Eye eye, matey! Oh... that's not how you use that expression? Well, what's that other saying, the eyes are the window to the soul? Here, you can view the souls of your lions! What colours might they be?
NCL Eyes
The eyes listed below can be found on NCLs in the wild, on rolled kings, and chosen in the Custom Lion Oasis tools. They can also be manually applied to a specific lion using the Eye Changer and Random Eye Changer applicators.

If your king's Impression level is at Impressive or higher, you have a chance of encountering these exclusive NCL eyes in Explore! These eyes are also occasionally released on weekly raffle lionesses. They cannot be manually applied.

Custom Eyes
These eyes are special enough that they cannot be found on NCLs or rolled kings, yet common enough that they tend to be passed on from rarer, more expensive eye colours. They can be applied using the Eye Changer and Random Eye Changer applicators.

Unlike basic custom eyes, these ones are more detailed in their colour, and tend to have other eye colours they can pass on. They also cost extra GB when creating a custom lioness or lion from scratch. They can only be applied using the Eye Changer applicator.

Event Eyes
These eyes can only be passed down via breeding with a lioness from their specific event.




Breed-Only Eyes
These eyes can only be acquired via breeding specific eye colours together.
Like combo bases, combo eye colours have multiple factors that can contribute to them being bred.
Currently, there is only one combo eye colour: Cosmic.
To breed Cosmic, you need to breed a Galaxy- or Jasper-eyed lion to another lion with Dawn, Draconid, Starshine, or Sunglow eyes.

Sectoral eyes only have two factors for each eye colour, and the factors can be found within their names. For example, to breed a Sectoral Amber & Ice-eyed cub, you'll need to breed an Amber-eyed parent to an Ice-eyed parent.

Applicator Eyes
These eyes are only available by applying the respective item to your lion, or passed down from breeding.
Contact eyes (Indigo, Lavender, and Violet) cannot pass down their colour naturally. They can pass down by using Opal Saltlicks.

Explore Eye Previewer
Below, you can see what your pride leader's eyes will look like as a certain colour in Explore!