Quest 20

"Oh, [NAME], hello... I feel so bad. I know that those cubs were supposed to be killed anyway, but I was so glad that they could live with me for a while longer. I knew it might happen, but... seeing cubs not make it through this research is absolutely devastating. Imagine how many animals are suffering the same fate... as we know, the Cancer is not kind to earthly bodies.
Oh, don't worry... their whispers are strong while they're near me. Frankly, they're already playing with some of the living cubs, and the ones that have passed will travel with me once we're done here. Might there be any good deeds we could do for some stray cubs?
Oh...? This "Gorilla Enclave" you speak of sounds interesting. Could you perhaps find a few cubs for them? My heart would feel lighter knowing some unwanted cubs will have a kind and caring home."
You have not fulfilled your task yet. 0/3 Gorilla Enclave Quests completed.
Oh, don't worry... their whispers are strong while they're near me. Frankly, they're already playing with some of the living cubs, and the ones that have passed will travel with me once we're done here. Might there be any good deeds we could do for some stray cubs?
Oh...? This "Gorilla Enclave" you speak of sounds interesting. Could you perhaps find a few cubs for them? My heart would feel lighter knowing some unwanted cubs will have a kind and caring home."
You have not fulfilled your task yet. 0/3 Gorilla Enclave Quests completed.
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To complete this quest, you must complete a total of 3 Gorilla Enclave quests.
You can take a quest of any difficulty (Easy, Medium, or Difficult) from the Gorilla Enclave. The type of quest you take and the cub that you sacrifice do not matter - all that matters is that the quest is completed.
There is a 24 hour cooldown once you complete a Gorilla Enclave quest, so this quest will take a minimum of 3 days (72 hours) to complete.
Once you have completed a total of 3 Gorilla Enclave quests, return to the Demiurge.

"Oh, [NAME], hello... I feel so bad. I know that those cubs were supposed to be killed anyway, but I was so glad that they could live with me for a while longer. I knew it might happen, but... seeing cubs not make it through this research is absolutely devastating. Imagine how many animals are suffering the same fate... as we know, the Cancer is not kind to earthly bodies.
Oh, don't worry... their whispers are strong while they're near me. Frankly, they're already playing with some of the living cubs, and the ones that have passed will travel with me once we're done here. Might there be any good deeds we could do for some stray cubs?
Oh...? This "Gorilla Enclave" you speak of sounds interesting. Could you perhaps find a few cubs for them? My heart would feel lighter knowing some unwanted cubs will have a kind and caring home."
Oh, don't worry... their whispers are strong while they're near me. Frankly, they're already playing with some of the living cubs, and the ones that have passed will travel with me once we're done here. Might there be any good deeds we could do for some stray cubs?
Oh...? This "Gorilla Enclave" you speak of sounds interesting. Could you perhaps find a few cubs for them? My heart would feel lighter knowing some unwanted cubs will have a kind and caring home."
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"[NAME], I cannot thank you enough. That was a kind gesture that did not add to our initial quest, so I truly appreciate and admire that you sacrificed your time to do this for me. I made sure that this break didn't add to the further suffering of any animals by going out to search for more residue, and it wasn't in vain! Come back tomorrow, for I have some interesting results we could discuss."
(+1 residue!)
(+1 residue!)
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You have 20/30 Residue

"Check back with the Demiurge tomorrow! He is busy tending to the cubs."
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This ends Day 14. You must wait one rollover to proceed to Day 15.
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