Quest 1 begins on April 1st at 12:00am LDT.
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Hi, I am Wenet, what's your name? [NAME]? How exotic. Oh, don't worry, I am not a murder-bunny. You look like you're wondering about my unusual appearance. I am just wearing a fake hare mask; you know the fluffballs are REALLY stupid, they actually think I am one of them when I wear this! It makes my research about their plague much easier.

Can I wear it too?
Page 1

You want to wear it? Huh. I guess I could use a strong lion like you as a henchman for various tasks, if you don’t mind. I will put it on for you so you can blend in, but you have to return it before I leave to my homelands, after the Fluffball Plague is over.

Tell me more about the Fluffball Plague
Page 2

You see, after humans hunted down so many predators and grazers in past weeks, fluffballs had a lot of room to breed. They live short, fast lives, during which they build very odd fluffball societies. Their... culture..? I guess, culture, yes. It demands carving ornaments in eggs, usually ostrich ones, as they are very thick. It is a form of art, or deity worship. I am not sure about that. This is something you could explore... but maybe another day! We’ll craft a plan. For now, see if your mask works fine. Come back to me with a Fluffy Bunny Carcass and we'll call it a day.

- 1x Fluffy Bunny Carcass
Page 3

To complete this quest, you must obtain 1 Fluffy Bunny Carcass. This item can be easily found by exploring with Wenet's Mask equipped.

Once you have the required item, return to Wenet's page.

That mask suits you well. Come back with a Fluffy Bunny Carcass, big boy.

- 1x Fluffy Bunny Carcass

Complete Quest
Page 4

How wonderful! Looks like everything works great. See you tomorrow, I’ll be here!

+50 Experience
+2% Impression
+2 Hare Points

Come back tomorrow! We'll investigate the Fluffball agenda.
Page 5

This ends Quest 1. You must wait until rollover to proceed to Quest 2.
Click here to view the directory for the Mysterious Wenet storyline.