You already know your male is absolutely amazing and all the ladies do too! In fact, some of them just might want to get a little piece of him for themselves. You can offer up your affection for some of their beetles! This page outlines studding, how to set your male up for studding, how to stud your females, and what you get out of it!
Studding Out Your Main Male
In order to set your male up to become a stud, you'll first have to go to his page and scroll down until you see a box called "Studding Services".

This is where you can set up your male for studding. There is a minimum fee for studding, which is 25 SB per marking. The box will show you how much the minimum amount for your male is. To put your male up for studding, place the desired SB/GB amount you wish his fee to be and click 'Update'. There is no maximum fee for studding.
Minimum Lioness Fertility is where you can set the lowest fertility percentage you will accept for stud requests. This means that if you set your minimum lioness fertility to 50%, any lionesses that have 49% fertility or lower will not show up in the dropdown box to have a stud request sent in their name.
SB Amount is where you can set your male's SB stud fee. GB Amount is where you can set your male's GB stud fee.
Payment Type is where you can choose to have your stud fee Require Both (SB and GB) or Either Or (SB or GB).
You can edit the fees and fertility requirement at any time.
Note that setting the currency amounts to "0" in both SB and GB categories will remove the option for users to send stud requests to your lion.
You will need to reset your male's stud fee after adding or removing markings, customising his appearance, and retiring him.
Accepting or Rejecting a Stud Request
When someone sends you a stud request, you will first receive a Game Notification informing you of such.

From there it will take you to a page where you can either accept or reject the request.

After you choose to accept the request, your lion will attempt to breed with the lioness. It should be noted that some fertilities will take multiple tries until she gets pregnant; you will not receive the payment until she is successfully bred.
For every unsuccessful breeding attempt, you will lose -5% energy (-10% if you have a hybrid king). If the lioness falls below 50% hunger or 80% mood, you will have to wait until her owner feeds her or increases her mood to continue on. Note that there is no auto-breeding option for stud requests, so it may be tedious and take some time!
Once you've successfully bred the lioness, you will lose -10% energy (-20% if you have a hybrid king), and the fees sent will be transferred to your account.
If you decide to reject a request, it will notify the user and remove the request from your page.
Sending Stud Requests
In order to send a stud request to another player, make your way to the stud of your choice's page. From there, you will see a box called "Studding Services".

The SB/GB amount that a stud charges will vary by person, as the price of a stud is solely up to the stud owner's discretion. They may have a higher price depending on the base, amount and rarity of their markings, and how many stats the stud has.
A stud owner may or may not have rules in which they would like you to follow as well, so be sure to read any rules set up lest you find yourself faced with a rejected request.
You'll be able to choose which lioness in heat you'd like to have studded, as well as any breeding items you want to use. From this point you will also choose your payment option, and you must have the SB or GB on hand; otherwise, you cannot send the request. If a user rejects your stud request, your currency and items are returned to you.
You will also be able to attach a message along with your stud request, in case you would like to inform the user that you're in the same clan together (if they offer discounted stud fees to clan mates), or anything else that may be of importance regarding the stud request.
If they have accepted and successfully studded your lioness, you will receive a Game Notification.

Note: Stud fees do not expire if your lioness goes out of heat. You will need to cancel the stud request manually.
Cancelling a Stud Request
If you find yourself needing to cancel a request you have previously sent, you are free to do so as long as the user has not already accepted the request. You will need to go to your den page and scroll down to the area that says "View Breeding Requests".

From there, you will be able to view any and all requests you've sent out, what items you've sent with them, and you'll have the option to cancel them.

Male Breeding Items
You can choose a few breeding items to send along with your stud request; or, you may notice users sending these with their requests to your king. It is not necessary to manually send the items, as they are put into stasis when the request is sent, and automatically used upon your (or their) acceptance. Note that this list only includes breeding items that can be used on kingsāNOT items that can only be used on the lioness.
All items are only valid for one breeding at a time unless stated otherwise.

Purchase from The Peddler for 600 DB in August's event.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Purchase from The Peddler for 300 DB.
Jackpot Reward from Slots.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

![This vulture prepared by Chimps will boost your male's next offspring's speed. [next breeding]](
Purchase from the Prophet Shop for 100 JB.
Purchase from the Gorilla Enclave for 80 MT.
Purchase from Wenet's Shop for 3 HP.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

![Shamanic stew - if drank, it will boost your male's next offspring's strength. [next breeding]](
Purchase from the Gorilla Enclave for 80 MT.
Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.
Stud Slots
Your lion has 15 stud slots available for use every week. If you (or another stud) run out of slots, you will not be able to accept any more requests until it resets or you increase the amount. You can increase your stud slot by purchasing a Cape Bulrush from the Oasis for 3 GB. Cape Bulrushes can be used twice per week, and will increase your stud's slots for the week by 3 per Bulrush used.
If you would rather wait for your slots to reset on their own, they will automatically reset on the rollover of every Monday.