You are viewing an older version of this page, which may differ significantly from the current version.

The current June storyline, introduced in 2018, was implemented as a rehaul of the old June event, The Floods. Within this new storyline, you meet the Egyptian Gods Anubis, Bast, and Seth, who require your help to defeat Apophis, the Serpent of Chaos. As of 2023, you will also meet Thoth, Horus, and Khnum, depending on which deity you chose to align yourself with.


As of June 2018, the Rise of the Serpent event has its own storyline involving the three Egyptian Gods mentioned above. The storyline begins with Chapter 1 unlocking on June 1st at 00:00/12:00am Lioden time. The Shrine Passage unlocks automatically after you have completed your first essence gathering quest for a deity. Chapter 2 unlocks on June 3rd at 02:05am Lioden time. Chapter 3, the final chapter, unlocks on June 20th at 02:05am Lioden time.

For ease of convenience, the chapters and their branches have been split up into their own separate pages. Please click on the individual button images to be taken to that chapter's page.

Shrine Passage  

Once you have finished at least one essence gathering quest for a deity, you will see a Shrine Passage beneath the area to take daily quests with your chosen deity. Here, you can choose to clear out rubble in order to meet a new deity, have access to a new shop, and expand your daily quest pool.

Shrine Passage

Shrine Passage

You notice a passage completely covered in rubble. You ask [Anubis/Bast/Seth] about it - it looks like it's a corridor with small shrines dedicated to other gods that the earthquake must have destroyed. You look at the little Ushabti figurines and ask if they could help with clearing the rubble. [Anubis/Bast/Seth] seems to be a bit uneasy, as the Ushabti take care of all godly needs and reinforce the structure of the Temple. They are not meant for menial tasks such as this. If you want the rubble removed, you'll have to get your paws dirty. Your pride can help, too. If all else fails, perhaps you can bribe the Ushabti with food and they'll help…

0% of the rubble has been removed.

Clear the rubble yourself

Bribe Ushabti with food

Ask your pride to help clear the rubble

Choosing to clear the rubble yourself will add 5% progress to removing the rubble and will have a two hour cooldown before you can clear more yourself or choose to bribe the Ushabti.

Choosing to bribe Ushabti with food will add 5% progress to removing the rubble and will have a cooldown of one hour before you can clear more yourself or choose to bribe the Ushabti. The type of food that you choose does not impact how much rubble is cleared or how long your cooldown is.

Choosing to ask your pride to help clear the rubble will add 10% progress to removing the rubble and can be done once per rollover.

Once the rubble is fully cleared, you will be able to enter the shrine.

Shrine Passage

Shrine Passage

The shrine has been fully cleared of rubble, and waits for you to enter.

Enter the Shrine

Storyline Rewards  

Unfortunately, it is not possible to earn every reward from the storyline on one account. The rewards you receive are based on the deity you align with in Chapter 3. All rewards are displayed below.

Foreshadowing of Thoth
Foreshadowing of Horus
Foreshadowing of Khnum

Previous Rewards  

The following items were previously rewarded for completing the storyline, and have since been retired to their respective deities' temple where they can be purchased with 400 Khepri Beetles per applicator.


Royal Coat of Anubis
Royal Coat of Bast
Royal Coat of Seth


Favour of Anubis
Favour of Bast
Favour of Seth


Relic of Anubis
Relic of Bast
Relic of Seth


Vestige of Anubis
Vestige of Bast
Vestige of Seth


Token of Anubis
Token of Bast
Token of Seth


Grace of Anubis
Grace of Bast
Grace of Seth

Essence Quests  

Once you have finished Chapter 1, and if Chapters 2 and 3 are not yet unlocked, you are able to complete essence quests with your chosen deity to receive a small amount of Experience.

You can complete up to 3 essence quests during Chapter 1 if you are online before June 1st's rollover, and up to 2 essence quests during Chapter 1 if you are online after June 1st's rollover.

Today, you have visited the Temple of [Anubis/Bast/Seth] again. The mummy is still absorbing the essence you've trapped in the Ankh. Perhaps you could help?

Repeat the mission  

You sit down on the safe side of the rift. With your heart still pounding in awe of the gigantic chasm, you look around the devastated landscape. It's time to bring back some slithering essence to the vessel of [Anubis/Bast/Seth].

In order to complete this quest, you must collect 5 total Slithering Essence from Chthonic Snakes in Explore. When you come across the following encounter containing any Chthonic Snake NPC, you must choose the Bind option.

Watch out! It's a Slithering [NPC], sent after you to weaken you and the godly vessel!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Slithering [NPC]. +2 Khepri Beetles if your battle buddy is present and +1 Chaos Snake Scale if the battle is won.
Bind You use the incense to bind the chthonic beast and gather its energy into the Ankh. The drained snake doesn't feel so good and dissipates into dust. +1 Slithering Essence

Once more, you carefully return the Ankh to the mummy. With a familiar crinkling noise, the creature opens its eyes and looks at you. "Perfect. I can feel the energy siphoning through yet again. This will need some time before the connection is strong enough. Check on me tomorrow, and see if I am whole by then. If not, let us repeat the process." The mummy stays in its place, but does not close its eyes.

You got +(LVL x 50) EXP!

Daily Quest Pool  

Once you have finished Chapter 2, as well as once the storyline is finished, you are able to complete daily quests in order to receive extra rewards.

The daily quests reset upon rollover, and you can take another quest again the following day. If the quest you have taken is too difficult, you can pay a fee of 50 SB to take a different quest.


Anubis is resting next to you, watching the clouds swirl above your head. "I have come up with a few challenges that could let us get stronger..."

Defeat any 20 enemies  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 20 total battles against any NPC. Anubis will only help you in battle if you are fighting a Chthonic Snake.

Defeat 10 Slithering Minions  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 10 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a Chthonic Snake. A list of applicable NPCs is displayed on the June event page. Anubis will help you in battle.

Defeat 15 Lions  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 15 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a lion. Anubis will not help you fight these NPCs.

Defeat 10 Canids  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 10 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a canid. Anubis will not help you fight these NPCs.

Find 3 Snake Influence Djeds  

Looks like Cultists of the Serpent are trying to direct their deity towards dens of other lions. Find the Influence Pillars and destroy them!

In order to complete this quest, you must find a total of 3 Snake Djeds while visiting Den pages of other players. While this quest is active and its requirements are not met yet, you can randomly find +1 Khepri Beetle on other players' Den pages as well.

You found 1 Khepri Beetle

If you've already found a Khepri Beetle or a Snake Djed on a single player's page, upon refreshing, you will see this notification, indicating that you won't find anything else here for the duration of this quest.

You have found something here recently - best to move on.

Thoth Quests  

These quests are only available if you have cleared the rubble away from the Shrine Passage and awoken Thoth.

Decipher Granite Stone  

The Snake uncovered a very precious piece of granite. It's covered in very ancient spells that could help both Thoth and me use our vessels much better. Let's find it!

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

Among fallen rocks and cracked earth you find an ancient piece of granite covered in swirly lines and images.
Action Result Reward
Ask Anubis to verify You open your mouth to say something but Anubis stops you with a paw to stay silent and his gaze is focused on the spells. After a while, he turns back to you, confirming that this is the right stone. All you need to do now is to wait patiently while Anubis takes his time to memorize the spells. Better not to disturb him. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Cooperate With 3 Jackal Mummies  

I have awakened animals buried in the sands a long time ago. We just have to find them and talk to them - perhaps they could help your pride get rid of the Chthonic Snakes, before they go back into slumber with me.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it three times.

The creature in front of you would resemble an ordinary jackal if not for its unnaturally skinny appearance and stiff movements. Bandages covering its body are loose, revealing pale, dry skin. The sounds it makes are even more disturbing than its appearance. The jackal mummy bares its teeth as soon as it notices you.
Action Result Reward
Offer cooperation Without Anubis, it would be impossible to do anything else besides fight or leave the creature alone but now you have a better understanding of their situation. You find the proper words to convince the jackal to help you fight the Snakes. As you continue your speech, the creature gradually settles down. In return for its help, Anubis promises to send it directly to the Field of Reeds, where it can hunt forever. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Find Mehen's Sign  

Thoth has spoken with Mehen, the god that protects Ra on his journey. We need to find out if Mehen's manifestations are showing up - if they are, it means Ra is aware and watching over us.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

Spotting a snake isn't an unusual sight but this one is acting strangely, consuming its own tail. Something tells you that it is not a coincidence, especially considering recent events.
Action Result Reward
Ask if this is the sign Anubis nods with a smile. He has no doubts about this being a clear sign from Mehen. Just like Mehen protects Ra during his nightly journey through the underworld, you both will be shielded from harm during your mission. You still need to be cautious but you're not alone. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Investigate Suspicious Chthonic Cultist  

Looks like the Chthonic Cultists are scouting your territory. You better check and see what they're up to.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

You notice an odd lion in front of you. Its head is covered with a hood made of torn fabric and a dead snake decorates its tail. The lion is chanting into the sky, trying its best to speak clearly despite the forked tongue. It's a cultist! The sight is almost amusing, but you know they're a real threat.
Action Result Reward
Follow! You follow the cultist in silence but the more you observe the lion, the less you understand its actions. It's hissing at every animal and trying to swallow food like a snake. The site is almost comical, but the magical chants and words of praise make the encounter foreboding rather than amusing. What looks funny now may be dangerous later if the Snake decides to grant any power to his followers just as he distorts their bodies. Better to keep an eye on these fellows. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Burn 8 Chthonic Flags  

The Snake Cultists are putting up banners to mark areas they want to invade and increase their influence. Let's burn them.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 8 times.

Something flaps in the wind up ahead, and is suspicious even before you're close enough to see what it is. It's a banner with the sign of the Snake! The fabric is tattered and seems old, but the scent of the cultists is still fresh, indicating it was placed not too long ago.
Action Result Reward
Burn this filth! It needs to be destroyed once and for all, but the cultist power humming through it isn't going to make that easy. You ask your companion for help, and a spark of satisfaction flashes through their eyes. A powerful, melodic chant shatters the silence. You don't understand the ancient language but the result swiftly materializes in the form of crackling flames, hungrily consuming the banner. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Defeat 4 Lions with Snake Eyes  

Some lions are lost to the Snake's influence. The magic is turning them into snake hybrids. You must pound them into dust. Alone.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 4 total battles against the Lion with Snake Eyes NPC. Anubis will not help you fight this NPC.

Ah! What a vile creature! This lion has snake eyes and is hissing at you!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Lion with Snake Eyes. +1 Khepri Beetle and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.
Destroy 6 Golden Snake Eggs  

Don't worry - Apophis cannot lay eggs. But the Cultists are creating sculptures of an egg and chanting some odd energy into them… I shiver at the idea of the Serpent replicating. Just to be sure, we should find these eggs and destroy them somehow. Maybe in the chasm?

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 6 times.

The golden, smooth surface of an egg shines mysteriously. It's huge; it must be as large a baby hippo! It's easy to imagine a hostile, powerful snake inside.
Action Result Reward
Destroy! It's not easy to move the egg from where it's placed, but as soon as it starts rolling, you are able to direct it into a chasm created by Apophis. Glowing lava devours it slowly and you watch it until the last part of the egg melts down. You expect some grand finale, but the hissing of the lava is all that remains. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Find Next Rift Crack  

The Serpent is splitting the earth when it's not drilling tunnels in the earth's crust. We should find the most fresh rift crack and track the movements of the Snake.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

You spot a massive, fresh crack in the earth. It wasn't here yesterday - this must be where the Snake is digging its new burrows.
Action Result Reward
Memorize the path You look at your companion, understanding passing between you without a word. Things are happening rapidly. You must memorize this place down to the tiniest detail. This will help you to predict the next movement of the Snake and the animals living nearby can be warned before it happens. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Destroy 10 Snake Statues  

The cultists are building ugly Snake Statues to worship their horrible god. Let's just... you know. Turn them into dust.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 10 times.

There is no doubt that this statue depicts a snake and it's clear what your next move should be. You hesitate, taken aback by the sheer ugliness of it. Who on earth could worship such a thing?
Action Result Reward
Smash! The statue looks heavy but you knock it down easily, causing it to break into several parts. With a little more effort, the stone snake is turned into rubble. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Defeat 5 Snake Cultists  

Let's just find some Snake Cultists and show them their place. You can do this alone.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 5 total battles against the Snake Cultist NPC. Anubis will not help you fight this NPC.

You find a lion dressed in Chthonic garments. It could use a solid kick in the arse.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Snake Cultist. +1 Khepri Beetle and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.
Defeat 5 Transforming Cultists  

I have sent my scouts to investigate lions with darkness in their hearts. There's a vile energy flowing from the Serpent's chasm and some of the wretched Cultists seem to siphon that energy to grow stronger. Kill them; it's too late to save them. Ammit will take care of the rest.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 5 total battles against the Transforming Cultist NPC. Anubis will not help you fight this NPC.

A howl pierces your ears with an eerily high pitch. You quickly locate the source - a lion dressed up in Cultist garments, twitching and transforming into a massive snake creature!
Action Result Reward
Kill it! Initiates a battle with a Snake Cultist. +2 Khepri Beetles and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.

"It was a good training. As my vessel isn't fully synchronised with me, I need some time to rest. Perhaps I will visit the Duat when you fall asleep. We can try again tomorrow." Anubis lies down with his ears perked, ready to guard you as he rests.

You got +(LVL x 80) EXP, +2% Impression, +10 Khepri Beetles, 2x Chaos Snake Scales and 1x Random Small Food Item!


Bast is taking a bath in the flickering sun rays that are cutting through the clouds. "Ready to train today? I thought of a nice challenge."

Defeat any 20 enemies  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 20 total battles against any NPC. Bast will only help you in battle if you are fighting a Chthonic Snake.

Defeat 10 Slithering Minions  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 10 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a Chthonic Snake. A list of applicable NPCs is displayed on the June event page. Bast will help you in battle.

Defeat 15 Lions  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 15 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a lion. Bast will not help you fight these NPCs.

Defeat 10 Large or Small (Non-Lion) Felines  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 10 total battles against any NPC that falls under the feline category, whether large or small. Lions do not count towards this quest. Bast will not help you fight these NPCs.

Find 3 Snake Influence Djeds  

Looks like Cultists of the Serpent are trying to direct their deity towards dens of other lions. Find the Influence Pillars and destroy them!

In order to complete this quest, you must find a total of 3 Snake Djeds while visiting Den pages of other players. While this quest is active and its requirements are not met yet, you can randomly find +1 Khepri Beetle on other players' Den pages as well.

You found 1 Khepri Beetle

If you've already found a Khepri Beetle or a Snake Djed on a single player's page, upon refreshing, you will see this notification, indicating that you won't find anything else here for the duration of this quest.

You have found something here recently - best to move on.

Horus Quests  

These quests are only available if you have cleared the rubble away from the Shrine Passage and awoken Horus.

Search Egyptian Boat  

The chasm has uncovered an ancient boat, buried as an offering to Ra. There is special incense on it that could help Horus get stronger. Let's find it!

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

A dark, unidentified shape in the distance becomes more recognizable with each step you take. As you get closer, you discover an old wooden boat. It's damaged beyond use, but you can easily imagine how it looked in its former glory.
Action Result Reward
Investigate Old, rotten wood creaks loudly when you jump on board. The boat has been abandoned for quite some time, and there is no trace of anything valuable. You search further, and after a while, you find a golden chest. It's open but the contents remain untouched inside. An unknown but pleasant scent reaches your nostrils. This ancient incense has been preserved in excellent condition. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Bless Alabaster Primal Statue  

There is a special statue carved from Alabaster. It resembles what you now call Primals - albeit it's an ancient, feminine form dedicated to me. I need to find it and bless it to channel its strength into this vessel.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it three times.

You find a massive, slightly cracked statue carved from alabaster. It glistens in the sun, despite the dust and dirt. The lion resembles the primal mutation of your Felis brethren, but it's much more slender.
Action Result Reward
Ask Bast to bless it Somehow, your heart knows the appropriate and worthy prayer, even though your mind can't find the words. You hesitate, but Bast nods encouragingly and you begin the prayer. You hear her praying alongside you but you don't understand a word from the ancient dialect she's using. Despite this, you can feel the power infused within her chants. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Put 3 Cat Mummies to Sleep  

The Snakes have been disturbing mummies of cats. These cats were loved and meant to join the afterlife with their caretakers. We have to find them and set things right.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it three times.

The stiff and slow steps of the feline in front of you is unnatural. As you approach, you can't help but see the skinny, half-bandaged body walking around in confusion and feel the urge to help. They could be seen as scary, but all you see is a lost cat that needs assistance.
Action Result Reward
Pacify You exchange a look with Bast, a moment of mutual understanding passing between you. You both need to be careful. While the mummy doesn't show any facial expression, it can clearly feel the calming presence of Bast, following you in silence to the nearby tomb to return to its eternal slumber. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Investigate Suspicious Chthonic Cultist  

Looks like the Chthonic Cultists are scouting your territory. You better check and see what they're up to.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

You notice an odd lion in front of you. Its head is covered with a hood made of torn fabric and a dead snake decorates its tail. The lion is chanting into the sky, trying its best to speak clearly despite the forked tongue. It's a cultist! The sight is almost amusing, but you know they're a real threat.
Action Result Reward
Follow! You follow the cultist in silence but the more you observe the lion, the less you understand its actions. It's hissing at every animal and trying to swallow food like a snake. The site is almost comical, but the magical chants and words of praise make the encounter foreboding rather than amusing. What looks funny now may be dangerous later if the Snake decides to grant any power to his followers just as he distorts their bodies. Better to keep an eye on these fellows. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Burn 8 Chthonic Flags  

The Snake Cultists are putting up banners to mark areas they want to invade and increase their influence. Let's burn them.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 8 times.

Something flaps in the wind up ahead, and is suspicious even before you're close enough to see what it is. It's a banner with the sign of the Snake! The fabric is tattered and seems old, but the scent of the cultists is still fresh, indicating it was placed not too long ago.
Action Result Reward
Burn this filth! It needs to be destroyed once and for all, but the cultist power humming through it isn't going to make that easy. You ask your companion for help, and a spark of satisfaction flashes through their eyes. A powerful, melodic chant shatters the silence. You don't understand the ancient language but the result swiftly materializes in the form of crackling flames, hungrily consuming the banner. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Defeat 4 Lions with Snake Eyes  

Some lions are lost to the Snake's influence. The magic is turning them into snake hybrids. You must pound them into dust. Alone.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 4 total battles against the Lion with Snake Eyes NPC. Bast will not help you fight this NPC.

Ah! What a vile creature! This lion has snake eyes and is hissing at you!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Lion with Snake Eyes. +1 Khepri Beetle and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.
Destroy 6 Golden Snake Eggs  

Don't worry - Apophis cannot lay eggs. But the Cultists are creating sculptures of an egg and chanting some odd energy into them… I shiver at the idea of the Serpent replicating. Just to be sure, we should find these eggs and destroy them somehow. Maybe in the chasm?

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 6 times.

The golden, smooth surface of an egg shines mysteriously. It's huge; it must be as large a baby hippo! It's easy to imagine a hostile, powerful snake inside.
Action Result Reward
Destroy! It's not easy to move the egg from where it's placed, but as soon as it starts rolling, you are able to direct it into a chasm created by Apophis. Glowing lava devours it slowly and you watch it until the last part of the egg melts down. You expect some grand finale, but the hissing of the lava is all that remains. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Find Next Rift Crack  

The Serpent is splitting the earth when it's not drilling tunnels in the earth's crust. We should find the most fresh rift crack and track the movements of the Snake.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

You spot a massive, fresh crack in the earth. It wasn't here yesterday - this must be where the Snake is digging its new burrows.
Action Result Reward
Memorize the path You look at your companion, understanding passing between you without a word. Things are happening rapidly. You must memorize this place down to the tiniest detail. This will help you to predict the next movement of the Snake and the animals living nearby can be warned before it happens. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Destroy 10 Snake Statues  

The cultists are building ugly Snake Statues to worship their horrible god. Let's just... you know. Turn them into dust.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 10 times.

There is no doubt that this statue depicts a snake and it's clear what your next move should be. You hesitate, taken aback by the sheer ugliness of it. Who on earth could worship such a thing?
Action Result Reward
Smash! The statue looks heavy but you knock it down easily, causing it to break into several parts. With a little more effort, the stone snake is turned into rubble. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Defeat 5 Snake Cultists  

Let's just find some Snake Cultists and show them their place. You can do this alone.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 5 total battles against the Snake Cultist NPC. Bast will not help you fight this NPC.

You find a lion dressed in Chthonic garments. It could use a solid kick in the arse.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Snake Cultist. +1 Khepri Beetle and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.
Defeat 5 Transforming Cultists  

I have sent my scouts to investigate lions with darkness in their hearts. There's a vile energy flowing from the Serpent's chasm and some of the wretched Cultists seem to siphon that energy to grow stronger. Kill them; it's too late to save them. Ammit will take care of the rest.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 5 total battles against the Transforming Cultist NPC. Anubis will not help you fight this NPC.

A howl pierces your ears with an eerily high pitch. You quickly locate the source - a lion dressed up in Cultist garments, twitching and transforming into a massive snake creature!
Action Result Reward
Kill it! Initiates a battle with a Snake Cultist. +2 Khepri Beetles and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.

"That was a good practice session. Your body gets tougher every day, and with my blessings, this thick skin of yours gives you much endurance and stamina to keep going on. Let me just gather my energy at the next sunrise, and we can go again."

You got +(LVL x 80) EXP, +2% Impression, +10 Khepri Beetles, 2x Chaos Snake Scales and 1x Random Small Food Item!


Seth is resting next to you, carving a spear out of a branch. "Ready to train today? I have a good idea for a challenge."

Defeat any 20 enemies  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 20 total battles against any NPC. Seth will only help you in battle if you are fighting a Chthonic Snake.

Defeat 10 Slithering Minions  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 10 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a Chthonic Snake. A list of applicable NPCs is displayed on the June event page. Seth will help you in battle.

Defeat 15 Lions  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 15 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a lion. Seth will not help you fight these NPCs.

Defeat 10 Hyenas  

In order to complete this quest, you must win 10 total battles against any NPC that is categorised as a hyena. Seth will not help you fight these NPCs.

Find 3 Snake Influence Djeds  

Looks like Cultists of the Serpent are trying to direct their deity towards dens of other lions. Find the Influence Pillars and destroy them!

In order to complete this quest, you must find a total of 3 Snake Djeds while visiting Den pages of other players. While this quest is active and its requirements are not met yet, you can randomly find +1 Khepri Beetle on other players' Den pages as well.

You found 1 Khepri Beetle

If you've already found a Khepri Beetle or a Snake Djed on a single player's page, upon refreshing, you will see this notification, indicating that you won't find anything else here for the duration of this quest.

You have found something here recently - best to move on.

Khnum Quests  

These quests are only available if you have cleared the rubble away from the Shrine Passage and awoken Khnum.

Search Eroded Mastaba  

Humans not only built big pyramids, but also smaller mastabas. If they're still sealed, there's incense inside of them that could help Khnum get stronger. Don't worry - I know a secret way in. We just have to find one that hasn't been robbed.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

Even as you approach and can clearly see it with your own eyes, it is difficult to believe. There, standing prominently, is an ancient mastaba tomb, constructed with weathered mudbrick. Shifting sands have protected it well enough that you are likely the first living creature that has seen it for the first time in centuries.
Action Result Reward
Investigate A faint smile appears on Seth's face for a brief moment. He knows perfectly what to look for and where to find it. A secret passage among the bricks opens before you like the mouth of a monster, ready to devour you. Only the weak light from behind helps you to navigate inside. Eventually, your nose helps you discover a small, golden chest with incense inside. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Burn 3 Snake Fetishes  

The Snake Cultists are constructing fetishes. They are skins stuffed with offerings to the snakes, so they can eat them and get stronger. We have to burn that ugly crap down.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it three times.

An odd construction made of a dead snake and decorated with feathers looks repulsive enough that you want to destroy it even without knowing its true purpose. The symbols of the Snake make it clear that you have to get rid of it as fast as possible!
Action Result Reward
Burn it! You feel the anger in Seth's voice when he raises it in a call. The power of Ra answers immediately with a strong solar fire burst, hitting the snake fetish within seconds. Before you take another breath, it is burnt down to ashes. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Find the Trusty Spear  

I heard humans robbed ancient temples and stole objects that belonged to us. They recklessly use my weapons to do meager things, like kill a cobra or a stray goat. I can sense my old, Trusty Spear, the Snake Impaler, Destroyer of Serpents from the Eastern Sands, nearby. Don't make fun of the name, I had a LOT of spears and they all were custom-made, okay?

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

A large, dead cobra with an open mouth is slowly getting dry in the hot wind. While the snake was recently killed, the spear it is impaled with looks ancient.
Action Result Reward
Retrieve the spear Before you have a chance to move closer, Seth manages to pull the spear out with one, smooth move. He weighs it in his hand and checks it carefully for any hidden damage but it appears intact and still useful. It seems that it's exactly the one he had been looking for. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Investigate Suspicious Chthonic Cultist  

Looks like the Chthonic Cultists are scouting your territory. You better check and see what they're up to.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

You notice an odd lion in front of you. Its head is covered with a hood made of torn fabric and a dead snake decorates its tail. The lion is chanting into the sky, trying its best to speak clearly despite the forked tongue. It's a cultist! The sight is almost amusing, but you know they're a real threat.
Action Result Reward
Follow! You follow the cultist in silence but the more you observe the lion, the less you understand its actions. It's hissing at every animal and trying to swallow food like a snake. The site is almost comical, but the magical chants and words of praise make the encounter foreboding rather than amusing. What looks funny now may be dangerous later if the Snake decides to grant any power to his followers just as he distorts their bodies. Better to keep an eye on these fellows. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Burn 8 Chthonic Flags  

The Snake Cultists are putting up banners to mark areas they want to invade and increase their influence. Let's burn them.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 8 times.

Something flaps in the wind up ahead, and is suspicious even before you're close enough to see what it is. It's a banner with the sign of the Snake! The fabric is tattered and seems old, but the scent of the cultists is still fresh, indicating it was placed not too long ago.
Action Result Reward
Burn this filth! It needs to be destroyed once and for all, but the cultist power humming through it isn't going to make that easy. You ask your companion for help, and a spark of satisfaction flashes through their eyes. A powerful, melodic chant shatters the silence. You don't understand the ancient language but the result swiftly materializes in the form of crackling flames, hungrily consuming the banner. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Defeat 4 Lions with Snake Eyes  

Some lions are lost to the Snake's influence. The magic is turning them into snake hybrids. You must pound them into dust. Alone.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 4 total battles against the Lion with Snake Eyes NPC. Seth will not help you fight this NPC.

Ah! What a vile creature! This lion has snake eyes and is hissing at you!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Lion with Snake Eyes. +1 Khepri Beetle and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.
Destroy 6 Golden Snake Eggs  

Don't worry - Apophis cannot lay eggs. But the Cultists are creating sculptures of an egg and chanting some odd energy into them… I shiver at the idea of the Serpent replicating. Just to be sure, we should find these eggs and destroy them somehow. Maybe in the chasm?

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 6 times.

The golden, smooth surface of an egg shines mysteriously. It's huge; it must be as large a baby hippo! It's easy to imagine a hostile, powerful snake inside.
Action Result Reward
Destroy! It's not easy to move the egg from where it's placed, but as soon as it starts rolling, you are able to direct it into a chasm created by Apophis. Glowing lava devours it slowly and you watch it until the last part of the egg melts down. You expect some grand finale, but the hissing of the lava is all that remains. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Find Next Rift Crack  

The Serpent is splitting the earth when it's not drilling tunnels in the earth's crust. We should find the most fresh rift crack and track the movements of the Snake.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it.

You spot a massive, fresh crack in the earth. It wasn't here yesterday - this must be where the Snake is digging its new burrows.
Action Result Reward
Memorize the path You look at your companion, understanding passing between you without a word. Things are happening rapidly. You must memorize this place down to the tiniest detail. This will help you to predict the next movement of the Snake and the animals living nearby can be warned before it happens. +50 Experience
Completes your current active June Quest.
Destroy 10 Snake Statues  

The cultists are building ugly Snake Statues to worship their horrible god. Let's just... you know. Turn them into dust.

In order to complete this quest, you must find a specific encounter while exploring and interact with it 10 times.

There is no doubt that this statue depicts a snake and it's clear what your next move should be. You hesitate, taken aback by the sheer ugliness of it. Who on earth could worship such a thing?
Action Result Reward
Smash! The statue looks heavy but you knock it down easily, causing it to break into several parts. With a little more effort, the stone snake is turned into rubble. +1 towards your current active June Quest.
Defeat 5 Snake Cultists  

Let's just find some Snake Cultists and show them their place. You can do this alone.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 5 total battles against the Snake Cultist NPC. Seth will not help you fight this NPC.

You find a lion dressed in Chthonic garments. It could use a solid kick in the arse.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Snake Cultist. +1 Khepri Beetle and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.
Defeat 5 Transforming Cultists  

I have sent my scouts to investigate lions with darkness in their hearts. There's a vile energy flowing from the Serpent's chasm and some of the wretched Cultists seem to siphon that energy to grow stronger. Kill them; it's too late to save them. Ammit will take care of the rest.

In order to complete this quest, you must win 5 total battles against the Transforming Cultist NPC. Anubis will not help you fight this NPC.

A howl pierces your ears with an eerily high pitch. You quickly locate the source - a lion dressed up in Cultist garments, twitching and transforming into a massive snake creature!
Action Result Reward
Kill it! Initiates a battle with a Snake Cultist. +2 Khepri Beetles and +1 towards your current active June Quest if the battle is won.

"I am pleased with the training today. I will practice at the next sunrise on my own a little more. I'll be around to keep an eye on the slithering creatures, so do not worry. I'll give you another challenge tomorrow." Seth pats your back and walks away to practice stabbing his spear on a nearby hedgehog.

You got +(LVL x 80) EXP, +2% Impression, +10 Khepri Beetles, 2x Chaos Snake Scales and 1x Random Small Food Item!

Shai's Invocation  


Shai's Invocation

In one of the chambers, there's an altar of Shai, just as you were told there would be. You might wish to light the incense to change your path and go back in time to align with another god.

Light the Incense

At any point prior to the merged God battle against Apophis in Chapter 3, you are able to Light the Incense to align yourself with another deity an unlimited amount of times. Doing so will prompt you to the beginning of the story, and to align with your new deity fully, you will be required to complete one essence gathering quest for them. This is a helpful and convenient way to purchase items from all Temples without needing to trade with other players. You are able to change your alignment an unlimited amount of times, with the only caveat being that it must be done before you battle against Apophis after merging with a deity.

It is recommended before you use the Shai's Invocation that you finish your remaining Daily Quest for that day, as after using the Shai's Invocation, you will not be able to complete the Daily Quest for that rollover with your new deity.

NPC Quotes  


Anubis is not saying much. He just looks at you, expecting you to lead the way. When you ask him if he wants to go somewhere, he murmurs, "You decide. I'm fine with whatever."

You try to make a few jokes to make Anubis smile a little. He looks at you like they're not even funny. Odd... you thought the chicken crossing the road to the OTHER SIDE would really be something he'd laugh at.

When you rest together, you try grooming Anubis out of habit, to be social and... stuff. He jumps up and moves further away. "Thank you, but I'm good. No touching," he mumbles.

Tonight, you're gazing at the stars, trying to find a few gaps in the dusty clouds. Anubis looks up at them with you and tilts his head a bit. "That's Sopdet, or Sirius, the dog star. The dog days were the good days in Egypt. The Nile flooded and brought back life." He goes quiet for a second. "Sirius actually has a second star orbiting it... they travel together in the sky. I think we're a little bit like Sirius and its second star."

Anubis is too busy biting the base of his tail to acknowledge your greeting. He's absolutely irritated. Maybe Wepwawet had fleas? Oops.

Tonight, Anubis is laying down with his paws up, looking at the night sky. When you approach him and lean over, you see the reflections of stars in his big, black eyes. He pushes your muzzle away. "I'm watching the stars. You know, you're not invisible. Pesky cats..."

Anubis asks you to slow down a bit. He's out of breath, not used to moving so much, or being in full control of a body. Perhaps using somebody else's vessel wasn't the best idea.

"I have the urge to howl at night. I keep it in the best that I can, just letting it boil up inside of me. It's... a little embarrassing."

"Bast... I saw her temple is still intact. I had... a small romantic relationship with her, once. It was like bathing in flowers: delicate petals touching your body, the scent kissing your nose... she was all of that, and much, much more. I hope I can visit her after everything is over."

"So, Seth's temple is right there. And you didn't pick him. You picked his weakling son that he was never proud of. I wouldn't be surprised if he revives his vessel by himself out of rage, just to punish you."

"I don't think I'm worthy of your choice, but I am thankful you have more faith in me than I ever had. It feels... nice."

"What do you mean, ‘I smell weird'? The incense oils all over my body, is that what you mean? I smell way better than you, and the dried blood from your last meal... yuck."

"Lions are unique in their feline ways. They live in groups, they have relationships, they interact, they fight. The male leads the pride and takes down other kings. The females fiercely protect the cubs of the whole family. No wonder humanity has always chosen you as a symbol of pride and royalty. You are oddly human."

During today's nap, Anubis barks, startling you awake. You lift your head and blink, surprised, finding him asleep with his paws twitching as he dreams. Awww.


"I used to participate in wars, leading my people to victory. I think I still have it in me, but without you, that spark would not reignite."

"Did you know that, centuries ago, humans dressed cats in golden jewelry and allowed them to eat from their own plates at the table? Do you think humans still do that?"

"I cherish the memories of grand festivals that were thrown in my name. The amount of wine drank in those days would easily make another Nile river, but red. Oh, you don't know what wine is? Remind me to give you a taste the next time we're in the temple."

Bast is rolling in the sand like a playful kitten, showing off her fluffy white belly. You join in, because relaxation time is just as important as training time.

You search for Bast after a short nap. You spot her pawing at a dead viper, undoubtedly playing with her prey.

As you stop to rest after a long walk, Bast wanders further away and crouches suddenly, her butt shaking before pouncing at a critter. She proceeds to play with it before eating it. She seems to act more like a cat than a lion.

Bast sighs heavily. "I am a little disappointed, admittedly. I thought the world would look so much more different than before... Oh? Can you take me to the human settlements when we're done here?"

When you sit down for a small rest, Bast grooms her paws, then yours. That's... very nice of her. She has a truly nurturing nature.

"I was actually married to Anubis once in the past. It was such a romantic time... and it warms my heart that maybe, after everything is over, I could visit his temple and speak with him." She smiles as she mentions the other god. Isn't he a jackal? Ew. Okay, yeah, they did have human forms, too. Otherwise, that offspring would be a little weird.

Bast yawns, asking if you can take a little break. When you sit down, she climbs on top of you and falls asleep with her paws hanging from your side. Are you the royal pillow now?

"So, Seth's temple was untouched as well? Considering how powerful of a warrior he was, I am very honoured that you have chosen me over him. I like to think I'm not too shabby, myself, though."

"We take the form of beings that worship us, so that they feel connected with us. To humans I appear as a beautiful woman. Obviously to you, I am a lioness. There are some cat features here and there - old habits die hard, I suppose."

"I have been invited to Ra's journey through the darkness, and I have killed the Serpent many times. Have faith in me! The sun will guide us."

"Do you think I should put some makeup on? I feel a little naked without my eyeliner," she chuckles.

Bast is batting at your tail as you swat it around, deep in thought.


"If we put a monkey on your submale's back, could we have a race? I love racing so, so much. No, I understand that YOU would be the one doing the running, but *I* will be the one doing the winning."

"Let's bet some shiny beetles that I can strangle a snake with my bare hands. If it bites and kills me, at least we know you can revive me, heh."

"Come on, let's wrestle!" Surprised and unprepared, you're slammed to the ground by Seth's fighting moves. "Too slow, cub."

Seth is resting on your back and stroking your mane in silence.

"Don't pester me today, mortal cub. I am training." Seth has no patience to converse today, so you sit and watch him in silence for a while as he does push-ups.

You stretch after a small nap and check on Seth. He's plucked the feathers off of a falcon that he hunted down, and is eating it raw.

You turn around, feeling a little irked by a biting insect - but you notice it's Seth, trying to fork your tail tuft into two split ends.

Seth is resting on the ground, drawing hieroglyphs in the sand. You see pictures of a lion, a Sha dog animal... thing, an owl, trees, some various signs... and a giant erect penis with a line going down from it. Is... is that a real pictograph? When you ask him, he explains it means "husband, or a man, depending on the context." You wince your eyes and smudge the drawing, unhappy that you don't know the context of it. Seth huffs and jumps at you, wrestling with your snarling mouth.

"Anubis is my son. I can't believe his temple was untouched. It is good to know that. Maybe after everything is over, I could visit him. We haven't spoken in centuries."

"Bast just wasn't my type. I couldn't care less if her temple was destroyed or not. Maybe she's your type, though. You know, feline features and all."

Seth is humming something, but you don't know the tune. Maybe it's an ancient Egyptian anthem sang during festivals dedicated to him. You wonder if it might be depressing to him to know he'll never hear the music he loved so much ever again.

"We take the form of beings that worship us, so that they feel connected with us. To humans I appear as a beautiful man. Perhaps you dig sleek weredogs. Nobody's judging you."

"What creature am I? I am the Sha. No, perhaps it doesn't explain much. What do you want to see me as?" Seth looks at you, then at himself with a minor irritation. Perhaps he would like to have a lion vessel after all.

"You know, I've been watching you during battles and you have pretty impressive and muscular paws. Can I touch the paw pads?" Seth doesn't really wait for your permission and hastily grabs your paw, pressing his fingers against your paw pads to bring out your claws, which he touches eagerly to check out their texture and sharpness. It feels kinda nice, so you just let him do whatever he needs to do to satisfy his curiosity.

"Lions have many wives, huh? I've noticed it is very convenient for breeding. Do you have many husbands as well?" Seth asks you, wondering about the habits of lions. He notices your tilted head. He narrows his brows and looks away. "I don't mind either, myself, as long as your lover doesn't cut your testicles off." He murmurs angrily and starts to viciously stroke your mane. Maybe it's time to change the subject. The past is the past.