The Heaven and Hell storyline begins on October 1st at 12:00am LDT.
To quickly navigate through the storyline pages, some buttons are styled with underlines and will jump you ahead to the next page for that specific branch. It is advised to use these buttons to have the best understanding of the storyline.
If you are on a device that is compatible with keyboards, you can use the left and right arrow keys ( ← → ) to switch between storyline pages.

Your pace quickens as an instinct within you warns you to find shelter quickly. You can only hope your pride will be okay. Unfortunately, your pride is far away, too far to comfortably run to for security. As your paws quickly trod through dried grass and decaying locust shells you notice a cave mouth perfect for sheltering. Without hesitation, you turn your attention to the rocky outcropping and pick up your speed. Inside of the cave is another lion. Er- something resembling a lion. His back is turned to you, the attention of the juvenile creature focused on the scrawling he's scratching into the rock's surface. You cough softly to announce your presence, causing the lion to jump slightly and stop his work.
He turns towards you with a relaxed demeanor, acting as if you hadn't just scared him. Large horns are sprouted from the top of his head with just the slightest of a curve, another pair sticking straight from his cheekbones to curl forwards. Sleeping on his side must be difficult. The most notable features he adorns are a large pair of wings, the bat-like appendages folded neatly against his body. "Are you just going to keep staring?" The lion stands up from his carvings on the grime-covered walls to approach you slowly and cautiously. "What do you want?"

A warm smile brightens his deep-set features, relaxing the tension in your muscles. "My name is Nirah. Nirah the Manticore."

Personally, I don't care about the goals of either side. I'd like to consider myself somewhere in the middle. Angels dislike me because I'm not that graceful or very pure, and demons dislike me because I'm not 'evil enough'. Not sure what they mean by that, but I won't argue. Thankfully, both sides are too focused on destroying each other and in the end they couldn't care less about my existence.
Maybe you could do some surveying around the area for me and see what's going on? I think I'd rather sit in my den and watch from afar. I don't think much has really happened yet, though."
0 / 30 steps taken in Explore.
In order to proceed, you must complete this quest. You must click the "Explore" paw print 30 times, essentially taking "30 steps". Once you have reached 30 steps, return to the storyline page and click the "Give a scouting report" button.

Personally, I don't care about the goals of either side. I'd like to consider myself somewhere in the middle. Angels dislike me because I'm not that graceful or very pure, and demons dislike me because I'm not 'evil enough'. Not sure what they mean by that, but I won't argue. Thankfully, both sides are too focused on destroying each other and in the end they couldn't care less about my existence.
Maybe you could do some surveying around the area for me and see what's going on? I think I'd rather sit in my den and watch from afar. I don't think much has really happened yet, though."

His pleasant smile melts into a heart-warming laugh. You aren't sure if the gesture is genuine anymore or if the young adult is trying to persuade you with his good looks. Either way, it seems to be working.
"Technically, I could do it no problem with my fancy magic and powers, but I have better things to do. Things like... not clearing out rabid animals while Heaven and Hell have a turf war. I'll watch your back though, no worries! If you get in a tough spot I'll be here for you, always."
Did he just step closer to you?
"Once you show off your skills I can go out and see if it's even possible to get you in contact with the Angels or the Demons. If not, I won't complain. You seem like fun company to keep, my dude."
0 / 5 rabid animals defeated.
In order to proceed, you must complete this quest. You must defeat a total of 5 rabid animals.
Rabid animals appear during both day and night time, and are easy to spot. All rabid NPCs are named "Rabid [ANIMAL]" and appear to be foaming at the mouth. To check what NPCs are rabid, view the October explore encounters.
Once you have defeated a total of 5 rabid animals, return to the storyline page and click the "Area is clear" button.

His pleasant smile melts into a heart-warming laugh. You aren't sure if the gesture is genuine anymore or if the young adult is trying to persuade you with his good looks. Either way, it seems to be working.
"Technically, I could do it no problem with my fancy magic and powers, but I have better things to do. Things like... not clearing out rabid animals while Heaven and Hell have a turf war. I'll watch your back though, no worries! If you get in a tough spot I'll be here for you, always."
Did he just step closer to you?
"Once you show off your skills I can go out and see if it's even possible to get you in contact with the Angels or the Demons. If not, I won't complain. You seem like fun company to keep, my dude."

"Nice job, my dude! You were really something out there! Now that you cleared out the area, we can go out. Don't worry about rain or anything, I can cover you with my wing. And if anything attacks us, I'll protect you."

"Well, uh, it's actually pretty simple. We can try and make a portal for you to contact Hell or Heaven together, if you're interested in joining either of their causes. But, once you make the leap to the other side, you'll be all on your lonesome. Remember though, if you do contact one side, the other becomes your enemy forever. So, like, if you align with Hell and all that "burning glory" stuff, then you can never contact the angels. Nonetheless, you'll always be my dude, dude. So, who are you going to pick?"
Keep in mind that choosing to side with Angels or Demons is permanent for the remainder of the month. You are always able to switch back and forth between Angels and Nirah or Demons and Nirah, but you cannot switch back and forth between Angels and Demons. You must choose your side carefully, or stick with Nirah for a while before making your decision.
This page is only visible if you clicked "I would like to contact a Demon" on Page 7.

"Are you positive, my dude? Are you one hundred percent sure you don't want to hang out in my cave with me? You'd really rather talk to demons? They're literally enslaving all these animals you've befriended in the past month and making them all slave-warriors to bend to their will and reign chaos onto the earth."
This page is only visible if you clicked "I really want to contact a Demon *" on Page 8.

"Okay, okay, okay. Demons it is. First of all, we'll need to set up a portal before you can do anything. It'll allow you to travel between Hell and your pride with no problem. But I'll have to pretty honest with you here, my dude. Once you do it, there is only the slightest chance that they'll allow you to see me again. I'm gonna miss your shining eyes- I mean, I really enjoyed meeting you and hanging out."
"To activate the portal for you, I need to enchant some junk with my magic. Bring me 50 Amusement items so we can start."

0 / 50 Amusement items surrendered.
In order to proceed, you must complete this quest. You must give Nirah 50 total Amusement items. The Amusement items must be in your hoard, not buried, in your branch, in a raffle, or in a trade. Once you have given Nirah a total of 50 Amusement items, click the "Proceed" button.

"Okay, okay, okay. Demons it is. First of all, we'll need to set up a portal before you can do anything. It'll allow you to travel between Hell and your pride with no problem. But I'll have to pretty honest with you here, my dude. Once you do it, there is only the slightest chance that they'll allow you to see me again. I'm gonna miss your shining eyes- I mean, I really enjoyed meeting you and hanging out."
"To activate the portal for you, I need to enchant some junk with my magic. Bring me 50 Amusement items so we can start."
50 / 50 Amusement items surrendered.

A slow and formidable rumble begins to shake the ground beneath your paws, sparking the rocks into a thundering fire! Blinding crimsons engulf your vision, your eyes only barely able to make out a sigil seemingly carving itself out of the rocks with a burning hiss. Fear paralyzes you to the spot, forcing you to bear witness as the ground crumbles away in front of you. The portal is filled with an opaque blood red and midnight black, constantly swirling in a mesmerizing pattern. You forget all else besides the burning warmth against your fur, the sound of demonic cackling and sickening screams filling your ears.
Nirah's voice cuts through the deafening screams, almost as if he spoke from within your own mind.
"It is done. Goodbye, [NAME], and good luck."

This page is only visible if you clicked "I would like to contact an Angel" on Page 7 or "Actually, Angels maybe?" on Page 8.

"Are you positive, my dude? Are you one hundred percent sure you don't want to hang out in my cave with me? You'd rather talk to creepy angels? I mean you probably won't be even allowed to talk to one, honestly. They'll just transfer you to a Nepheline, or something. They're the offspring of Lions and Angels. But don't get me wrong, they're all weird in their own ways."
This page is only visible if you clicked "I really want to contact the Angels *" on Page 11.

"Okay, okay, okay. Angels it is. First of all, we'll need to set up a portal before you can do anything. It'll allow you to travel between Heaven and your pride with no problem. But I'll have to pretty honest with you here, my dude. Once you do it, there is only the slightest chance that they'll allow you to see me again. I'm gonna miss your shining coat- I mean, I really enjoyed meeting you and hanging out."
"To activate the portal for you, I need to enchant some junk with my magic. Bring me 50 Amusement items so we can start."

0 / 50 Amusement items surrendered.
In order to proceed, you must complete this quest. You must give Nirah 50 total Amusement items. The Amusement items must be in your hoard, not buried, in your branch, in a raffle, or in a trade. Once you have given Nirah a total of 50 Amusement items, click the "Proceed" button.

"Okay, okay, okay. Angels it is. First of all, we'll need to set up a portal before you can do anything. It'll allow you to travel between Heaven and your pride with no problem. But I'll have to pretty honest with you here, my dude. Once you do it, there is only the slightest chance that they'll allow you to see me again. I'm gonna miss your shining coat- I mean, I really enjoyed meeting you and hanging out."
"To activate the portal for you, I need to enchant some junk with my magic. Bring me 50 Amusement items so we can start."
50 / 50 Amusement items surrendered.

In the midst of the darkness you can see a vague light shine above you, a savior within the darkness. The shining light casts its beauty upon the mound Nirah and you sit on, allowing you to see that the manticore seems more entranced with watching you rather than the supernatural activities around the mound. A bright and deafening bolt of lightning strikes the portal, sending pieces of surrounding rock flying into the air.
Before you can realize what is happening, you see the carved ornaments filling with a blinding white light. The slight heat reminiscent of a summer's day warms your pelt as a pastel yellow fills the portal and shines down onto you. Somewhere within, you swear you can hear an odd white noise and soft singing.
Nirah's voice cuts through your enchantment, almost as if he was speaking from within your own mind.
"It is done. Goodbye, [NAME], and good luck."

This page is only visible if you clicked "I don't care about all that. I just want to hang out with you!" on Page 7 or "I will just hang out with you for now *" on Page 8 and Page 11.

"Hell yeah, my dude! Stick it to those entitled creeps!"
The manticore's mood suddenly crashed with a forced cough, ears flattening.
"I mean, uh, nice choice. If you ever want to change your mind then you can come back to me and we can think about the portal thing again. Until then, let me walk you home. Don't hesitate to come over to my cave, I'll be open to you any day or night, my dude."
This ends the introduction. Where you go next depends on which side you chosen to align yourself, or if you chose to stay with Nirah for now.
To continue, select the button for the side you chose.
If you chose to stay with Nirah, proceed to Nirah's Daily Quests.