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This month, the sky is sparkling with lights! Fiery rocks are falling from the sky, and you notice stars forming into moving shapes whenever you roar. It seems as though your lands were chosen by an Interstellar being, and the Meteorite Shards are a result of his travels!

Looking for the Journey to Vredefort Crater? Click here!

Event Information  

This event is highly focused on battling and exploring.
The explore encounters exclusive to this month can be found in all biomes as well as within Celestial Explore.
Your lion's karma and level, as well as the regular biome you explore in, do not matter for this event.

In July, the community is working to unlock three tiers of one bar, which reveal three different areas on the site: the Draco Demiurge Exchange, the Celestial Raffle, and the Celestial Portal.
The more Meteorite Shards are collected in Explore and Celestial Explore, the faster the tiers will unlock.

This month's currencies are Axion Cores, Meteorite Shards, and Silver Beetles.
Axion Cores can be gained in Celestial Explore, which uses up Meteorite Shards to explore. Meteorite Shards and Silver Beetles can both be gained in regular Explore. Silver Beetles can also be earned in various ways around the site, including playing games and selling items.

The July event launches on July 1st at 12am Lioden time and will end on July 31st at 11:59pm Lioden time. All unused event currency will be stored on your account until the next year.

July Storyline  

Explore Encounters  

Hover over the icons in the upper right corner to see whether an encounter is available during daytime, nighttime, wet season, or dry season. If on mobile, you can tap the icons for the same effect.

Something shiny glistens in the shadow of an old tree. Must be a fallen stone!
There's plenty of weird, black stones around. You check them out in case they'll be useful later on.
There's something shiny in the dirt! You dig a while to discover a reward.
You find some glittering stones on the dried up river shore.
You notice something reflecting light in the grass.
You smell iron and sulfur somewhere nearby. You search the grass and find a relic from the sky!
You step on something sharp, your paw is in pain... But the stingy object was a rare stone!
+1 to 3 Meteorite Shards
+1 Interstellar Remnants (Extremely Low Chance)
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons.
You spot some dark stones and run towards them eagerly. Turns out, they're just some scratched obsidian rocks. You leave them behind.
You smell something sulfurous - maybe you're near some fallen stones? Ah, not this time... it's just a small lava rock. You leave it behind.
There are a few shiny stones half-buried in the dirt. After some digging, they turn out to be quite terrestrial. How disappointing.
Something just fell from the sky! You hurry over in hopes of seeing some glowy shards, only to find what seems to be a bone dropped by a vulture. You leave it behind.
You step on something sharp, your paw is in pain... Ah, it's just some old, buried human pottery. You leave it behind.
You notice something reflecting light in the grass, but it's just broken glass.
There's something shining among the rocks...! You poke it with your paw. It's just some metal trash.
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons.
Menhit and Apollyon flirting during daytime.
A quiet rustle catches your attention, causing you to notice Apedemak's daughter flirting with a suspicious looking lion. You decide not to disturb them - who knows what that odd lion would do to you.
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
Apedemak searching for his daughter Menhit during nighttime.
Apedemak seems anxious, looking for his rebellious daughter. What? No, no, you didn't see a thing...
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
Apedemak roaring at the star-filled sky.
As you walk along your usual path, you meet Apedemak, the self-proclaimed god, roaring about his superpowers every time a star falls from sky. Not sure if this is real or he's just completely crazy, you decide to move on.
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
A starry-pelted lion with a pointy mane and a huge chin is smirking at you.  His paws and tail tip are alight with a magical fire that does not seem to burn him.
It's hard to miss this lion passing you by, as fire seems to spark from below his paws.
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with Apollyon. +30 Meteorite Shards if the battle is won.
Bow Down Not sure if he's just lost his mind or showing tricks - just in case you decide to show respect and bow down your head a bit. The lion nods at you, saying you might be spared when the End is near... +10 Meteorite Shards
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
Apedemak and Apollyon in battle against each other, blood dripping from their fangs.
Loud roaring and thumping sounds dragged your attention from exploring. Apollyon and Apedemak are fighting fiercely, and blood is dripping from their fangs!
Action Result Reward
Intervene You jump to separate the two lions before they kill each other, but Apedemak seems very agitated and after a few snarky remarks leaves limping a bit. Apollyon smirks and gives you something for being brave enough to stand up for a weak lion like Apedemak. +3 to 4 Karma
+10 Meteorite Shards
Cheer! You sit down close by and cheer for the lion you like more, while the other one is obviously pissed off. Eventually they beat the crap out of each other and separate, sneezing blood from their nostrils. You hang around a little bit to see if they dropped anything. -3 to -4 Karma
+10 Meteorite Shards
Observe! Quietly you lie down nearby and observe the fight until it resolves on its own with both lions being too bloody and tired to continue. As they leave, Apedemak passes you and gives you a small gift, perhaps thankful because you did not butt into his business. +10 Meteorite Shards
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
Apedemak smugly flirts with a unique, creamy-looking lioness that clearly isn't into it.  Her ears are pinned back and she wears a grimace.
You notice Apedemak on your path, flirting with some lioness. You hear him using douche lines... Such as how he's a god and her eyes are like stars. Blerh.
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
Menhit is strolling through in daytime, one paw raised up.
You notice Apedemak's daughter, Menhit, wandering in the sun. What a heavenly beauty.
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
A blushing, smiling Menhit is snuggling up on Apollyon from behind.  Their tails are intertwined.
You spot Apedemak's daughter spending some quality time with this strange Apollyon fellow. You decide to not disturb them.
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.
Apedemak is facing up towards the night sky, his mouth open as he chatters.
You stumble upon Apedemak chattering at the stars. He's surely insane.
NOTE: This encounter will stop appearing once Novel 6 of the storyline is unlocked on July 25th.

Celestial Explore  

Celestial Explore. A voyage to the Outer Space, powered by Meteor Shards and the Draco Demiurge!

The Demiurge will let you use the Meteorite Shard's vibrations to cross the universe by passing through this dimension without much care for time and distance. Changing the frequency to take a new step further costs a full charge of 3 Meteorite Shards. Search for Axion Core remnants the interstellar beings use to feed on.

Current Available Zones:
- Draco Constellation.
- Veil Nebula.

Click on a zone to enter!

Celestial Explore is a mechanic introduced in July 2021 which unlocks new explore areas for your pride leader: Draco Constellation and Veil Nebula. This mechanic unlocks automatically as soon as the July event begins on July 1st at 12am Lioden time. While the Draco Constellation is available immediately, the Veil Nebula requires you to take 300 steps in the Draco Constellation to unlock it. Upon unlocking the Veil Nebula, you will be awarded with an Event Achievement - "Cosmic Horrors".

Celestial Explore functions nearly the same as regular Explore; however, where regular Explore uses up energy every time you click the "Explore" paw, Celestial Explore uses up 3 Meteorite Shards every time you click the "Explore" paw. You can earn Meteorite Shards to use in Celestial Explore by exploring within the regular Explore biomes. You can also "earn back" Meteorite Shards within Celestial Explore.

Clicking to enter either of the available zones will present you with a reskinned version of the explore UI.

Celestial Explore. Click explore to begin exploring. Each step takes 3 meteorite shards.

Draco Constellation Encounters  

These encounters can be found at any time of day and within any season. The only requirement is that you must be in the Draco Constellation Celestial Explore area to come across them.

Each time you click to explore, the visuals will randomise and change! To see a full preview of each backdrop and variable, visit the Backdrop and Variable Previews section at the bottom of this page.

A glowing, slow frequency is shifting matter around. The debris around you is constantly changing with every pulse.
Action Result Reward
Check it out! You try to catch something solid before it shapeshifts into other forms. You manage to grab an Axion Core before you have to vertically float out - the next wave is coming! +1 Axion Core
A massive Gamma Wyvern is passing by. It barely seems to notice you.
Action Result Reward
Hitchhike! After managing to sink your claws into its shiny scales and grabbing onto one of its spikes with your powerful jaws, you enjoy a ride straight out of unrealistic dreams! When the Wyvern passes by a rogue, rocky planet, you let go of the creature to investigate. +1 Phantom Quartz
+2 Space Rock
Roar You let out a roar, but no sound can be heard. You're too small, and you don't emit particles that sound can bounce off of. The massive reptile soars on solar winds and is gone from your sight in mere minutes, though it leaves some objects behind. +5 Meteorite Shards
A Skyrmion Wyvern is creating a vortex within a local nebula. It doesn't seem harmful; on the contrary, it seems to speed up the rotation of protostars and dust.
Action Result Reward
Dive In! You dive into the clouds and grab onto something solid. Aw, they're just a few space rocks. +2 Space Rock
You dive into the vortex and hold onto an energy source! You eject yourself into space with a happy face! +1 Axion Core
You dive into the rotating dust and snatch up everything you can. That's a lot of shards! +10 Meteorite Shards
A vortex opens up in a thick nebula right in front of you. It's a passage full of turbulence and plasma lightning, but maybe you can find something nice inside...
Action Result Reward
Go in! You dive into the vortex and struggle against the cosmic weather. After a long time of dodging the discharge, you manage to come out with something worth the effort! +1 Axion Core
A Vorton Storm is charging the space dust in front of you. The current must have broken from the loop, as it's now discharging primal energy.
Action Result Reward
Try to Pass Through You're pretty sure that you can pass the spacetime safely, thanks to the Demiurge's protection. The plasma and explosions are so massive, it's quite easy to navigate through the large voids between them. You even manage to gather some debris! +1 Axion Core
+1 Space Rock
Go Around You decide it will cost you and the Demiurge less stress if you simply go around. You end up hitching a ride on a comet! +1 Axion Core
+1 Comet Shard
All the fur on your back stands up in terror as you notice some neutrino tentacles are surrounding you from behind. You wouldn't even feel them if they tried to attack you, but what if there's something with a more corporeal form that could harm you?
Action Result Reward
Turn around You stare into the void, and the void stares back at you. You can't visualise anything specific out of this shapeless, imperceptible mass, but it seems to have a shiny heart you can touch. +2 Meteorite Shards
+5 Silver Beetles
Huge space rocks that seem to be remnants of an ancient planet colliding with something big enough to shatter it into pieces float in the void in front of you. They have to be millions of years old! Perhaps you could find something here?
Action Result Reward
Scavenge! You don't find anything but space rocks. Might as well keep a small one. +1 Space Rock
You check out every rock, big and small, until you find familiar, shiny shards! +4 Meteorite Shards
You rummage through the rocks until you find a sparkling Axion Core! +1 Axion Core
It looks like a prismatic crystal shattered here, leaving a lot of dangerous-looking shards! You should avoid getting impaled if you decide to check it out.
Action Result Reward
Scavenge... carefully! You grab a buzzing piece - how lucky! It's a core full of energy. +1 Axion Core
You manage to grab a pawful of shiny objects! +1 Axion Core
+1 Prismatic Scale
You grab an obvious-looking prismatic piece. At least you're not hurt. +1 Prismatic Scale
You are incredibly lucky - you salvage TWO Axion Cores from the rubble! +2 Axion Cores
It looks like celestial beings end their lives suspended in time and space without anyone noticing. This dragon is slowly dissolving, releasing its matter and energy back into the universe.
Action Result Reward
Forage You consider this to be similar to death on Earth - this body could feed some local beings, so you might as well check out its corpse for something special. +1 Axion Core
+5 Meteorite Shards
Pay Respects You bow your head, paying your respects to this being. The energy it releases isn't the same as your life, but it appears they were as mortal as you in some way. You think about the entropy of the universe for a while as you watch the being pass, until you notice that there's almost nothing left behind, other than something that resembles a beating heart. +1 Axion Core
+1 Prismatic Scale
Primal energy is unloading in the form of plasma and electricity, disturbing the matter around it.
Action Result Reward
Check for axion strings Among the rubble, you find matter converted into energy. Bingo! +1 Axion Core
You only manage to find some solid shards. The rest of the rocky stuff just falls apart. +3 Meteorite Shards
The Demiurge's power is vibrating within you, giving you the energy to continue further on.
+4 to 8 Meteorite Shards +1 Axion Core
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons. You will get one of two outcomes.
The space vacuum is mostly an empty void. You should carry on.
+4 to 8 Meteorite Shards +1 Axion Core
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons. You will get one of two outcomes.
There's still a lot of distance to cover to the next axion echo.
+4 to 8 Meteorite Shards +1 Axion Core
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons. You will get one of two outcomes.
Whoa! You feel like you're on a turbulent ride. The strong gravitational waves are a warning sign that you're getting too close to a black hole!
Action Result Reward
Ride a Wave! You position yourself against the wave's trajectory, letting it push you through spacetime! You manage to break some speed records and observe an axion string rotating along with you! +1 Axion Core
Whoa! It's an active wormhole - you could travel through it, provided you can handle radioactive waves on the other side...
Action Result Reward
Peek inside You feel the pulsating call of the void. You peek inside, feeling the deep bass of the waves vibrating inside your body. You feel odd as sparkling matter wraps around you as it ejects from the hole. You fall back, afraid of what would happen if you got sucked in. What if it killed you? +1 Axion Core
+2 Meteorite Shards
You almost bump into another lion! Is this a spirit phasing to Leonids, or... another traveller sent by the Demiurge, just like you?
Action Result Reward
Greet! You roar, but there's no sound in space. You try to wave excitedly, and the other lion notices you and waves back! You both show off your loot so far and he gives you a little gift, seeing as he has collected so much more than you. What a nice guy. +15 Meteorite Shards
Challenge to a race! You catch up with the lion and with a head tilt and paw gestures, you ask for a small race to the next star. He agrees! You dash through space, leaving only stardust behind! Fizzling with energy, you win! The Demiurge must be on your side today. +1 Axion Core
You are travelling through space, crossing unimaginable distances of emptiness.
+4 to 8 Meteorite Shards +1 Axion Core
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons. You will get one of two outcomes.
You find a Molecular Egg on your path. As you watch, it suddenly explodes, releasing a new life! The hatchling appears to be a Skyrmion Wyvern, breathing its first plasma into the void.
Action Result Reward
Play! With mutual curiosity, you learn to play with the wyvern. It's as big as you are, so you feel just like you're playing with a pridemate! Excited, the hatchling creates vortices in the cosmic dust, revealing something useful! +1 Axion Core
It seems like tag is a universal game that all creatures enjoy, and floating in three dimensions adds an extra level to it! You bounce off of some cosmic rocks as you play. +10 Meteorite Shards
You play whack-a-lion with the wyvern as it tries to burn your rump with plasma breath! You feel an extra rush trying to dodge its spit! +10% Energy
Coordinating together, you try to smack some floating space rocks in various directions while the wyvern shoots them with its plasma breath! You find something shiny trapped inside one of them. +1 Gem: Star Ruby
You find the remains of a dragon whose decaying body has already merged with the universe. It seems as if its bones are not made of the same mineral as yours.
Action Result Reward
Collect You gently check the remains for any leftover energy or scales. +1 Axion Core
+1 Prismatic Scale
You get a little light-headed from an unexpected, yet familiar, smell once you enter a rather large dust cloud. The scent surrounding you reminds you of raspberries... are you homesick, or is the chemical composition of this cloud the same as sweet fruit on Earth?
+5% Energy
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons.
You manage to stop right before you're swallowed by this massive wormhole! You're not sure where it leads... You could end up on the other side of the universe and never be able to get back home.
Action Result Reward
Try to Peek Inside As you get closer to this weird bubble, you see your own mane and paws begin to stretch in unnatural ways. Your head starts pounding, and you're overwhelmingly dizzy. You suspect you're losing consciousness. Suddenly, you feel something akin to an inverted wind trying to pull you inside this wormhole. You back off, using all your strength and willpower to navigate through distorted spacetime, and manage to bounce off an axion string! +1 Axion Core
+10 Meteorite Shards
Nope nope nope Adrenaline and fear give you the power to get away from this odd bubble as fast as possible. You manage to rip through spacetime so fast that you break an axion string! +1 Axion Core
+5% Energy
You pass through a Quarkling nursery. These beings spread elemental matter across the universe.
Action Result Reward
Play! You decide to stop and smell the roses—or, in this instance, admire the beauty of these beings... and play games of tag and chase with them! The games seem to be universal ways to have fun! When you depart, the beings give you some local nourishment for the journey ahead. +1 Axion Core
+1 Phantom Quartz
You recognise this pattern - it's an Axion string! It's reflecting its image on the spacetime manifold with a breathtaking pattern.
Action Result Reward
Search for remnants Looks like you were lucky! You grab a stable core for the Demiurge. +1 Axion Core
There's not much here other than interstellar debris. You start to feel a little sick from radiation, but the Demiurge's vibrations within you take care of that quite quickly. +2 Meteorite Shards
You slow down to admire the views.
+4 to 8 Meteorite Shards +1 Axion Core
NOTE: This encounter does not require you to do any actions or press any buttons. You will get one of two outcomes.
You sneeze from the stardust getting thicker and thicker in this area.
Action Result Reward
Coat your fur You let the dust coat your fur - you sparkle in all colours of the light! A few bigger shards get stuck to you, too! +3 Meteorite Shards
Lick it You stick out your tongue and feel an odd, electric-like vibration in your mouth. Exciting! +2% Energy
You stick out your tongue, wondering if the dust is like snow on Earth. You yelp in pain as something else gets stuck in your mouth! +1 Axion Core
You squint as a small device quickly flies almost unnoticed against the dark void. You follow it to get a closer look - it's a satellite, similar to the ones you saw around Earth, before you left, but... it's just a little different. You wonder if it belongs to humans or somebody from a whole other world. It seems to be covered in dust and tiny rocks, as if it has been traveling for a long, long time.
Action Result Reward
Check if it is active You approach the machine, curious if it's powered by something. You wrestle out an Axion Core from inside. It's yours now! +1 Axion Core
Collect rocks You decide to collect bigger rocks from its shell. You dare not disturb the machine - what if it powered on and killed you? +4 Meteorite Shards
+1 Comet Shard
+1 Phantom Quartz
You stop in your tracks, shocked at the fact that you just phased through an odd being. A Neutrino Amphiptere is gliding through space, unable to interact with any solid object.
Action Result Reward
Follow You follow this ghostly being, curious of what it does during its existence. Like a celestial shepherd, it seems to be herding small drakes, guiding them to new stars to take care of! +1 Axion Core
+1 Prismatic Scale
You stumble upon a Pulsar Echo. There's a lot of disturbed dust and particle clusters to search.
Action Result Reward
Investigate You dive through the dust, emerging with a refreshed feeling! There wasn't much else to see but dust, though. +5% Energy
You search the area, finding nothing but the most boring and ordinary rocks in existence. You grab one just in case, though you have a lingering feeling it's the same material your den is made of. +1 Rock
You find a familiar object within the glowing arc. +1 Axion Core
You dive through the dust, emerging with an energised feeling! There wasn't anything solid enough for you to grab, though. +15% Energy
You find a pulsating source of energy. How lucky! +2 Axion Cores
You stumble upon a Remnant Echo. There's quite a lot of debris to search.
Action Result Reward
Check it out You check out the cold, blue dust. A comet must have shattered around this area. +1 Comet Shard
You check out the dark clusters. Eh, just some small asteroids. +1 Rock
You check out the debris. Sadly, you've found nothing too useful this time. +3 Meteorite Shards
You check out the glowing clusters. You find something pulsating with a familiar energy! +1 Axion Core
You check out the shiny dust. An interstellar dragon must have fought a battle here. +1 Prismatic Scale
You stumble upon ice shards left by a comet that recently passed the sun.
Action Result Reward
Scavenge You find some shiny shards. +4 Meteorite Shards
You find plenty of shards! +10 Meteorite Shards
You find something very special in the debris! +1 Axion Core
You find a very big piece of the comet with some space ice still in it! +1 Comet Shard
You find a piece of the comet, but all its fancy stuff has evaporated. +1 Space Rock
You don't find anything useful, but you do feel very energised by the ice! +20% Energy
You witness a Proto Egg cracking and dissolving in front of your very eyes. A new hatchling opens its eyes in a lonely, cold void.
Action Result Reward
Nudge Towards the Nearest Light Source You cuddle the hatchling against your warm fur and take it on a gentle ride towards the nearest area where you think it will thrive. You notice a few young drakelings playing around in the subtle warmth of a red dwarf star. It's a perfect place! +1 Axion Core
+10% Energy
+1% Impression
You take the hatchling gently by the neck as if it were a lion cub and try to find a good place for it to hide and learn the universe. There's a nice nebula with stars forming nearby, so you leave the hatchling in its swirling gas. You don't see many drakes around, but it seems like it's a nice new world to claim. +1 Axion Core
You yelp in shock as a massive machine crosses your path. It cannot be humans, they don't have vehicles like this. Are there more civilizations out there, in other solar systems? Would they ever discover Earth? Are they aware of the creatures you meet?
Action Result Reward
Admire You gasp, stopping just in case the machine is dangerous, but you take a moment to admire the beauty of this technology. The engines leave an ionized trail behind and it fills you with extra energy. +5 Meteorite Shards
+2% Energy
Follow You decide to follow the vessel for a while, but it suddenly starts to get brighter and brighter and a line of light appears in place of the ship. It's gone in a flash of a second, leaving only odd ripples in your view. A small, glowing core rests where the ship was. +1 Axion Core

Veil Nebula Encounters  

These encounters can be found at any time of day and within any season. The only requirement is that you must be in the Veil Nebula Celestial Explore area to come across them. To unlock the Veil Nebula zone, you must take 300 steps in the Draco Constellation zone.

Each time you click to explore, the visuals will randomise and change! To see a full preview of each backdrop and variable, visit the Backdrop and Variable Previews section at the bottom of this page.

A fearsome creature crawls among the dust before you. It seems transparent, yet it glows in axion-like patterns, emitting an echo of the rhythm of the universe. It consumes any matter it can to keep the energy in balance.
Action Result Reward
Grab it! You recoil at first, but try to grab the critter in hopes of getting an Axion Core from it. It dissolves under your touch, and you're left holding the core in your paws. Perhaps it tried to feed on matter to remain in a timeline it should not exist in anymore. +1 Axion Core
Feed it some shards (-10 Meteorite Shards) You give the critter some solid matter to devour. It vomits a glowing egg towards you in return. Huh! +1 Event Beetle: Man-of-War
A massive rock is passing by you slowly. You almost ignore it like any other space rock, until it greets you. You gasp, looking up and noticing the ice-like shards are eyes.
Action Result Reward
Join for a bit You climb on the being and ask about its life. Apparently there's a whole race of living rocks travelling through space, feeding off of radiation like you feed on meat. Amazing! It sheds a dry piece of its shell as you bid goodbye. +1 Axion Core
+1 Space Rock
Wave back You smile in shock, waving back to the massive creature. It's mind-boggling. You watch it drop a bunch of rubble behind and you check it out once it's far away enough to not be weirded out that you're digging in its poop, probably. +1 Axion Core
+2 Meteorite Shards
A Preon being travels through space, resembling a sea angel from Earth. When you get too close, it emits strange gas that makes you dizzy.
Action Result Reward
Follow it You decide to follow its floating path towards plasma discharging in a nebula cloud. The creature floats away towards a nearby sun and you get to enjoy lightning hitting nearby rocks and uncovering interesting minerals. +1 Axion Core
+1 Natural Glass
Lick it Recalling the fun toad toxins on Earth, you approach the slug-like creature and try to lick it. You feel queasy and try to shake off the feeling, as the Demiurge's whispers echo in your head: "I'm surprised you didn't die." +1 Axion Core
-5% Energy
+2% Impression
A slow-moving Ctenophore is swimming in the void, pulsating with neon lights. You can see a familiar pattern inside of it. Perhaps it swallowed an Axion Core?
Action Result Reward
Tickle it You use your tail to gently tickle the creature. It ejects whatever it was trying to digest and leaves unhurt! Success! +1-2 Karma
+1 Axion Core
+1% Impression
Kill it You kill the small creature easily. You eat the delicate tendons and extract whatever it was digesting. -1-2 Karma
+1 Axion Core
-5% Hunger
A sudden flash of light startles you, but then you see the vibrating strings of light repeat their movements in front of your eyes. These Quark Strings seem to gently weave in the fabric of the universe.
Action Result Reward
Dive between them! You hop in, playing between the shifting lights like it's a little cub's hopping game. It's all fun and games until you get smacked by one painfully. Ouch! The spark materialises an Axion Core into existence. A reward! +1 Axion Core
+1% Impression
Try to touch one You paw at the light string and yowl in pain! Something has fallen off the spark that touched you and your fur feels like it's covered in electricity! Whoosh! +1 Axion Core
+5% Energy
As you travel, you pass by something that looks like a cloud of gas at first, but now you can see up close it's made out of some cosmic krill that all the jellyfish-like beings here must feed on. They're incredibly small, like the krill in the ocean. Do they ever grow bigger?
Action Result Reward
Try to eat one You try to eat them, but they leave an odd, chemical aftertaste on your tongue. You spit it out and collect the shiniest blobs in the crowd. They might be useful! +1 Axion Core
+2 Ionized Plankton
Awestruck, you slow down to admire dozens of small, pulsating, ionized jellyfish. Their teal glow reflects in the gas surrounding you.
Action Result Reward
Dance with them! You slowly hover with them, enjoying the rhythm of their flowing bodies. You are mesmerised as their electric glow creates a unique form of music you can hear inside your skull. They drop something for you once you feel it's time to leave. +2 Axion Cores
+5% Energy
Shivers go down your spine as you come close enough to see gas and matter rotating around a massive star. You're witnessing the birth of planets! Perhaps it's an Earth-like one and will host life in the future.
Action Result Reward
Dive near the center! You roar fiercely and dive into the hottest, most dangerous gas. What a rush! You grab whatever you can and quickly move on. +1 Axion Core
+5% Energy
Dive in the middle! You decide to dive into the gas and dust that is forming big, gas giant planets. You fight against the strong solar winds, and come out victorious with a shiny trophy! +1 Axion Core
+1% Impression
Dive to the edge! The gas at the edge looks the slowest, coolest, and safest. It's full of blue, sparkling things, which you collect gently. +1 Axion Core
+1 Ionized Plankton
Whoah! A bunch of Starburst Anemones are swimming in the void right past you. Looks like they are searching for a new space rock to attach to. They're full of energy and try to escape if you approach!
Action Result Reward
Chase! You try to grab one as they bounce away from you. Your floating techniques are just not fast enough! You spin expertly, turning back on yourself and grab one as it miscalculates your next move! You squeeze it a bit too hard and it collapses into an Axion Core. +1 Axion Core
You cringe in fear as you see massive, almost transparent tendrils stretch from... well... somewhere. You can't make out where they end and where they begin. They seem to be infinitely wrapping the spacetime manifold. As they squeeze, they seem to be shifting movements of galaxies.
Action Result Reward
Try to touch one You reach your paw out and try to touch the being. You see yourself phasing through it and... it's as if billions of years of darkness and light passes through your head in less than a second! You yelp and back off, feeling freezing, glowing axion energy on your fur. +1 Axion Core
You find an odd, deep purple mass. It's not sentient, and there's no creature nearby. There's no egg inside either. It's just... a shapeless blob.
Action Result Reward
Paw at it! You try to smack the blob. It shatters! There's a glowing core inside. +1 Axion Core
Lick it You approach it and take a deep sniff. It smells like very fermented marula. You give it a lick… yyuuummm!!! You feel energized instantly! +6% Energy
-5% Hunger
You gasp and stop in your tracks. You see an active wormhole! You could jump in and see what is on the other side...
Action Result Reward
Peek inside You feel the pulsating call of the void. You peek inside, feeling the deep bass of the waves vibrating inside your body. You feel odd as sparkling matter wraps around you as it ejects from the hole. You fall back, afraid of what would happen if you got sucked in. What if it killed you? +1 Axion Core
+2 Meteorite Shards
You notice an Axion string reflection being torn up by disgusting worms, trying to eat the cores.
Action Result Reward
Fend off the worms You try to fight off the worms. They're so weak they pose no challenge to a big strong lion like you! You try to cover the pattern with nearby rocks and gather anything that's left for yourself. +1 Axion Core
+2 Meteorite Shards
Check out leftovers You wait until they are gone before you check out the trash they left behind - they might as well just feed on your brain, after all. Better to be safe than sorry. +1 Axion Core
+1 Phantom Quartz
You pass by a massive star, a red giant in the process of fusing helium. It's so massive, it takes a while to circle around it without hurting your eyes and skin. There's some objects nearby; perhaps you could take a detour for safety.
Action Result Reward
Hide in asteroid belt You dive into an asteroid belt, shielding yourself within the space dust and rocks from the radiating heat. As you travel, you find some things you can stash safely for later! +1 Axion Core
+1 Space Rock
Hide in ice cloud You notice an ice cloud, which cools you nicely after you hide inside before turning to a new direction. You feel so refreshed! +8% Energy
You slow down right before you collide with an asteroid field! Maybe you could forage for some rare minerals?
Action Result Reward
Scavenge You find exactly what you hoped for! +1 Axion Core
You blow dust off the sparkling objects you found! +1 Axion Core
+1 Comet Shard
You find a neat rock and then some! +1 Axion Core
+1 Space Rock
You grab all the glowing objects in your vicinity! +1 Axion Core
+1 Ionized Plankton
You find some stray shards! +5 Meteorite Shards
You spot an active comet, ejecting ice from its core as it's passing a nearby sun.
Action Result Reward
Hitch a ride You get to cross an incredible nebula cloud, gliding on the gas waves! It was amazing! You shake off any dust you gathered in your fur. +1 Axion Core
+2 Meteorite Shards
+1 Comet Shard
You spot an odd balloon-shaped object. There's something floating inside... It looks like a massive egg sac of some of the jellyfish creatures! Ew. Looks like there's hundreds more ahead, too. They're likely guarded... better tread carefully.
Action Result Reward
Puncture it Whatever it is, it looks soft enough to break under a claw or a tooth. You pierce the veil-like exterior and it bursts billions of tiny squirming worm-like creatures into the void. Ah! You get so freaked out that you zoom away, feeling a chill go down your spine. +8% Energy
Change direction You gasp and shout into the void, although all you hear is silence as the shapeless mass comes closer and closer. You turn away, collecting whatever stands on your way. +3 Meteorite Shards
You twitch, almost hurt by the electromagnetic radiation emitted by this Magnetar. You're lucky the Demiurge is protecting you from any harm caused by such strong energy. Looks like the blasts are swirling up very active gas and debris all around it.
Action Result Reward
Check out the gas You manage to grab some shiny objects from a disturbed swirl before you're forced to leave until the next wave comes. +1 Axion Core
+1 Ionized Plankton
Check out the debris You grab some cosmic scraps before it's time to go. +1 Axion Core
+3 Meteorite Shards
You're a bit unsettled by what you see - a perfect prism crystal, splitting light and projecting it like a laser into specific areas of the universe. It looks almost sentient.
Action Result Reward
Approach You float closer, but the light starts affecting your vision intensely. The crystal vibrates so violently that a small chunk of it falls off before it disappears in a flash. You sigh in relief and collect what the crystal left behind. +1 Axion Core
+1 Prismatic Scale
Touch the light You reach your paw into the light beam. It hurts like hell! You hiss, trying to tough it out, because you notice something is materalising on your skin. You endure the pain a little bit and pull out an Axion Core! Interesting... +1 Axion Core
+1% Impression
You're passing some comet-like rocks when suddenly you stop short and do a double-take, startled by vivid colours. There's some anemone-like cluster creatures growing on some of the space rocks! How does it sustain life?
Action Result Reward
Carefully search You dig up a pretty rock attached to a familiar object. +1 Axion Core
+1 Space Rock
You dig around and find a stable core of energy. +1 Axion Core
You dig around and find some extra energy sources that the beings likely feed on. +1 Axion Core
+1 Ionized Plankton
You dig up an entire vein of Axion Cores! No wonder these creatures thrive here. +2 Axion Cores


A mockup of the battle screen, reskinned with the Celestial Explore layout.

The main draw of Celestial Explore is battling, which is how you earn Axion Cores. Each time you click the "Explore" paw, there is a chance you will come across an enemy. There are two different types of enemies: regular enemies and boss enemies.

Regular enemies will drop 1 Axion Core if they are successfully defeated. Each regular enemy that you encounter and defeat will count towards a "hidden bar". When you defeat and win against 10 regular enemies, you will then encounter a boss enemy, which are more difficult versions of the regular enemies that also drop more currency.

Boss enemies will drop 3 Axion Cores if they are successfully defeated, with the caveat that they are more difficult versions of the regular enemies, and you cannot use Lucky Feet to auto-win against them. They must be fought manually. The boss enemies cannot be skipped. Even if you click past them, the next enemy encounter you get will always be a boss.

The battles do not have to be sequential. If you win against a regular enemy, then lose, then win again, your counter will still go up and will not be interrupted or affected by your loss. You do not have to win 10 battles in a row to encounter a boss.

Battles within Celestial Explore will use your pride leader's normal energy bar and will not deplete your Meteorite Shards.

Draco Constellation Regular Enemies  

Careful! A(n) Cluster Drakeling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Cluster Drakeling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Cluster Dustling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Cluster Dustling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Comet Serpent is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Comet Serpent. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Comet Wyvern is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Comet Wyvern. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Gamma Burstling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Gamma Burstling +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Gamma Drake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Gamma Drake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Gamma Ray Beast is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Gamma Ray Beast. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Gamma Ray Being is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Gamma Ray Being. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Interstellar Drake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with an Interstellar Drake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Interstellar Snake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with an Interstellar Snake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Interstellar Wyvern is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with an Interstellar Wyvern. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Magnetar Burstling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Magnetar Burstling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Burstling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Burstling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Drakeling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Drakeling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Prismatic Drake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Prismatic Drake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Prismatic Serpent is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Prismatic Serpent. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Prismatic Wyvern is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Prismatic Wyvern. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Pulsar Drake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Pulsar Drake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Pulsar Windssrah is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Pulsar Windssrah. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Pulsar Wyrm is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Pulsar Wyrm. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Pulsar Wyvern is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Pulsar Wyvern. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Radioactive Serpent is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Radioactive Serpent. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Radioactive Snake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Radioactive Snake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Solar Dustling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Solar Dustling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Starburst Being is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Starburst Being. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Starburst Drake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Starburst Drake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Starburst Dustling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Starburst Dustling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Starburst Windssrah is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Starburst Windssrah. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Stellar Drake is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Stellar Drake. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Stellar Drakeling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Stellar Drakeling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Stellar Serpent is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Stellar Serpent. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Stellar Windssrah is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Stellar Windssrah. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Stellar Wyrm is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Stellar Wyrm. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Voidcore Drakeling is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Voidcore Drakeling. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Voidcore Wyrm is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Voidcore Wyrm. +1 Axion Core if the battle is won.

Draco Constellation Boss Enemies  

It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Galactic Drakontos now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Galactic Drakontos. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Interstellar Drakontos now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with an Interstellar Drakontos. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Prismatic Dragon now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Prismatic Dragon. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Prismatic Drakaiva now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Prismatic Drakaiva. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Pulsar Dragon now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Pulsar Dragon. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Solar Drakaiva now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Solar Drakaiva. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Starburst Dragon now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Starburst Dragon. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Stellar Drakaiva now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Stellar Drakaiva. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Voidcore Drakontos now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Voidcore Drakontos. +3 Axion Cores if the battle is won.

Veil Nebula Regular Enemies  

Careful! A(n) Cluster Jellyfish is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Cluster Jellyfish. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Cluster Octopus is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Cluster Octopus. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Magnetar Ctenophore is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Magnetar Ctenophore. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Magnetar Jellyfish is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Magnetar Jellyfish. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Anemone is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Anemone. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Beast is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Beast. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Ctenophore is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Ctenophore. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Jellyfish is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Jellyfish. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Kuragei is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Kuragei. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Nereides is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Nereides. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Squid is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Squid. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Neutron Veiled Jellyfish is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Veiled Jellyfish. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Preon Beast is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Preon Beast. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Preon Ctenophore is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Preon Ctenophore. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Red Giant Ctenophore is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Red Giant Ctenophore. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Red Giant Jellyfish is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Red Giant Jellyfish. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Red Giant Kuragei is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Red Giant Kuragei. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Red Giant Squidveil is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Red Giant Squidveil. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
Careful! A(n) Skyrmion Jellyfish is approaching!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Skyrmion Jellyfish. +2 Axion Cores if the battle is won.

Veil Nebula Boss Enemies  

It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Neutron Cthulhuae now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Cthulhuae. +5 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Neutron Leviathan now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Neutron Leviathan. +5 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Preon Cthulhuae now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Preon Cthulhuae. +5 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Preon Leviathan now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Preon Leviathan. +5 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Red Giant Arachnocnid now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Red Giant Arachnocnid. +5 Axion Cores if the battle is won.
It seems you may have disturbed one too many beings in this area. A powerful Red Giant Leviathan now guards this passage!
Action Result Reward
Attack! Initiates a battle with a Red Giant Leviathan. +5 Axion Cores if the battle is won.

Battling Tips  

Let's face it—Celestial enemies are no easy feat. If you'd like to know a little more about their strengths, weaknesses, as well as the most and least effective moves against them, then you're in the right place!

Beneath is the table to keys that are used in the NPC chart below it.

Symbol Definition
This symbol and the number next to it indicates the number of NPCs you will be facing once the battle begins. Certain NPCs are considered to be packs of 2, while others are packs of 3. Both packs of 2 and 3 NPCs are able to strike you for a total of 3 hits per turn. As you fight them and lower their health, the NPCs will appear to "die off" and only hit twice, then once per turn.
Note: Pound against packs will never stun them. Additionally, Trample makes no effect on Packs.

This symbol indicates that the NPC can Grab and Constrict/Strangle you. While you are constricted or strangled, it's more difficult to successfully hit the NPC.

Boss Enemy
This symbol indicates that the NPC is a Boss Enemy. These will only appear if you have defeated 10 Regular Enemies in one Celestial Explore zone. Once you complete a battle against a Boss Enemy, you will then need to defeat another 10 Regular Enemies to come across another Boss Enemy.

Thick Skin
This symbol indicates that the NPC has a Thick Skin. Clawing the NPC will be inefficient.

Thin Skin
This symbol indicates that the NPC has a Thin Skin. You can easily Claw at the NPC, causing lots of additional damage to it.

This symbol indicates that the NPC is Large. Such NPCs hit harder and cannot be Trampled.

This symbol indicates that the NPC is Small. Such NPCs can easily be Trampled.

This symbol indicates that the NPC is Venomous and can cause extra damage, or even defeat the Player immediately.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
Cluster Drakeling

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Cluster Dustling
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Cluster Jellyfish 2
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Roar
Cluster Octopus
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • —
Comet Serpent
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Grab
  • Pounce
Comet Wyvern
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Galactic Drakontos

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Gamma Burstling
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Gamma Drake

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Gamma Ray Beast
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Gamma Ray Being
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Interstellar Drake

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Interstellar Drakontos

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Interstellar Snake
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Grab
  • Pounce
Interstellar Wyvern
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Magnetar Burstling
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Magnetar Ctenophore
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Magnetar Jellyfish
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Neutron Anemone
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Grab
  • Pound
  • Trample
  • —
  • —
Neutron Beast
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Grab
  • Pound
  • Trample
  • —
  • Rest
Neutron Burstling
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Neutron Ctenophore
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Neutron Cthulhuae
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Neutron Drakeling

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Neutron Jellyfish
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Neutron Kuragei
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • —
Neutron Leviathan

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Claw
Neutron Nereides
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Neutron Squid
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Claw
Neutron Veiled Jellyfish
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Preon Beast
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Grab
  • Pound
  • Trample
  • —
  • Rest
Preon Ctenophore
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Preon Cthulhuae
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Preon Leviathan

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Claw
Prismatic Dragon

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Prismatic Drakaiva

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Prismatic Drake

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Prismatic Serpent
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Grab
  • Pounce
Prismatic Wyvern
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Pulsar Dragon

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Pulsar Drake

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Pulsar Windssrah

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Pulsar Wyrm
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Pulsar Wyvern
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Radioactive Serpent
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Grab
  • Pounce
Radioactive Snake
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Red Giant Arachnocnid
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Claw
Red Giant Ctenophore
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Red Giant Jellyfish
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Red Giant Kuragei
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • —
Red Giant Leviathan

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Claw
Red Giant Squidveil
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Claw
Skyrmion Jellyfish
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Claw
  • —
  • —
Solar Drakaiva

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Solar Dustling
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Starburst Being
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Starburst Dragon

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Starburst Drake

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Starburst Dustling

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Starburst Windssrah

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Stellar Drakaiva

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Stellar Drake

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Stellar Drakeling

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Stellar Serpent
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • —
  • Grab
  • Pounce
Stellar Windssrah

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Stellar Wyrm
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Voidcore Drakeling

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Voidcore Drakontos

Has a powerful Bite attack that deals a lot of damage.

Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Roar
  • Trample
  • Charge
  • Claw
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle
Voidcore Wyrm
Most Effective
No Effect
Least Effective
  • —
  • Trample
  • Grab
  • Pounce
  • Strangle

Pretty useful, isn't it? Well, if you'd like to check out attributes of other enemies, please check out the Battling Guide as well! And good luck conquering the celestial beings, by the way.

Tefnut's Memories  

Many lions have gathered here to construct a temple in honour of a beloved Celestial lioness. This temple, known as Tefnut's Memories, contains many memories of the ancestral tales that have been passed down for generations. Perhaps you can help them complete this temple by supplying them with necessary building materials. Once completed, the lions will begin their celebrations and invite Shai's blessings. These blessings will unlock relics of the past for you to purchase.

Tefnut's Memories is one of three event shops for July. It appears on the Event page beneath the unlockable event areas. It requires a community effort in order for the temple to be unlocked. The temple must be fully built before it is opened, and players must donate SB or crafting materials in order to assist with its construction. The required amount of resources to unlock the temple totals up to 404,404. Everything in this shop can be purchased with Silver Beetles.

Once the temple's construction is finished, the text below the banner will change.
Many lions gathered here to construct this temple, known as Tefnut's Memories, in honour of a beloved Celestial lioness. With the construction complete, all lions have received Shai's blessings and may now purchase relics of the past.

Additionally, if you still possess Fireflies from the retired July Event, you can quickly convert them to SB from the Tefnut's Temple page! You will receive 5 SB per Firefly.

Event Beetle: Luciola lusitanica
Call to the Stars
Celestial Detritus
Divine Sparkles
Evening Light
Morning Light
Protecting Stars
Apollyon's Grace
Broken Ritual
Divine Grace
Divine Promise
Sunset's Memorial
Tefnut's Flower
Tefnut's Memory
Whispering Glow
Whispering Trinkets
Chilling Apedemak
Chilling Apollyon
Guardian Whisper of Tefnut
Whispering Rocks
Celestial Wing Bands
Celestial Wings - Nebula [Bottom]
Celestial Wings - Nebula [Top]
Celestial Wings - Skyward [Bottom]
Celestial Wings - Skyward [Top]
Celestial Wings - Sunset [Bottom]
Celestial Wings - Sunset [Top]
Celestial Wings [Bottom]
Celestial Wings [Top]
Skyward Wing Bands
Sunset Wing Bands
The Demiurge
Veil of Sunset
Abaddon Skies
Broken Kingdom
Burning Blight
Empyrean Future
Pure Morning
Setting Sun
Frivolous Apedemak

Draco Demiurge Exchange  

As you roar into the sky, a massive dragon slowly forms from within the clouds, taking shape right before your eyes. He tunes his frequency to that of your dimension, enabling him to communicate with you despite the vast distance between the both of you. From your perspective though, he always seems to be right here whenever you call.

"I will exchange some wonderful goods if you wish to part with the Axion Cores." He speaks softly, but his deep, raspy voice causes the ground to vibrate with every word. "They will help immensely with energising the Grand Demiurge Council we're hosting just around the corner of this stellar stream."

The Draco Demiurge Exchange is one of three event shops for July. This shop is opened by reaching Tier 1 of the "Meteorite Shards collected" bar. Everything in this shop costs Axion Cores.

Emission Halo
Nebula Gas Halo
Star Cluster - High
Star Cluster - Low
Star Cluster - Medium
Star Halo
Star Sparkles - High
Star Sparkles - Low
Star Sparkles - Medium
Cosmic Radiation
Eccentric Radiation
Field of Streams
Gas Outflow
Ionised Gas
Small Wormhole
Star Formation
Starcore Aurora
Stellar Wind
Voidcore Aurora
Wispy Gas Cloud
A Great Comet
Nebula Cloud - High
Nebula Cloud - Large
Nebula Cloud - Scattered
Nebula Cloud - Small
Celestials: Aldebaran and Pleiades
Celestials: Aquarius Lammergeier
Celestials: Aries Ibex
Celestials: Betelgeuse
Celestials: Cancer
Celestials: Canopus
Celestials: Capricorn
Celestials: Gemini Eland
Celestials: King of the North Star
Celestials: Leo
Celestials: Libra
Celestials: Mouse
Celestials: Orion
Celestials: Peacock Star (Steenbok)
Celestials: Pisces
Celestials: Sagittarius
Celestials: Scorpio
Celestials: Southern Cross - Tree
Celestials: Taurus Hartebeest
Celestials: Virgo Warthog
Adorned Dragon
Black Hole Eyes
Small Dragon [Cherub]
Small Dragon [Chiral]
Small Dragon [Felid]
Small Dragon [Gryph]
Small Dragon [Titian]
Dragon Mouth [Black]
Dragon Mouth [Red]
Meteor Shards Necklace
Nebula Gentle Bracelets
Nebula Pendant
Nebula Tailwrap
Stardust Pendant
Draco Whiskers [Black]
Draco Whiskers [Neutron]
Draco Whiskers [Starburst]
Draco Whiskers [White]
Draconic Eyes [Blue]
Draconic Eyes [Green]
Draconic Eyes [Pink]
Draconic Eyes [Red]
Draconic Eyes [Yellow]
Dragon Beard [Blue]
Dragon Beard [Red]
Celestial Horn Crown
Draconid Horns [Black]
Draconid Horns [Neutron]
Draconid Horns [Starburst]
Draconid Horns [White]
Dragon Horn & Scale Neckwear [Pulsar]
Dragon Horn & Scale Rumpwear [Pulsar]
Meteor Shard Growth [Blue]
Meteor Shard Growth [Red]
Nebula Horns
Shard Growth
Starburst Bodyspikes
Starburst Horns
Drake Veil [Andromeda]
Drake Veil [Midnight]
Drake Veil [Solar]
Drake Veil [Sunrise]
Interstellar Wing Bands
Dragon Leg Morph [Onyx]
Dragon Leg Morph [Purple]
Dragon Leg Morph [Red]
Dragon Tail Morph [Onyx]
Dragon Tail Morph [Purple]
Dragon Tail Morph [Red]
Aurora Australis
Draco Constellation
Falling Stars
Infrared Radiation
Merging Galaxies
Meteor Shower
Milky Way
Perseid Storm
Reflection Pool
Space Traveller
Swirling Galaxy
Whispering Clouds
Astral Blessing
Celestial Blessing
Divine Blessing
Heavenly Blessing
Sidereal Blessing
Skyward Blessing
Sunrise Markings
Sunset Markings
Astral Fire
Curse of Divine
Heavenly Serenity
Touch of Demiurge

Veil Nebula Exchange  

The Draco Demiurge seems most impressed that you have managed to reach the vast expanses of the Veil Nebula.

"I am proud you have used my energy to perform good deeds beyond my expectation. If you can part with more Axion Cores, I can exchange them for anything the Nebula has to offer." The Demiurge smiles, "I am sure you will find something to your liking."

The Veil Nebula Exchange is one of three event shops for July. This shop is opened by defeating 5 boss enemies in the Veil Nebula zone of Celestial Explore. Everything in this shop costs Axion Cores. It can be accessed directly from the Draco Demiurge Exchange, which is where you can check your progress to see how many Veil Nebula bosses you have left to defeat before unlocking the shop.

Veil Gas
Whirling Ionized Hydrogen
Whirling Ionized Oxygen
Whirling Veil
Red Giant Glow
Neutron Dust
Neutron Mist
Preon Dust
Preon Mist
Protostar Emission
Quark Strings
Skyrmion Fog
Ionized Hydrogen
Ionized Oxygen [High]
Ionized Oxygen [Low]
Ionized Oxygen [Medium]
Ionized Nebula
Magnetar Waves
Nebula Cloud - Thick
Cold Planet
Planet X
Cluster Anemones
Neutron Anemone
Neutron Ctenophore
Neutron Jellyfish
Neutron Kuragei
Squid Veil Chestpiece [Cluster]
Squid Veil Chestpiece [Neutron]
Squid Veil Chestpiece [Red Giant]
Squid Veil Earring [Cluster]
Squid Veil Earring [Neutron]
Squid Veil Earring [Red Giant]
Squid Veil Skirt [Cluster]
Squid Veil Skirt [Neutron]
Squid Veil Skirt [Red Giant]
Prismveil Wings [Bottom]
Prismveil Wings [Top]
Bow Shock
Cosmic Depth
Cygnus Loop
Emission Nebula
Hydrogen Clouds
Ionized Veils
Planetary Nebula
Applicator: Neutron Markings
Flare Markings
Splendor Markings
Valiant Markings
Uplifted Flare Markings
Uplifted Splendor Markings
Uplifted Valiant Markings

Celestial Raffle  

Enchanting lionesses from the cosmos are phasing into this realm after having heard incredible tales of this land from other Celestial entities. The most notable of these entities just so happens to be a very noble dwarf Demiurge, creator of the Leo Constellation from which these lionesses originated. Once every 12 hours, you can attempt to impress a Celestial Lioness, in hopes that she may choose to live within your pride.

The Celestial Raffle is opened by reaching Tier 2 of the "Meteorite Shards collected" bar. Once it is unlocked, your pride leader can visit this area to have a chance at impressing Celestial Lionesses from outer space. The purpose of these lionesses is to spread out new breed-only bases, eyes, and markings into the population.

Each lioness stays up for 12 hours and charges a fee of 5 Axion Cores for you to try and impress her. The lionesses are swapped out at 12:00am and 12:00pm Lioden time. This is completely separate from when this tier of the Celestial Raffle is unlocked. Even if the tier is unlocked at 11:58am Lioden time, whichever Celestial Lioness was up at that time will be drawn and replaced at 12:00pm Lioden time two minutes later.

Unlike the weekly raffle lionesses, your pride leader's Impression level does not matter here. This means that a Barely Noticeable pride leader will have the same chance of impressing her as a Dreamboat pride leader!

Note: Be mindful of your territory count when a lioness is close to being drawn. If you're chosen to win a Celestial Lioness but your territory is full, she'll be re-rolled to another player.

There are two types of lionesses within these raffles: Type 1 and Type 2. Each raffle has a randomised 50/50 chance of generating either type.

Type Base Eyes Markings *
Type 1 Ambrosia Axion One Celestial, Dawn, Leonid, Prismatic, Sidereal, Skyward, Stratosphere, or Sunset marking
Type 2 Celestial, Dawn, Jellyfish, Leonid, Prismatic, Sidereal, Skyward, Stratosphere, Sunrise, or Sunset Dawn, Draconid, Galaxy, Neutron, Preon, Starshine, Sunglow, or Stellar One Jellyfish marking
* These markings can be generated in any slot from 1 to 10.

Previous Years' Release Schedule

  • 2014: Celestial base, Starshine eyes
  • 2015: Skyward base, Sunglow eyes
  • 2016: Sidereal base
  • 2017: Sunset base, Dawn eyes
  • 2018: Sunrise base, Draconid eyes
  • 2019: Leonid base
  • 2020: Stratosphere base, Galaxy eyes
  • 2021: Dawn base, Stellar eyes
  • 2022: Prismatic base, Neutron eyes
  • 2023: Jellyfish base, Preon eyes
  • 2024: Ambrosia base, Axion eyes

To see previews of the Celestial Raffle's bases, eyes, and markings, please navigate to the Bases, Eyes, or Markings sections of this page.

Celestial Portal  

A Celestial Portal has opened, powered by all of the Meteorite Shards you have collected. Their vibrations will last only for a limited time, and will fully dissipate by the end of this month. Entrance to the Celestial Portal is one-way; deep down, you know that you cannot leave and abandon your pride. You may choose a willing lion from your pride to cross the Portal and live out their days in another realm, a realm that is very much different from this one. The Demiurge will give you a token of exchange, up to 44 times per day.

The Celestial Portal is opened by reaching Tier 3 of the "Meteorite Shards collected" bar. Once it is unlocked, you are able to send up to 44 lions through the portal per rollover in order to earn various rewards.

It is important to note that all lions that are sent through the portal are permanently deleted from the game. Be sure to secure any lions you do not wish to send through the portal. This action cannot be reversed or undone under any circumstances. To send a lion through the portal, they cannot be pregnant, nursing cubs, in a reverse breeding, set as a broodmother, offered in a trade, offered in a raffle, on a trade cooldown, cannot be frozen, cannot be secured, cannot be hunting, and cannot be patrolling. Cubs cannot be given up. Even if you chase a lioness's cubs, the mother is still considered as nursing until 5 days of cooldown pass.

The Celestial Portal has no bearing on your pride leader's karma level. You can safely send lions through the portal without worrying about tanking your leader's karma.

Once you have chosen the lion you want to send through the portal, you'll receive two popup messages that state the following.
"Are you sure you wish to send this lion through the portal? They will disappear and not show up in your dynasty!"
"Are you 100% sure?!? This cannot be reversed!"

When you confirm that this is indeed the lion you wish to send through the portal, you will then earn your reward.

You lead [NAME] to the Celestial Portal. After farewells are exchanged, [NAME] embraces you for the last time, excited to begin their new life in a new, alien realm. The Draco Demiurge ensures the lion has crossed safely, then gives you a token of the exchange between worlds - 3% Impression.

Possible Rewards
30% Energy 30 SB 3% Impression EXP equal to (LVL x 20)
* It is random which of the four rewards you will receive each time you send a lion through the portal.


Monkey Business Crafting  

These recipes are only able to be crafted during the month of July. They can be crafted within Monkey Business's Crafting area! The majority of their components (all Gems and Underbrush) can be found year-round. During July, the drop rates for the Gems listed below become slightly higher. Comet Shards, Ionized Plankton, Prismatic Scales, and Space Rocks are only dropped during July within Celestial Explore.


Comet Shard

Gem: Celestite

Gem: Howlite

Gem: Jasper

Gem: Labradorite

Gem: Meteorite

Gem: Moonstone

Gem: Peridot

Gem: Star Ruby

Ionized Plankton

Prismatic Scale

Space Rock



Applicator: Interstellar Markings
  • 50 x Comet Shard
  • 50 x Ionized Plankton
  • 50 x Prismatic Scale
  • 50 x Space Rock
  • 60 x Underbrush
Comet Glow [Eyes]
  • 10 x Comet Shard
Comet Glow [Paws]
  • 10 x Comet Shard
Comet Halo
  • 10 x Comet Shard
Comet Shards Bracelets
  • 15 x Comet Shard
Comet Shards Necklace
  • 15 x Comet Shard
Dust: Celestite
  • 50 x Gem: Celestite
Dust: Howlite
  • 50 x Gem: Howlite
Dust: Jasper
  • 50 x Gem: Jasper
Dust: Labradorite
  • 50 x Gem: Labradorite
Dust: Meteorite
  • 50 x Gem: Meteorite
Dust: Moonstone
  • 50 x Gem: Moonstone
Dust: Peridot
  • 50 x Gem: Peridot
Dust: Star Ruby
  • 50 x Gem: Star Ruby
Floating Space Rocks
  • 10 x Space Rock
Jewelry: Celestite Body Ornaments
  • 15 x Gem: Celestite
Jewelry: Celestite Gem Headpiece
  • 15 x Gem: Celestite
Jewelry: Celestite Head Ornament
  • 15 x Gem: Celestite
Jewelry: Jasper Adornment
  • 15 x Gem: Jasper
Jewelry: Jasper Circlet
  • 15 x Gem: Jasper
Jewelry: Jasper Gem Headpiece
  • 15 x Gem: Jasper
Jewelry: Jasper Necklace
  • 15 x Gem: Jasper
Jewelry: Jasper Pendant
  • 15 x Gem: Jasper
Jewelry: Jasper Shawl
  • 15 x Gem: Jasper
Jewelry: Labradorite Crown
  • 15 x Gem: Labradorite
Jewelry: Labradorite Pendant
  • 15 x Gem: Labradorite
Jewelry: Labradorite Shard Necklace
  • 15 x Gem: Labradorite
Jewelry: Loop Scarf [Peridot]
  • 15 x Gem: Peridot
Jewelry: Meteorite Choker
  • 15 x Gem: Meteorite
Jewelry: Meteorite Crown
  • 15 x Gem: Meteorite
Jewelry: Meteorite Earrings
  • 10 x Gem: Meteorite
Jewelry: Moonstone Bracelets
  • 15 x Gem: Moonstone
Jewelry: Moonstone Chains
  • 15 x Gem: Moonstone
Jewelry: Moonstone Circlet
  • 15 x Gem: Moonstone
Jewelry: Moonstone Crown
  • 15 x Gem: Moonstone
Jewelry: Moonstone Earrings
  • 10 x Gem: Moonstone
Jewelry: Moonstone Pendant
  • 15 x Gem: Moonstone
Jewelry: Moonstone Veiled Circlet
  • 15 x Gem: Moonstone
Jewelry: Peridot Earrings
  • 10 x Gem: Peridot
Jewelry: Peridot Nose Chain [Gold]
  • 15 x Gem: Peridot
Jewelry: Peridot Nose Chain [Silver]
  • 15 x Gem: Peridot
Jewelry: Peridot Pendant
  • 15 x Gem: Peridot
Jewelry: Veiled Crown [Celestite]
  • 15 x Gem: Celestite
Jewelry: Veiled Crown [Peridot]
  • 15 x Gem: Peridot
Large Space Rock
  • 15 x Space Rock
Massive Space Rock
  • 20 x Space Rock
Meteorite Horns [Howlite]
  • 15 x Gem: Howlite
Meteorite Horns [Natural]
  • 15 x Gem: Meteorite
Meteorite Horns [Spacerock]
  • 15 x Space Rock
Prismatic Breath
  • 10 x Prismatic Scale
Prismatic Halo
  • 10 x Prismatic Scale
Prismatic Pendant
  • 15 x Prismatic Scale
Prismatic Rays of Light
  • 10 x Prismatic Scale
Prismatic Spikes
  • 10 x Prismatic Scale
Prismatic Spikes [Shoulders]
  • 15 x Prismatic Scale
Prismatic Teeth
  • 10 x Prismatic Scale
Shard Energy Chain [Body]
  • 10 x Comet Shard
  • 10 x Ionized Plankton
Shard Energy Chain [Neck]
  • 10 x Comet Shard
  • 10 x Ionized Plankton
Shards: Howlite
  • 30 x Gem: Howlite
Shards: Labradorite
  • 30 x Gem: Labradorite
Shards: Meteorite
  • 30 x Gem: Meteorite
Shards: Moonstone
  • 30 x Gem: Moonstone
Star Ruby Jewelry [Back]
  • 15 x Gem: Star Ruby
Star Ruby Jewelry [Head]
  • 15 x Gem: Star Ruby
Star Ruby Jewelry [Torso]
  • 15 x Gem: Star Ruby



Astral Base
Base Genetics: Red Light Countershaded Special
Applied with Astral Fire.
Astral Fire is purchased from the Draco Demiurge Exchange.

Astral Fire applicator.

Demiurge Base
Base Genetics: Black Medium Solid Special
Applied with Touch of Demiurge.
Touch of Demiurge is purchased from the Draco Demiurge Exchange.

Touch of Demiurge applicator.

Divine Base
Base Genetics: Black Dark Countershaded Special
Applied with Curse of Divine.
Curse of Divine is purchased from the Draco Demiurge Exchange.

Curse of Divine applicator.

Heavenly Base
Base Genetics: Cream Medium Solid Special
Applied with Heavenly Serenity.
Heavenly Serenity is purchased from the Draco Demiurge Exchange.

Heavenly Serenity applicator.

Howlite Base
Base Genetics: Cream Light Countershaded Special
Applied with Dust: Howlite.
Dust: Howlite is crafted in Monkey Business.

Dust: Howlite applicator.

Interstellar Base
Base Genetics: Black Dark Solid Special
Applied with Interstellar Remnants.
Interstellar Remnants is a rare Explore drop during July. It is also a reward for finishing the Journey to Vredefort Crater epic quest.

Interstellar Remnants applicator.

Labradorite Base
Base Genetics: Golden Medium Solid Special
Applied with Dust: Labradorite.
Dust: Labradorite is crafted in Monkey Business.

Dust: Labradorite applicator.

Meteorite Base
Base Genetics: Cream Dark Solid Special
Applied with Dust: Meteorite.
Dust: Meteorite is crafted in Monkey Business.

Dust: Meteorite applicator.

Moonstone Base
Base Genetics: Black Medium Countershaded Special
Applied with Dust: Moonstone.
Dust: Moonstone is crafted in Monkey Business.

Dust: Moonstone applicator.

Breed Only  

Ambrosia Base
Base Genetics: Red Dark Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from an Ambrosia-based lion.

Celestial Base
Base Genetics: Black Dark Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Celestial-based lion.

Dawn Base
Base Genetics: Red Light Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Dawn-based lion.

Jellyfish Base
Base Genetics: Black Dark Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Jellyfish-based lion.

Leonid Base
Base Genetics: Black Medium Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Leonid-based lion.

Prismatic Base
Base Genetics: Red Dark Solid Special
Can only be bred down from a Prismatic-based lion.

Pulsar Base
Base Genetics: Black Light Countershaded Special
Achieved through combo breeding specific bases together during the month of July, or by breeding two Pulsar lions together outside of July.

Sidereal Base
Base Genetics: Black Medium Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Sidereal-based lion.

Skyward Base
Base Genetics: Black Light Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Skyward-based lion.

Stratosphere Base
Base Genetics: Black Light Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Stratosphere-based lion.

Sunrise Base
Base Genetics: Red Light Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Sunrise-based lion.

Sunset Base
Base Genetics: Red Medium Countershaded Special
Can only be bred down from a Sunset-based lion.



Star Ruby
Star Ruby

Star Ruby

Breed Only  

These eye colours can only be bred down from a lion that has one of the following eye colours, or passed as "fail colours" from other eyes. Cosmic eyes are a unique case—they are a combo eye colour. To breed Cosmic, you need to breed a lion with Galaxy or Jasper eyes to another lion with Dawn, Draconid, Starshine, Stellar, or Sunglow eyes.




July's mane colours are exclusively applicable via their respective applicators. To see the name of the applicator that is tied to a specific mane colour, hover over or tap on the item artwork in the upper right corner of each mane colour preview.




Applicator: Interstellar Markings
Crafted in Monkey Business.
Applicator: Interstellar Markings applicator.

Interstellar Crackle
Interstellar Dust
Interstellar Feline
Interstellar Feralis
Interstellar Frosting
Interstellar Margay
Interstellar Smoke
Interstellar Thrashed Unders

Applicator: Neutron Markings
Purchased from the Veil Nebula Exchange.
Applicator: Neutron Markings applicator.

Neutron Flare
Neutron Scraped Back
Neutron Splendor
Neutron Valiant

Flare Markings
Purchased from the Veil Nebula Exchange.
Flare Markings applicator.

Astral Flare
Sidereal Flare
Sunrise Flare
Sunset Flare

Intergalactic Flare Markings
One of the main rewards for siding with Apollyon and completing July's storyline.
Intergalactic Flare Markings applicator.

Ambrosia Flare
Interstellar Flare
Jellyfish Flare
Pulsar Flare

Intergalactic Splendor Markings
One of the main rewards for siding with Apedemak and completing July's storyline.
Intergalactic Splendor Markings applicator.

Ambrosia Splendor
Interstellar Splendor
Jellyfish Splendor
Pulsar Splendor

Intergalactic Valiant Markings
One of the main rewards for siding with Menhit and completing July's storyline.
Intergalactic Valiant Markings applicator.

Ambrosia Valiant
Interstellar Valiant
Jellyfish Valiant
Pulsar Valiant

Splendor Markings
Purchased from the Veil Nebula Exchange.
Splendor Markings applicator.

Celestial Splendor
Divine Splendor
Sunrise Splendor
Sunset Splendor

Sunrise Markings
Purchased from the Draco Demiurge Exchange.
Sunrise Markings applicator.

Sunrise Feline Unders
Sunrise Margay
Sunrise Speckles
Sunrise Vitiligo

Sunset Markings
Purchased from the Draco Demiurge Exchange.
Sunset Markings applicator.

Sunset Crackle
Sunset Feralis
Sunset Lace
Sunset Siamese

Uplifted Flare Markings
Purchased from the Veil Nebula Exchange.
Uplifted Flare Markings applicator.

Dawn Flare
Leonid Flare
Prismatic Flare
Stratosphere Flare

Uplifted Splendor Markings
Purchased from the Veil Nebula Exchange.
Uplifted Splendor Markings applicator.

Dawn Splendor
Leonid Splendor
Prismatic Splendor
Stratosphere Splendor

Uplifted Valiant Markings
Purchased from the Veil Nebula Exchange.
Uplifted Valiant Markings applicator.

Dawn Valiant
Leonid Valiant
Prismatic Valiant
Stratosphere Valiant

Valiant Markings
Purchased from the Veil Nebula Exchange.
Valiant Markings applicator.

Heavenly Valiant
Skyward Valiant
Sunrise Valiant
Sunset Valiant

Breed Only  

Celestial Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2014.

Celestial Agouti
Celestial Cover
Celestial Shine
Celestial Speckles

Dawn Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2022.

Dawn Dapple
Dawn Lace
Dawn Margay
Dawn Shine

Jellyfish Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2024.

Jellyfish Ardeida
Jellyfish Inverted Maracaja
Jellyfish Maracaja
Jellyfish Quail Flecks

Leonid Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2020.

Leonid Coat
Leonid Feline
Leonid Smoke
Leonid Undershine

Prismatic Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2023.

Prismatic Feline
Prismatic Glaze
Prismatic Smoke
Prismatic Undercover

Skyward Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2015.

Skyward Cover
Skyward Crumbing
Skyward Shine
Skyward Undercover

Sidereal Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2016.

Sidereal Cover
Sidereal Glaze
Sidereal Points
Sidereal Shine

Stratosphere Markings
Originally released via lionesses from the Celestial Raffle in 2021.

Stratosphere Feline
Stratosphere Lycaon
Stratosphere Undertone
Stratosphere Vitiligo

Backdrop and Variable Previews  

Draco Constellation  

There are a total of 30 backdrops and 70 variables that you can come across while in the Draco Constellation zone of Celestial Explore. Every step that you take will pull a random backdrop and random variable, even if you are coming across an encounter or an enemy. There are 2100 possible backdrop and variable combinations!

All Backdrops  

All Variables  

Veil Nebula  

There are a total of 30 backdrops and 70 variables that you can come across while in the Veil Nebula zone of Celestial Explore. Every step that you take will pull a random backdrop and random variable, even if you are coming across an encounter or an enemy. There are 2100 possible backdrop and variable combinations!

All Backdrops  

All Variables