Sometimes, during breeding, the genes of a cub get a little messed up! What comes afterwards can be a wild card. Mutations randomly occur when breeding a lioness. Although lower fertility levels are more likely to produce a mutation naturally, they can be produced from a lioness of any fertility level. Even then, some mutations are more debilitating than others, while some mutations are more common. As a general rule, lethal mutations and hybrids tend to be quite rare.
Types of Mutations
Adult Mutations
Not all mutations are visible from birth. Adult Mutations are mutations that change the appearance of an adult lion, or affect them in some way during their adult life stage.
Hybrids? Say what?! That's right—your ladies aren't always as loyal as you think. They may sneak off to have a tryst with a male of another species, and you might find yourself with a leopon or tigon cub on your paws! For details about hybrid mutations, be sure to check out this page.
Lethal Mutations
With breeding comes great responsibility. Any breeding can cause a Lethal Mutation to occur, although the odds are incredibly low; however, you may want to prepare yourself in advance, so you know just what to do if your lioness happens to give birth to a lethally-mutated cub.
Patches and Piebalds
While Patches and Piebalds are technically considered to be visible mutations, there are just so many of them that they've earned their own page. If you want to see all existing patterns, check this page out!
Just like Patches and Piebalds, Primal mutations are visible straight from birth. There may not be as many variants for Primal as there are for Patches and Piebald, but there are so many intricacies when it comes to Primal breeding—you'll definitely want to give this page a read-through!
Visible Mutations
Unlike adult mutations, Visible Mutations are visible straight from the moment your cub came into this world.
Mutation Items
It is highly recommended that you stack some of these items with a Buffalo Scrotum, as the chance of a mutation occurring rolls per cub.

![In response to locust plaguing the crops, humans created genetically modified cattle. Who knows what will happen to lioness's next litter if she eats some of this meat! - [next breeding, high chance of mutated cub but not 100%]](
* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.
* Rare drop from a retired Tigon Hype encounter.

* Purchase from the Carrion Shop for 2000 SB.
* Purchase from The Boneyard for 100 LB.
* Rare drop from winning a battle against a January event NPC.
* Purchase from the Gorilla Enclave for 300 MT.
* Purchase as a Referral Reward for 10 RP.
* Jackpot Reward from Slots.
* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Mutie On Demand
There are several "Mutie On Demand" applicators that you can use on your lions in order to apply mutations directly onto them.

Removing Mutations
If, for any reason, you decide that you no longer want your lion to be mutated, there is an item that will remove their mutation.

Important Note: Most mutations are not naturally inherited. "Inherited" means to be genetically passed down from either parent. The only mutations that are naturally inherited on Lioden are as follows.
- Dorsal Fur. This mutation can be passed down from both males and females. Breeding two Dorsal Fur lions together doubles the chance of producing Dorsal Fur offspring.
- Leopons. This mutation can only be passed down from Leopon females. Leopon males cannot pass their mutation and can only breed to lionesses with Goddess fertility.
- Overgrown Fur. This mutation can only be passed down from Overgrown Fur females. Only female offspring can inherit this mutation.
- Patches. All Patches patterns can be passed down from both males and females. Breeding two Patches lions with the same pattern together doubles the chance of producing Patches offspring with that pattern. If two different patterns are bred together, there is an equal chance of offspring inheriting either pattern.
- Piebald. All Piebald patterns can be passed down from both males and females. Breeding two Piebald lions with the same pattern together doubles the chance of producing Piebald offspring with that pattern. If two different patterns are bred together, there is an equal chance of offspring inheriting either pattern.
- Primal. This mutation can only be passed down from Primal males (including variations). Male and female offspring can inherit this mutation.
- Primal (Felis). This mutation can only be passed down from Primal males (including variations). Male and female offspring can inherit this mutation.
- Primal (Ferus). This mutation can only be passed down from Primal (Ferus) males and females. Male and female offspring can inherit this mutation.
- Primal (Smilus). This mutation can only be passed down from Primal males (including variations). Only male offspring can inherit this mutation.
- Tigons. This mutation can only be passed down from Tigon females. Tigon males cannot pass their mutation and can only breed to lionesses with Goddess fertility.
All other mutations can only be passed down from a mutated lioness with the aid of a Lion Scrotum.

* Purchase from the Champion Shop for 400 MB.
* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.
Mutation Roll Order
Official site decors are not created to fit mutated lions. If an official decor happens to fit a mutated lion, it is purely coincidental and not intentional by the site artists. Keep in mind that equipping official decors onto mutated lions may result in some... interesting placings if the mutation has major lineart changes.
If you want to decorate your mutated lion, your best chance would be to look for custom decors for sale that were drawn specifically to suit a certain mutation.
Eventually, we plan on hosting a "Mutation Decor Compatibility" resource for all mutated lions with major lineart changes (ie. Dwarfism, Leopon, Primal, Tigon, etc.)! There is no current ETA as Lioden contains thousands of decors that need to be checked, but perhaps one day in the future...
If your leader has a mutation and you wish to customise them using the Custom Lion Oasis tool, don't fret—their mutation will remain even after customisation! A lion's appearance consists of their base, eyes, mane colour, mane shape, markings, and skin. Mutations are not tied to your lion's appearance data. When you use the Custom Lion tool, it doesn't wipe your leader's age, cubs bred, heritage, karma, or stats; it only directly affects your leader's appearance.
As a visual example, this is a king pre-customisation. He's a Primal (Ferus), but unfortunately is a little... lacking.

We decide to go spruce him up in the Custom Lion Oasis tool. Unfortunately, the tool does not display mutation lineart if you happen to have a mutated king—but, as previously stated, his mutation will remain, so let's go on and customise him!

Perfect. We decide this is what we want, so we hit "Customize!" and are then redirected to his page.

What a stunner! So, there you have it. The tool can safely be used on any pride leader with any mutation. It only works on leaders. You cannot target any other lion within your pride, so the only way to customise an existing lion that is not a pride leader is by using applicators.
Some mutations can be equipped with poses! Not every mutation is compatible, unfortunately, but the ones that are compatible are as follows.
- Achromia
- Blind
- Clawless
- Double Uterus
- Melanism
- Overgrown Claws
- Overgrown Teeth
- Overgrown Tongue
- Patches (all patterns)
- Piebald (all patterns)