As any player can see by perusing the Lion Wardrobe, Lioden is absolutely chock-full of mutations. Here, we're focusing on one specific type of mutation: Visible at Birth Mutations!
Mutations were introduced to the site on April 12th 2014 within this news post. What mutations were added in during that update are not detailed, however the very first mutated lion was hinted at two days later in this news post.
Visible at birth mutations, as the name suggests, are mutations that are visible straight away once your newborn cub has arrived into the world. These mutations are rare, though some are more common or much more rare than others, and most of them will not prevent your lions from living a normal feline life. Let's see what all of the visible at birth mutations are!
Achromia lions lack pigmentation throughout their bodies. The mutation is just an overlay - their genetic base, eyes, markings, etc. still exist and their traits can be passed down onto their cubs.
Achromia does not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation can be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Female Evil Pose
Adult Female Good Pose
Adult Female Jolly Pose
Adult Female Kind Pose
Adult Female Neutral Pose
Adult Female Snarky Pose
Adult Male Default
Blind lions have a grey overlay on their eyes, causing them to have vision issues. The mutation is just an overlay - their genetic eyes still exist and their traits can be passed down onto their cubs.
Blind lions cannot hunt, patrol, or be kinged.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation can be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Female Evil Pose
Adult Female Good Pose
Adult Female Jolly Pose
Adult Female Kind Pose
Adult Female Neutral Pose
Adult Female Snarky Pose
Adult Male Default
Adult Male Spirited
Bobbed Tail
Bobbed Tail lions have tiny stubs in place of their tails.
Bobbed Tail does not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation cannot be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Male Default
Clawless lions lack claws and instead have very soft paw pads. The paw pads are a static overlay and display as the same colour for all lions, regardless of their skin colour. Clawless lions incur a hefty penalty to their Strength stat at birth. A cub that would have been born with 100 Strength will end up with a measly 5 Strength.
Clawless lions cannot hunt, but they can patrol and be kinged.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation can be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Female Evil Pose
Adult Female Good Pose
Adult Female Jolly Pose
Adult Female Kind Pose
Adult Female Neutral Pose
Adult Female Snarky Pose
Adult Male Default
Adult Male Spirited
Dorsal Fur
Dorsal Fur lions have raised, spiky fur that starts from near the back of their skull and continues down to the mid-length of their tail. The fur mimics what the Crested mane shape looks like for adult male lions, but shows on (almost) all age stages and genders. While Cub Newborn stage does not visually show the mutation, it is revealed straight from birth. All lions with Dorsal Fur have the Crested mane shape.
Dorsal Fur does not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation can naturally pass down onto cubs. It has a very low natural pass rate, and can pass from either parent. If two Dorsal Fur lions are bred together, they have a doubled chance of producing offspring with Dorsal Fur. Dorsal Fur can only have a chance to pass down to cubs if the cubs are born with the Crested mane shape.
This mutation cannot be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Male Default
Dwarfism lions have irregularly-shaped bodies, stubby legs, and slight overbites. They incur a large penalty to their Agility stat at birth. A cub that would have been born with 100 Agility will end up with 50 Agility.
Dwarfism does not hinder lions beyond causing a penalty to their Agility stat.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation cannot be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Male Default
Eyeless lions have smoothed skin where their eyes would be, and their expressions seem slightly sullen. The mutation is only visual - their genetic eyes still exist and their traits can be passed down onto their cubs.
Eyeless lions cannot hunt, patrol, or be kinged.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation can be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Female Evil Pose
Adult Female Good Pose
Adult Female Jolly Pose
Adult Female Kind Pose
Adult Female Neutral Pose
Adult Female Snarky Pose
Adult Male Default
Adult Male Spirited
Folded Ears
Folded Ears lions have ears that flop down and appear folded, rather than your typical rigid feline ear.
Folded Ears do not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation cannot be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Male Default
Melanism lions have an excess of pigmentation throughout their bodies. The mutation is just an overlay - their genetic base, eyes, markings, etc. still exist and their traits can be passed down onto their cubs.
Melanism does not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation can be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Female Evil Pose
Adult Female Good Pose
Adult Female Jolly Pose
Adult Female Kind Pose
Adult Female Neutral Pose
Adult Female Snarky Pose
Adult Male Default
Overgrown Tongue
Overgrown Tongue lions have very long tongues that their mouths cannot seem to contain, resulting in a cute blep.
Overgrown Tongues do not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation can be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Female Evil Pose
Adult Female Good Pose
Adult Female Jolly Pose
Adult Female Kind Pose
Adult Female Neutral Pose
Adult Female Snarky Pose
Adult Male Default
Adult Male Spirited
Polycaudal lions have tails that split off into two ends halfway through the tail itself.
Polycaudal does not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation cannot be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Male Default
Tailless lions have smooth, rounded rumps where their tails should be.
Tailless does not hinder lions in any way.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation cannot be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Male Default
Toothless lions completely lack teeth, but are otherwise healthy and functional lions.
Toothless lions cannot hunt, patrol, or be kinged.
This mutation cannot naturally pass down onto cubs.
This mutation cannot be posed.
Cub Newborn
Cub Young
Adolescent Female
Adolescent Male
Adult Female Default Pose
Adult Male Default