You are viewing an older version of this page, which may differ significantly from the current version.
Flirt Shop
Dry Palm Leaf

Fluffy Bunny Carcass

Ostrich Fluff

Flamingo Legs

Lovebird Plumage

Fluttering Eyelashes

Tint of Love

European Turtle Dove

Gold Rose Quartz Ornaments

Silver Rose Quartz Ornaments

Bundle of Lovebirds [Black-Cheeked]

Bundle of Lovebirds [Black-Masked]

Bundle of Lovebirds [Blue Opaline]

Bundle of Lovebirds [Peach-Faced]

Bundle of Lovebirds [Rosy-Faced]

Suggestive Garter

Chirping Lovebirds

Courting Kori Bustard

Rock Dove

Elephant Ear Plant

Heart-Leaf Sugarbush Garland

Prancing Cubs [Gray]

Prancing Cubs [Natural]

Flirting Lioness [Black]
![A flirty, black lioness. [Male only!]](
Flirting Lioness [Fawny]
![A flirty, fawny lioness. [Male only!]](
Flirting Lioness [Golden]
![A flirty, golden lioness. [Male only!]](
Flirting Lioness [Maroon]
![A flirty, maroon lioness. [Male only!]](
Flirting Lioness [Panther]
![A flirty, panther lioness. [Male only!]](
Pregnant Lioness
![Looks like this pregnant lioness just wants some attention from a strong, protective male. [Adult Male only]](
Snuggling Lioness [Black]
![Adorable snuggly black lioness. [Male only!]](
Snuggling Lioness [Fawny]
![Adorable snuggly fawny lioness. [Male only!]](
Snuggling Lioness [Golden]
![Adorable snuggly golden lioness. [Male only!]](
Snuggling Lioness [Maroon]
![Adorable snuggly maroon lioness. [Male only!]](
Snuggling Lioness [Panther]
![Adorable snuggly panther lioness. [Male only!]](
Preening Flamingo

Fruits of Passion

Affectionate Male

Exhausted Lover
![Oh my! Looks like this male has been busy. [Adult Female only]](
Flehmen Response Tigon

Smitten Lioness

Delicate Lavender Crown


Dancer Chains [Gold]

Dancer Chains [Silver]

Leopard Orchid

Jewelry: Royal Bedlah

King's Mantle Flower Garland

Treasure Bodywear

Baobab Fruit

Grain of Paradise

A Walk on the Beach

Charming Night

Floating Hearts

Lover's Cave

Magic Hour

Natural Beehive

Romantic Beach

Romantic Waterfall

Yohimbe Bark

Buffalo Scrotum

Ardor Splendor

Maroon Four

Rosy Cheeks

Ardor Floof

Blush Rose Floof

Manakbir Floof

Maroon Floof

Merlot Floof

Date with Manakbir

Kiss from a Rose

Ardor Elegance

Cherry Lips

Taste of Merlot

Slap Shop
Camel Toes

Crocodile Eggs

Hippo Fat

Turtle Eggs

Kudu Horn

Longfin Eel

Tint of Solitude

Event Scar: Wounded Eye

Event Scar: Heart

Event Scar: Jealous Wife

Event Scar: Love Bites

Event Scar: Protector

Event Scar: Swiped

Event Scar: Unrequited Love

Leather Garter

Daddy Beard Extension [Bone]

Daddy Beard Extension [Cream]

Daddy Beard Extension [Onyx]

Daddy Beard Extension [Saffron]

Daddy Beard Extension [Salt & Pepper]

Daddy Beard Extension [White]

Bleeding Heart

Badly Blinded Eye [Left]

Badly Blinded Eye [Right]

Event Scar: Ripped Chin

Event Scar: Ripped Fur

Heavy Metal Bodywear

Admiring Adolescent [Female]

Admiring Adolescent [Male]

Bad Boy Challenger [Dark]

Bad Boy Challenger [Dikela]

Bad Boy Challenger [Fuchsia]

Scarred Lioness

Submissive Female
![This female will submit to your lioness. [Adult Female only!]](
Submissive Male
![This male will submit to your lion. [Adult Male only!]](
The Slapper

Scratched Rocks

Event Scar: Mouth

Rump Fluff Extensions [Bone]

Rump Fluff Extensions [Cream]

Rump Fluff Extensions [Onyx]

Rump Fluff Extensions [Saffron]

Rump Fluff Extensions [Salt & Pepper]

Rump Fluff Extensions [White]

Underbelly Fluff Extensions [Bone]

Underbelly Fluff Extensions [Cream]

Underbelly Fluff Extensions [Onyx]

Underbelly Fluff Extensions [Saffron]

Underbelly Fluff Extensions [Salt & Pepper]

Underbelly Fluff Extensions [White]

Bloody Notched Ear [Left]

Bloody Notched Ear [Right]

Leather Collar

Simple Chest Harness

Blood Lily Garland

Shaggy Lioness


The Solitude

Jewelry: Royal Amethyst Warguard

Event Beetle: Eudicella gralli

Event Beetle: Harmonia axyridis

Lion Scrotum

Applicator: Rugged Back

Applicator: Rugged Face

Applicator: Rugged Rump

Applicator: Rugged Unders

Black Market
Dirty Bandages [Front]

Dirty Bandages [Rear]

Fresh Bandages [Front]

Fresh Bandages [Rear]

Leg Hold Trap

Tranquilizer Darts

Event Scar: Poached

Event Scar: Scraped by Bullets

Hunting Arrows

Golden-Rumped Elephant Shrew

Kenilworth Heath


Serpentine Sugarbush

Taita Thrush

Wired Fence

Anti-Poaching Drone

Bannerman's Turaco

Jentink's Duiker

Orphaned Hyena Cub

White Giraffe Memorial

Beira Antelope

Orphaned Zebra Duiker Calf

Anti-Poaching Dog

Kashmir Musk Deer

Orphaned Baby Rhino

Orphaned Ethiopian Wolf Pup

Sinai Wild Rose Bush

White-Bellied Pangolin

Orphaned Giraffe Calf

Pondoland Fig

Bleeding World Wildlife

Burning Poacher Camp

The Chase

The Fence

Beetle Nemesis: Adetomyrma venatrix

Event Beetle: Oryctes nasicornis

Event Scar: Ears

Rhino Horn Decor

Turquoise Dwarf Gecko

Dwarf Ebony Flowers

Pile of Mongoose Babies

Radio Tracking Collar

Tusk Extensions

Event Scar: Eyeless Left

Event Scar: Eyeless Right

Event Scar: Machete Cuts

Oribi Horns

Addax Horns Decor

Western Falanouc

Diana Monkey

Stolen Gun


Skeletal Human Hand Necklace

Buffalo Horns Necklace

Injured Kudu Foal

Injured Oryx Calf

West African Linsang

Anatolian Shepherd

Arabian Tahr

Lost Human Cub

Orphaned Caracal Cub

Orphaned Serval Kitten

Apage Hominum

Mountain Bongo

Western Chimpanzee

Grévy's Zebra

Hartmann's Mountain Zebra

Indochinese Leopard

Burned Evidence

Fugitive Beasts

Helicopter Ruins

Steel Graveyard

Vanishing Giants

Human Liver
![Liver taste induces Amok - the instinct of defending your pride from poachers makes you deal more damage in battles but you are unable to breed, otherwise you could kill your own lionesses in blind anger! [expires on Rollover]](
Boerboel Puppy

Injured Civet Cub

Orphaned Cheetah Cub

Orphaned Elephant Calf

Orphaned Lion Cub

The Safeguard

Titanic Fluff

Endangered Hipwear [Gorilla]

Endangered Hipwear [Koppie Blue]

Endangered Hipwear [Leopard]

Endangered Hipwear [Painted Dog]

Endangered Hipwear [Short-Leaved Aloe]

Endangered Hipwear [Zebra]

March Personality Changer

Resting Okapi

Big Cat Bodywear: Arabian

Big Cat Bodywear: Arabian

Big Cat Headwear: Indochinese

Big Cat Headwear: Indochinese

Mauled Poacher

Rescued Baby Lowland Gorilla

Chatoyant Carvings


Ivory Carvings

Nacre Carvings

The Bodyguard

Death Necklace

Ferocious Fight

Flawless Victory

Persian Onager Herd

Resting Leopard

The Last of Giants

Wading Buffalo

Chatoyant Enamel

Nacre Lining

One with the Giants

True Titan

The Guardian

Bunny Shop
Impala Lily Flowers

Event Beetle: Eupatorus birmanicus

Expression: Delighted



Baby Meerkat

Cape Bugle-Lily

Fairy Iris

Hildeberg Painted Lady

Negev Iris

Wild Centaury

Boschveld Chicken

Bushbaby Companion

Easter Egger Chicken

Potchefstroom Koekoek

Domestic Rabbit [Dutch]

Domestic Rabbit [English Spot]

Domestic Rabbit [Seal Point]

Pussy Willows

African Flower Ornaments [Freesia]

African Flower Ornaments [Plumbago]

African Flower Ornaments [Watsonia]

Faiyumi Chicken

Fairy African Hyacinth


Impala Lily

Stapelia Hirsuta Flower

Violet Garland

Bunyoro Rabbit

Cape Hare

Comfy Riverine Rabbit

Riverine Rabbit

Savannah Hare

Scrub Hare

Boer Goat

Nigerian Dwarf Goat

Ostrich Chicks 1

Ostrich Chicks 2

Fluffball Burrows

Creamy Graphium Butterfly

Forest Leopard Butterfly

Pygmy Emperor

Fortnight Lily

Red Klattia

Body Paint: Easter Swirls

Barn Owl Chick

Leaf Bracelets

Leaf Corsage

Leaf Garland

Leaf Tail Piece

African Flower Ornaments [Baby Violets]

African Flower Ornaments [Herbal]

African Flower Ornaments [Purple Phlox]

African Flower Ornaments [Rainbow]

Venda Chicken

Quiver Tree

Sleeping Fawn

Happy AWD Puppies


Kalanchoe Flowers

Meru Oak

Blue Disa Orchid

Starry Jasmine Branch

Wine Cups

[S] Natal Bottlebrush

Cameroon Sheep Ram


Pedi Sheep Lamb

Tunisian Babarin Lamb

Zulu Sheep

Flowering Umzimbeet

Lily of the Nile

[S] African Tulip Tree
![A wonderful tree that blossoms in wet season! [Seasonal]](
[S] Sugarbush
![A dynamic african bush to decorate the scene with! [Seasonal]](
Powder-Puff Tree


Fairy Bell

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Blue]

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Herbal]

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Opal]

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Pink]

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Purple]

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Yellow]

Flowering Vine Necklace [True Blue Daisy]

Butterfly Tail Wrap

Egg Yolk

Baby Sun Rose

Springtime Trio

Cape Floral Kingdom

Flowering Fynbos

Flowering Pond

Flowering Vines

Leaf Armour

Leaf Armour - Autumn

[D] Forest Thicket

[D] Namibian Meadows

[D] Ngorongoro

[D] Zambian Bush

South African Meadows

Wenet's Shop
Bits of Kits

Ethiopian Highland Hare

European Rabbit

Fluffball Teeth

Hewiit's Red Rock Hare

Jameson's Red Rock Hare

Rabbit Corpse

Smith's Red Rock Hare

Dried Chick Necklace

Faux Fluffball Tail

Fluffball Bundle

Lucky Lamb Hoof Necklace

Punk Rabbit Headwrap

Roasted Vulture
![This vulture prepared by Chimps will boost your male's next offspring's speed. [next breeding]](
Cuddling Rabbits

Primordial Harness

Rabbit Pelt Leg Wraps

Rabbit Pelt Skirt

Fluffball Ear Extensions

Loving Wenet

Wenet Idol

Roasted Lamb

Primordial Spring

Hare Mask

Hen Mask

All Temples
Egyptian Makeup

Ancient Papyrus

Ankh Scar

Ankh Necklace


Canopic Jars



Simple Leg Jewelry [Golden]

Simple Leg Jewelry [Silver]

Winged Cobra Tailwrap [Golden]

Winged Cobra Tailwrap [Silver]

Duat Shifter - Aani

Duat Shifter - Bennu

Duat Shifter - Khepri

Duat Shifter - Mati

Duat Shifter - Medjed

Duat Shifter - Sagittarius

Duat Shifter - Sailors of the Sun-Bark

Duat Shifter - Serpopard

Souls of Duat - Jackal

Souls of Duat - Rekhyt

Souls of Duat - Snake

Souls of Duat - Tesem

Gilded Feather Crown

Wadjet Bracelets

Wing Bands of Isis

Presence of Am-Heh

Presence of Ammit

Presence of Babi

Presence of Banebdjedet

Presence of Miuty

Presence of Tutu

Lapis Ornaments

Tutu Apparel

Jewelry: Lapis Gem Headpiece

Royal Linen Wrap

White Shendyt

Anubis Mask

Isis Wings [Bottom]

Isis Wings [Top]

Mask of Ammit the Devourer

Altar of Ra

Buried Guardian

Buried Sekhmet

Buried Temple Ruins

Crumbling Temple

Egyptian Pyramids

Nubian Pyramids

Palace of the Pharaohs

Swirling Dust

Temple of Edfu

White Desert

Canopic Jellyfish

Temple of Anubis
The following items are exclusive to the Temple when you have sided with Anubis.
Scarab Necklace [Anubis]

Wing Bands of Anubis

Cloak of Darkness

Cloak of Night

Royal Gem Bodywear [Anubis]

Face of Anubis


Vessel of Anubis

Night Vapour

Idol of Thoth

Wings of Death [Bottom]

Wings of Death [Top]

Wings of Night [Bottom]

Wings of Night [Top]

Temple of Anubis

Favour of Anubis

Royal Coat of Anubis

Temple of Bast
The following items are exclusive to the Temple when you have sided with Bast.
Scarab Necklace [Bast]

Wing Bands of Bast

Royal Cloak

Royal Gem Bodywear [Bast]

Face of Bast

Winged Sandals

Crown of Isis

Vessel of Bast

Claws of Bast [Gold]

Claws of Bast [Jeweled]

Idol of Bastet

Crown of Light

Wings of Light [Bottom]

Wings of Light [Top]

Temple of Bast

Favour of Bast

Royal Coat of Bast

Temple of Seth
The following items are exclusive to the Temple when you have sided with Seth.
Scarab Necklace [Seth]

Wing Bands of Seth

Decaying Cloak

Royal Gem Bodywear [Seth]

Face of Seth


Desert Warrior

Veil of Isfet

Vessel of Seth

Idol of Seth

Wings of Desert [Bottom]

Wings of Desert [Top]

Wings of War [Bottom]

Wings of War [Top]

Temple of Seth

Favour of Seth

Royal Coat of Seth

Firefly Shop
Blood Acraea

Clear-Spotted Acraea

Celestials: Mouse

Celestial Wings [Bottom]

Celestial Wings [Top]

Celestials: Virgo Warthog


Celestials: Scorpio

Forest Green Butterfly

Black-Backed Jackal

Hairy Slit-Faced Bat

Celestials: Peacock Star (Steenbok)

Greater Kestrel

Yellow Canary

Zimbabwe Aloe

Celestials: Taurus Hartebeest

Bat-Eared Fox

Aurora Australis

Falling Stars


Perseid Storm

Reflection Pool


Event Beetle: Luciola lusitanica

Blue Crane

Celestial Wings - Skyward [Bottom]

Celestial Wings - Skyward [Top]

Hadada Ibis

Celestials: Pisces

Meteor Shards Necklace

Brilliant Gem

Little Bee-Eater

Celestials: Aldebaran and Pleiades

Celestials: Capricorn

Selous' Mongoose

Steelblue Widowfinch

Nyala Calf

Sitatunga Female


Sun Glare


Celestials: Canopus

Fruit Bats

Candelabra Tree

Celestials: Gemini Eland

Cape Fox

Celestials: Aries Ibex

Abaddon Skies

Acacia Forest

Acacia Forest at Night

Cloud Forest


Celestial Wings - Nebula [Bottom]

Celestial Wings - Nebula [Top]


Flame Lily

Celestials: Cancer

Southern Carmine Bee-Eater

Apollyon's Grace

Celestials: Tree

Pied Crow

Celestials: Aquarius Lammergeier

African Wildcat

Celestials: King of the North Star

Long-Crested Eagle

Pompom Tree

Martial Eagle

Celestials: Orion



Great Zimbabwe Ruins

Chimanimani Mountains


Mana Pools

Nyanga Mountains

Victoria Falls

Tefnut's Temple
Tefnut's Memory

Celestial Wings - Sunset [Bottom]

Celestial Wings - Sunset [Top]

Shard Growth

The Demiurge

Celestial Blessing

Sidereal Blessing

Skyward Blessing

Sunset Markings

Curse of Divine

Touch of Demiurge

Prophet Shop
Locust-Ridden Grass

Jumping Frog

Least Weasel



Egyptian Spiny-Tailed Lizard

Zoutpansberg Girdled Lizard

Devoured Branches

Banded Mongoose

Dik Dik vs Locust

Event Beetle: Jewel Beetle

Taita Fiscal



Yellow-Winged Bat


Horse Skull Decor

Great Spotted Cuckoo

Blandford's Fox

Hunting Bats

Rueppell's Fox

African Locust Bean Tree

Arabian Horse Foal

Scared Leopard Cub

Forest Swarm

Egyptian Slit-Faced Bat

Thick-Billed Cuckoo

Asian Garden Dormouse

Golden Oriole Nest

Great Blue Heron

Jewel Beetle Headwear

Diederick Cuckoo

Fan-Tailed Raven

Levaillant's Cuckoo

Blue Korhaan

Little Bustard

Malagasy Civet

Nubian Bustard

Red Bull


Striped Polecat

Yellow Baboon

Grivet Monkey

Lilac-Breasted Rollers

Jewel Beetle Bodywear

Ochre Gnawrock

Equine Fields


Vlaamperd Foal

Abyssinian Genet

Hunting Haussa Genet

Playing Polecats

Locust Wing Bands

Namib Desert Horse

Vlaamperd Horse

Playing Fennec Foxes

Western Horse Halter [Dark]

Western Horse Halter [Light]

Locust Swarm

Ochre Saltlick

Playful Black Panther Cub

Confused Cub

![In response to locust plaguing the crops, humans created genetically modified cattle. Who knows what will happen to lioness's next litter if she eats some of this meat! - [next breeding, high chance of mutated cub but not 100%]](
Annoying Cub

King Cheetah Cub


Devoured Crops

Kingfisher Grove


The Harbinger's Shop
Sigil Amulet: Death

Sigil Amulet: Famine

Sigil Amulet: Pestilence

Sigil Amulet: War

Essence of Death

Essence of Famine

Essence of Pestilence

Essence of War

Horse Hair Body Ornament

Omen: Cervid

Omen: Hyena

Petrified Lion

Glowing Sigil of Death

Glowing Sigil of Famine

Glowing Sigil of Pestilence

Glowing Sigil of War

Black Rabbit Cloak

Black Horse of Famine

Human Liver
![Liver taste induces Amok - the instinct of defending your pride from poachers makes you deal more damage in battles but you are unable to breed, otherwise you could kill your own lionesses in blind anger! [expires on Rollover]](
Pale Horse of Death

Red Horse of War

The Harbinger

White Horse of Pestilence

Apocalyptic Sandstorm

Black Stallion

River of Blood

Swarming Tornadoes

Augur Fur

Eldritch Immolation

Augur Prophecy

Blood Beetle Shack
Heaven Shop
Heavenly Dust

Angelic Feathers

Winged Bracers

Horns of Valor

Unbroken Oath

Head Wings [Black]

Head Wings [White]

Guardian Spirit

Angelic Growth [Back]

Angelic Growth [Front]

Aura of Heavenly Wings

Angel Wings

Black Wings

Seraphim Veil

Nepheline Wings [Bottom]

Nepheline Wings [Top]

Angelic Blessing


Seraphim Watcher

Angelic Mane

Hell Shop
Creepy Teeth

Demonic Dust

Demonic Whip

Horns of Legion

Twisted Horns

Ördög Tail Extension

Demonic Bull Horns

Aura of Sulphuric Wings

Dark Demon Wings [Bottom]

Dark Demon Wings [Top]

Demonic Mask

Shadow of Death

Demonic Fur Extensions

Demonic Body Scales

Demonic Burning Scales

Demonic Depths

Plains of Perdition

Demonic Mane

Manticore Shop
Fermented Marula Fruit

Medlar Fruit

Vulture Egg

Goatee [Brown]

Goatee [Cream]

Goatee [Dark Brown]

Goatee [Onyx]

Goatee [Rust]

Goatee [White]

Sideburns [Brown]

Sideburns [Cream]

Sideburns [Dark Brown]

Sideburns [Forsaken]

Sideburns [Onyx]

Sideburns [White]

Manticore Spikes

Manticore Cub

Bone Growth [Head]

Bone Growth [Rump]

Bone Growth [Shoulders]

Dove Feast

Demon Wings [Bottom]

Demon Wings [Top]

Hooves for Hind Legs

Manticore Horns


Manticore Tail

Lair of the Manticore

Bloodbourne Mane

Random Marking Applicator

Crunchy Worm

Shaman Shop
Chain [Gold]

Chain [Silver]

Antler Tip Necklace

Shamanic Tarot: The Star


Shamanic Tarot: The Magician

Shamanic Tarot: The Hermit

Herb Pouch

Leg Wraps

Shell Bands

Jewelry: Amber Gem Headpiece

Animal Graveyard Daytime

Animal Graveyard Nighttime

Dinosaur Egg Nest

Honeybush Flowers

Shell Beads


Aker's Tail Feather Band

Mysterious Stranger's Tail Bands

Buried Allosaurus Skull

Ahihia Bodypaint

Ahihia Tail Ornaments

Body Paint: Ribbed

Body Paint: Shamanic

Body Paint: Swirls

Mane Braids [Brown]

Mane Braids [Cream]

Mane Braids [Golden]

Mane Braids [Onyx]

Mane Braids [White]

Shamanic Tarot: Death

Tusks Headwrap

Shamanic Tarot: The Fool

Body Paint: Ethereal Touch

Body Paint: Ethereal Vision

Little Whisper

Shamanic Tarot: The Empress Body Paint

Shamanic Tarot: The Empress Bodywear

Elephant Tusks Headwrap

Shamanic Tarot: The Devil

Dreamwalker Realm

Lost in Visions

Vision of Ancestors

Nose Ring Tusks

Dry Grass Legbands

Shamanic Tarot: The Fool Body Paint

Buffalo Skull Headwear

Shamanic Tarot: The Empress

Shamanic Tarot: The Moon

Shamanic Tarot: The Priestess

Shamanic Tarot: The World

Punk Hair [Astral]

Punk Hair [Devotee]

Punk Hair [Salted]

Fur and Feather Bodywear

Fur and Feather Headwear

Ornate Buffalo Skull Headwear

Chained Feathers [Black]

Chained Feathers [Red]

Chained Feathers [White]

Shamanic Stew
![Shamanic stew - if drank, it will boost your male's next offspring's strength. [next breeding]](
Ancient Trail

Herb Grove

Prehistoric Boneyard

Roaring Giant

Tribal Pyres

Vision of Titans

Claw and Teeth Necklace

Big Cat Bodywear: Leopard

Big Cat Bodywear: Panther

Big Cat Bodywear: Strawberry Leopard

Big Cat Headwear: Leopard

Big Cat Headwear: Panther

Big Cat Headwear: Strawberry Leopard


Withered Crown

Withered Crown - Coral

Withered Sun Crown

Withered Sun Crown - Coral

Shaman Headband

Shaman Shawl

Feather Crown

Giant Tortoise

Bone Crown

Reptile Skin Bodywear

Tropical Feather Headdress

Hyena Pelt

Mammoth Cave

Ethereal Body

Parhelion Body

Penumbra Body

Sacred Body

Supernal Body

Spectre Body

Mantis Shop
Cold Breath

Expression: Cheerful [Black]

Expression: Cheerful [Brown]

Expression: Cheerful [Cream]

Expression: Cheerful [Dark Brown]

Expression: Cheerful [Onyx]

Expression: Cheerful [White]

Hanging Icicles

Albino Pygmy Owl

Axanthic Ball Python

Big Cat Bodywear: Albino

Big Cat Headwear: Albino

Christmas Butterfly

European Robin

Frosted Whiskers

White Dove

Fluffy Snowball

Jolly Holly

Albino Hedgehog

Albino Peafowl

White Fluffy Bunnies

White Goat Kid

Melanistic Barn Owl

Melanistic Serval Cub

Gourd Baubles Headwear

Holiday Lights

Jon Snuh

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [Black]

Pearl and Flower Ornaments [White]

Albino Giraffe Calf

Snowy Den

Frozen in Fight

Frozen Smilus

Icy Glacier

Albino Hyena Pelt

Beetle Nemesis: Basicryptus costalis

Krampus Tongue

Snowy Rocks

Krampus Horns

Krampus Tail

Garland Collar

Garland Collar [Festive]

Albino Feline Wings [Bottom]

Albino Feline Wings [Top]

Festive Garland Frame

African Flower Ornaments [Black]

African Flower Ornaments [White]

Winter Achromia Cub

Winter Melanistic Cub


African Flower Ornaments

Atlas Cedar Tree

Spanish Fir

Jingle Bell Harness

White Tigon Cub

Melanistic Aardwolf

Georgian Red Fox

Reindeer Antlers

Pale Rabbit Cloak

Albino Wolf

Flipped Iceberg

Frozen Waterfall

Glacier Cave

Ice Cave


Majestic Snuhlion

Snowy Mountain Top

Pose: Jolly [F]

Arctic Crevasse

Aufeis Layers

Dicey Ice

Glacial Special

Frostbitten Paws

Arctic Frost

Aufeis Overflow


Icy Spice

Frostbite Protection

Arctic Circle

Aufeis Sheet

Glacial Facial

Spicy Ice

Frostbitten Skin

Related Pages: Commerce, Events, Lethal Mutations, Lioness Breeding, Mane Genetics, Mutations, Studding, Territory, Your Lion