
371 |
Celsian |
487 |
Glass |
669 |
Labradorite |
406 |
Nadir |
143 |
Slate |
May 20th, 2022
Which name do you prefer for the next August stud base? |
Votes |
Answers |
875 |
Vagabond |
512 |
Peril |
593 |
Mwuaji (Swahili) |
755 |
Heatwave |
May 27th, 2022
Do you pay attention to nose/skin colours on lions? |
Votes |
Answers |
605 |
Yes, it matters to me on most lions |
1392 |
I only pay attention to it on specific designs |
460 |
No, I don't really care about it that much |
June 3rd, 2022
Should we add base genetic information to applicator descriptions? As an example, Ammonite Body's description would be changed to "A base changer that will turn your chosen lion's base to Ammonite. Genetics: Cream Medium Countershaded Special." |
Votes |
Answers |
1840 |
Yes, this would be a helpful adjustment! |
148 |
No, the extra information isn't needed. |
613 |
I don't mind whether it's added or the descriptions stay the same. |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the adjustment of all base applicators' descriptions to include information about their genetics information. |
June 10th, 2022
We've discovered some old mane base colours that never were released! How would you like them to be implemented? |
Votes |
Answers |
1051 |
Very soon, all at once! |
997 |
Spread them in batches of 4 through the year! |
June 17th, 2022
Since the Green base now naturally passes down to cubs, should the Oasis Contacts eye colours (Indigo, Lavender, Violet) naturally pass down to cubs, too? |
Votes |
Answers |
2092 |
Yes, I'd love to have these eye colour pass down to cubs! |
119 |
No, they should not pass down to cubs. |
373 |
I don't mind either way. |
June 24th, 2022
Which unusual skin colour would you like to see implemented first? |
Votes |
Answers |
1293 |
Lagoon |
1398 |
Lavender |
374 |
Olive |
276 |
Sage |
July 1st, 2022
Lavender skin is the first priority! Where would you like to see it originate from? |
Votes |
Answers |
348 |
Crafting |
265 |
Flood Pit |
808 |
Explore Drop |
640 |
Breeding Chance (may show up for certain Skin x Skin pairings) |
215 |
Raffle Lionesses |
510 |
Event Rewards/Shops |
July 1st, 2022
How should we adjust the Celestial Explore enemies? |
Votes |
Answers |
1097 |
Remove the "Large" trait which adds damage and resistance to grabbing |
1026 |
Remove "Stun" traits altogether from Celestial Explore enemies |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the adjustment of the non-boss July enemies to no longer be considered "Large" and removed their ability to Stun players since July 3rd, 2022. |
July 8th, 2022
Which season is nicer? Gameplay-wise, visually, unique breeding circumstances...: |
Votes |
Answers |
1679 |
Wet season! |
63 |
Dry season! |
715 |
Both are okay! |
July 15th, 2022
Which concept do you like best for the next Black Friday decor set theme? |
Votes |
Answers |
1289 |
Asian dragons |
824 |
Alice in Wonderland |
213 |
Aliens |
738 |
Cyberpunk |
388 |
The Jungle Book |
July 29th, 2022
What is your preferred theme for this October's event decor? |
Votes |
Answers |
269 |
Classic Halloween symbols |
462 |
Cthulhu |
793 |
Shadow beings |
302 |
Undead |
1425 |
Witchcraft |
August 5th, 2022
Your preference for the next Flood Pit decor set? |
Votes |
Answers |
580 |
Dragonflies, fish, and frogs |
1514 |
Water-based environment and plants |
1050 |
Crocodiles, lizards, and newts |
August 12th, 2022
Which August stud base is your favourite? |
Votes |
Answers |
321 |
Bandit |
157 |
Ruffian |
812 |
Scoundrel |
233 |
Ukame |
373 |
Vagabond |
661 |
I like all of them equally |
276 |
I'm not really a fan of any of them |
August 19th, 2022
Which set of backgrounds released via raffle lionesses is your favourite? You can view the full sets on this wiki page! |
Votes |
Answers |
137 |
Set One: Coast, Hottentots Mountains, Lush Oasis, Night Vegetation |
264 |
Set Two: Cave Waterfall, Knysna Lagoon, Kyambura Gorge, Wild Forest |
156 |
Set Three: Rainforest, Simien Mountains, Sunset Over Entabeni, Wilge River |
82 |
Set Four: Lake Malawi, Moroccan Dunes, Rwenzori, Woodlands of Zanzibar |
234 |
Set Five: Lake Nakuru, Mount Kilimanjaro, Sunset Over The Serengeti, The Drakensberg |
291 |
Set Six: Coffee Bay, Dindefelo Falls, Mayombe Forest, The Serengeti |
221 |
Set Seven: Ankasa Forest Reserve, Blue Nile Falls, Lake Tanganyika, Shores of Burundi |
51 |
Set Eight: Dzanga-Sanga Reserve, Harenna Forest, Himba Village, Lake Victoria |
144 |
Set Nine: Bioko, Climbing Tree, Fourteen Falls, Great Rift Valley |
August 26th, 2022
Which name do you prefer for the next November base? |
Votes |
Answers |
767 |
Gloom |
232 |
Shadow |
1394 |
Phantom |
603 |
Spirit |
September 2nd, 2022
Your preference for December event decors? |
Votes |
Answers |
494 |
More albino/melanistic animals |
176 |
More holiday-themed ornaments |
402 |
More snow-covered environments |
1898 |
(NEW!) Winter folklore creatures from around the world |
68 |
More focus on Wallowing Pit clutter decor |
September 9th, 2022
What would you like us to focus on regarding lion looks? |
Votes |
Answers |
1663 |
Unique markings in many colours |
188 |
Eye Colours |
197 |
Skin colours |
818 |
More even distribution in base genetic categories |
September 16th, 2022
What theme would you like to see for New Years later this year? |
Votes |
Answers |
1298 |
Rainbow sparkles theme |
444 |
Pink/yellow sparkles theme |
626 |
Purple/orange sparkles theme |
969 |
Cyan/magenta sparkles theme |
September 23rd, 2022
What would be the most interesting subtle mutation (like Folded Ears)? |
Votes |
Answers |
667 |
Roman Nose |
1403 |
Four Ears |
537 |
Curled Ears |
787 |
Curly Tail |
1057 |
Polydactyly |
September 30th, 2022
Following up on a previous poll regarding event shop mane marking applicators, which mane colour would you like to see matching mane markings released for? |
Votes |
Answers |
424 |
Algae |
359 |
Briar |
130 |
Cocoa |
620 |
Fiery |
1209 |
Orchid |
405 |
Pearl |
218 |
Pistachio |
109 |
Prune |
133 |
Sepia |
October 7th, 2022
Should we lift the strict art requirements for custom decors to allow more approvals? |
Votes |
Answers |
2220 |
Yes, I would prefer more relaxed decor rules |
784 |
No, the requirements are fine as they are |
1289 |
I have no opinion |
NOTE: The results for this poll led to the adjustment of current policies regarding Custom Decor approval to be a more streamlined process as well as having less strict rules regarding approvals as of October 14th, 2022. |
October 14th, 2022
What is your preferred rate for us fixing art bugs? |
Votes |
Answers |
514 |
Weekly, but regular, every Friday |
1889 |
Whenever possible, just sum it up for the nearest news |
246 |
Monthly, every development update |
October 21st, 2022
How important to you is having decors for mutated lions? |
Votes |
Answers |
3975 |
Very important! I want to dress up my lions with official site art! |
477 |
I'm okay with custom decors! |
352 |
I don't have an opinion |
October 28th, 2022
How would you prefer we go about adding decors for mutated lions? Please see the news for explanations on all options! |
Votes |
Answers |
1341 |
De-prioritise all other decor art and focus solely on mutation decors |
956 |
Work on it alongside other art (this would mean less regular content than normal, and very slow mutated decor releases) |
2015 |
Crowd-source mutated art - allow artist players to submit their versions to the game |
November 4th, 2022
It seems a majority of players want to see the decors handled by official artists. With this in mind, we wanted to offer a revised set of options to see your further thoughts. How should the art for mutated lion decors be handled? |
Votes |
Answers |
542 |
Full crowd-source: allow players to both reposition static decors AND redraw body-fitting decors |
1857 |
Hybrid crowd-source: allow players to reposition static decors, but official artists redraw anything body-fitting |
941 |
Official artists: dedicate 75% of time to mutation decors and 25% of time to new art |
November 11th, 2022
Which type of beetle species should get their beetle book descriptions updated first? |
Votes |
Answers |
1558 |
Explore Species (battle beetles gathered from explore) |
156 |
Oasis Species (battle beetles bought from the Oasis) |
392 |
Event Species (battle beetles bought from event shops) |
115 |
Enclave Species (battle beetles bought from the Gorilla Enclave) |
November 18th, 2022
How do you feel about having the Whisper marking colour extended to body markings? |
Votes |
Answers |
3264 |
Yes, the lighter/saturated blue has good potential for body markings |
60 |
No, the colour should be kept as mane markings only |
572 |
I don't mind either way |
December 2nd, 2022
Would you like more guaranteed decor rewards from storylines, similar to how January works? |
Votes |
Answers |
3140 |
Yes, free decor! Everyone gets to have it! |
577 |
No, I'd rather pick and choose in the shop! I may not like it. |
485 |
I have no preference. |
December 9th, 2022
Where did you learn about Lioden? |
Votes |
Answers |
1064 |
Video platform (TikTok, YouTube, etc.) |
246 |
Social media (Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.) |
216 |
Online social group (Discord, Mastodon, etc.) |
406 |
Another game |
551 |
A close friend |
100 |
A random person |
379 |
Other |
December 16th, 2022
Would you like more new beetle species more regularly? |
Votes |
Answers |
814 |
Yes please! |
1272 |
About 3-5 per year is okay (current rate). |
1598 |
I don't battle or breed beetles. |
December 23rd, 2022
Did you participate in the Albino Cub Challenge this year? |
Votes |
Answers |
1129 |
Yes! |
62 |
Not intentionally, I accidentally completed it. |
824 |
No, I wasn't interested in it. |
1672 |
I'm still trying to complete it! |
December 30th, 2022
Preferred marking types? |
Votes |
Answers |
323 |
Coat, like Brindle, Cover, Pelage, etc. |
2086 |
Patterns, like Maofelis, Spots, Stripes, etc. |
251 |
Unders, like Gentle, Rugged, Undersides, etc. |
527 |
Various, like Indri, Mirage, Upendezi, etc. |