Chapter 2 begins when Tier One of the Champion Shop unlocks.
To quickly navigate through the storyline pages, some buttons are styled with underlines and will jump you ahead to the next page for that specific branch. It is advised to use these buttons to have the best understanding of the storyline.
If you are on a device that is compatible with keyboards, you can use the left and right arrow keys ( ← → ) to switch between storyline pages.
Both button options lead to the same page.
This page is only visible if you clicked "I'd rather stay with V'Kai *" on Page 3.
This page is visible whether you clicked "Join Vashkartzen *" on Page 3 or "Catch up with Vashkartzen" on Page 3a.
Clicking "Come at me bro!" or "Yeah but don't go all out on me!" will automatically redirect you to a fight with Vashkartzen. You must lose the fight to proceed with the storyline.
Vashkartzen will hit you for 45 HP each time. This is a very difficult battle to win, so you should have an easy time losing. Lucky Feet are disabled for this battle.
If you somehow win or choose to "Flee", you will need to visit the storyline page to fight him again.
Once Vashkartzen has been defeated, you will be prompted to "Return to Story?"
"Well, [NAME], if you're ever around you can visit me between fights... Unless you still want to loaf around with Pleb'kai." You raise your eyebrow, noticing the subtle similarities between brothers. You're pretty sure either of them will be upset if you befriend the other brother, so you should think twice who you want to side with.
The button that you choose is the brother you will be completing quests with until Chapter 3 unlocks, so be sure to choose carefully!
This ends Chapter 2. You must wait until Tier Two of the Champion Shop unlocks to proceed to Chapter 3.
Click here to view the directory for The Brotherhood of Zeal storyline.