Now for everyone's favorite part: THE CHAT ROOM!

When you click on the 'Chat Room' tab you will be taken to what we call the 'big chat' which is a nice way to chat if you aren't currently navigating through the game.
At the top you will see the five chat channels: Main, Roleplay, Sales, Art Sales, and Help.

The one you are currently on will display as Chat: [chat you are in] as shown in the screenshots. If you want to switch channels, just click the one you want to switch to and you will be taken to it!
If you want to send a message, just type in what you want to say in chat and hit 'roar' or the enter key on your keyboard.

Just like in the forums, you can add lion emoticons by clicking on the lion head and it will be added to your message! All of the emojis we currently have will be shown once you click it and a dropdown will appear where you can click on the emoji you want!
We also have what we call "side chat" which appears on the side of the screen while you play on the right hand side, under your main lion's information.

It works the same as the normal large chat, but is smaller and you don't have to have it in a tab of its own in order to access it.
Chat Channels
We have FIVE different chat channels for our awesome lion-loving playerbase to chat on! These chat rooms each have their uses and rules, so let's take a quick tour before you get started chatting.
This is the chatroom where you can chat freely with your fellow players about anything relating to Lioden or real life. Topics such as pets, favorite foods, talking about the current event, and showing off nice lions that you bred are popular in this chat room. You can also ask questions and get tips, advice, or just general knowledge about the game. This chat room is not for anything sales or role play related and those topics belong in the other designated chat rooms.
Filters: This chat will automatically filter any links that go to a trade, raffle, or forums that have to do with trading. This way you can rest easy if you accidentally switch to main chat while you are attempting to advertise a trade in sales chat! If you attempt to link a sale, you will get an error:

This will pop up and your message will not be sent. Nifty to help with accidental ads, right?
Role Play
This chatroom is for advertising if you would like to role play! You can post an ad to a group or 1x1 role play and find people that are interested in delving into roles and creative stories. No chatter is permitted here, it is for advertising role plays only.
Here is where you can advertise anything that you may want to sell or raffle—if it can be sold, anything goes! You can advertise your main lion for studding with a catchy ad, post trade links to lions or items you have up in the Trading Center, draw people in to enter your raffle, or post a link to your branch and bring in some beetles. This is a great way to get into the Lioden economy and earn money while also seeing if there's anything you fancy buying from another player.
Art Sales
This channel showcases all of the art-savvy players on Lioden. Players can post any sort of art sales such as commissions, art raffles, art contests, adoptables, and more. If you are an artsy person then this is the channel for you to strut your stuff! If you prefer buying art of your lions or OCs, it's a great channel to browse to find your next favorite artist.
If you have any burning game questions that you need help with, this is a great place to come for answers. It moves a lot slower than main chat, so if you ask game play questions here they are less likely to get drowned out by normal chatting. Any member of the community can ask questions and any member can answer them. It's a great place to help each other out and both new and old players alike come here seeking answers and sharing knowledge
Chat Features
Large Chat
While both chats function almost the same, they each have their differences. When you first open large chat, you will see a gear icon listed next to the chat channels which lets you adjust some settings:

Relative Timestamps
Normally, timestamps will appear in real time when you are chatting, and list the date and time that the message was sent:

You can change this, however, and choose to see timestamps as relative which will generalize the time each message is sent:

Slow Mode
Slow mode functions just as it sounds: if chat is going fast and you are having a hard time keeping up, you can toggle this option on and messages will have a delay from the time they are sent to when they appear for you.
Popout chat is a nifty feature that allows you to have your chat in an entire window of its own! This will allow you to play the game while you chat in another window, and you don't have to worry about accidentally navigating away from chat. It looks just like big chat, except you can move it around and change the size:

Underneath the settings icon and the text box where you send messages, you'll see this fancy banner:

This is where things like the news posts are announced, and other important messages that the staff wants to make players aware of. You cannot clear this, and it will stay up until it is removed by staff.
Paused Chat
Sometimes, moderators will pause chat to deal with an on-going chat issue that needs to be addressed without the chatter of players getting in the way. When that happens, you will be unable to chat and chat will look like this:

Chat will appear like this for ALL players when chat is paused, so don't worry! Nothing is wrong with your computer or the site. Staff is simply busy handling a chat issue.
Side Chat
Side chat has the same features as large chat, but with some slight differences. Since side chat is smaller, in order to switch channels you will have to use the dropdown:

You also have the same options to do relative timestamps and slow mode, with the addition of another feature: legacy mode!

Legacy Mode
This is a setting where you can toggle the chat room to be like it was before the revamp. This means you will have to manually refresh to see messages.

When this setting is on, you will see the refresh button appear beside the gear icon. If this setting is not on, the refresh button will not be there and chat will automatically update as messages are sent. Legacy mode is not the default, so you will have to toggle this option on if you want to use chat this way.
Also, one thing that legacy mode will NOT show is the orange-yellow color when a message is sent that pings you. You can still be pinged, but the visual effect will not appear.
Paused Chat
Just like big chat, when chat is paused by moderators it will look much the same, but on a sized-down scale:

Chat will appear like this for ALL players when chat is paused, so don't worry! Nothing is wrong with your computer or the site. Staff is simply busy handling a chat issue.
Hiding Chat
If you don't want to see chat on your side bar, you can hit "hide" and it will disappear from your sidebar:

To show it again, just hit the "show" button and it will pop right back up!

Message Tools
Chat has some neat features that you can utilize to your advantage!

Ping User
This feature allows you to directly ping a user when speaking with them, and even comes with a handy color indicator when you do!

This is what the pinged user will see, provided they are not in legacy mode and do not refresh the chat page. The pinged color effect will not be visible in legacy mode, and when chat is refreshed the color will also go away. The [username #ID] will still be visible in the message, however. This feature makes it easier for users to see when someone is talking directly to them!
Copy Message
If for whatever reason you need to copy a message (say, you want to copy the stud ad you posted for later use) you can hit this option and the message will be copied to your clipboard.
Flag Message
Flagging a message will bring it to moderator attention. This way, if you see a rulebreak that you think a moderator needs to look at, simply flag the message so that they are aware and can take care of it! Flagging is anonymous and no one will know a message was flagged, even if it was their own. You will get a pop up when you successfully flag a message, and you will know that it was successfully brought to staff's attention!

Block User
This feature allows you to block a user, and this will prevent you from seeing their messages in chat. It will also put them on your block list which prevents site interactions with them such as messaging, trades, forum posts, etc. This is good for avoiding interactions with someone you may not get along with, as we are all human and won't always agree or get along with one another.
A list of all of the current emojis we have and their text codes!