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Novel 6 begins on July 25th at 02:05am LDT.
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This night, the sky is clear. Apollyon's destruction has died down since you two talked about that final choice. A big glow in the distance indicates that the Celestial Stone is trembling with power. The stars above appear aligned in a straight path and you know it's time to go. If you don't, Apedemak can force you one way or another. It's much nicer to be more in control. You spent some time with a lion you aligned with enough to know what will happen and what to do.
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On top of its mound, the Celestial Stone is pulsing with an energy so great, it takes your breath away. Your lungs get squeezed by a low hum hitting you in waves, and quiet whispering swirls all around you, leaving you very overwhelmed. Thousands of lions... All their souls... You take it all in until a voice breaks through the whispers. Apedemak's chanting reveals his position behind the Stone. You could leave your concealed spot and approach him, but you prefer to sit in darkness for now. As you wonder what to do and if you really have the balls to even do it, a quiet rustling behind you reveals Menhit and Apollyon.
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