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June Event, "Floods"  

"Floods" was the monthly event for June between June 2014 up until June 2018, which is when it had been rehauled completely with the "Rise of the Serpent" event. If you'd like to learn more about this ancient event, check out the June Event, "Floods" page!

July Event, "Falling Stars"  

"Falling Stars" was the monthly event for July between July 2014 up until July 2021, which is when it had been rehauled completely with a new July event. If you'd like to learn more about this event, check out the July Event, "Falling Stars" page!

"Civil War" Storyline  

The July "Civil War" storyline was implemented in July 2017 and was officially retired in July 2021. It has not yet been replaced with a different storyline for the new July event. If you'd like to learn more about the storyline, check out the Civil War page!

Tigon Hype  

"Tigon Hype" was not a traditional monthly event; rather, it was a series of mini-events released in order to build up hype for the official release of Tigons, a hybrid between male tigers and female lionesses. The Tigon hype mini-event officially began on September 14th, 2018 and had been retired on December 31st, 2018. If you'd like to learn more about this mini-event, check out the Tigon Hype page!

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