The following encounters are exclusive to the Arid Desert zone.
If an encounter box only contains text, that means it does not have an image and will only show up as a line of text when exploring.
A desert Eagle Owl flies away with a mouse between its claws. |
A harsh wind blows into your face, filling your eyes with grains of sand. Ouch! |
A large dromedary camel walks by and spits on you! What impudence! |
Action |
Result |
Reward |
Attack! |
It's hard to fight on the sand dunes... Looks like the dromedary had the advantage and ran away! You feel tired. |
-20% Energy -2 to -3 Karma |
Wipe Off |
You wipe the spit from your fur, and in doing so, notice a few scarab beetles on the ground! |
+5 Silver Beetles +2 to 3 Karma |
Spit Back! |
How rude! A wet eye for an eye. |
N/A |
A sudden sand slide revealed this interesting looking rock with scary bones preserved from time. |
Action |
Result |
Reward |
Admire |
You sit back and study this weird creature’s body, but don't disturb the rock. It might be something important. |
N/A |
Take |
You're not sure what you're supposed to do with this, but you take it anyway. |
+1 Afrovenator Fossil |
NOTE: This is a karma-specific encounter. You will only come across it if your king's karma is between -28 to 30.
The option to "Take" does not always show up. There is a low chance when coming across the encounter that the "Take" option will appear. |
A tiny Courser bird runs silently through the desert. |
NOTE: This is a night-only encounter. You will only come across it when it is night time on Lioden. |
Mosquitos buzz around you, making you swat at them angrily with your tail. |
That Jerboa looks like a mix between a fennec and a rabbit. |
Action |
Result |
Reward |
Pounce Playfully |
You play a bit with the jerboa. It's a mighty jumpy mouse! Aaaand.. You're out of breath. Good practice. |
+2% Impression +4 to 5 Karma |
Kill It |
That poor, innocent mouse. You bastard. |
-4 to -5 Karma +1 Jerboa Carcass |
The wind sweeps sand grains into a dune in front of you. |
This Addax looks like it lost a battle with another male of its kind. What a tempting sight. |
Action |
Result |
Reward |
Kill It! |
You jump at the opportunity and get an easy kill. |
-1 to -2 Karma +1 Addax Carcass |
Maul! |
You play with your food, mauling it and practicing your blows before it dies. |
-10% Hunger +1% Impression -3 to -4 Karma |
NOTE: This is a karma-specific encounter. You will only come across it if your king's karma is -28 or lower. |
With squinted eyes, you try to make out what's behind the wavy horizon. Is that a mirage? |
NOTE: This is a day-only encounter. You will only come across it when it is day time on Lioden. |
You explore, leaving a trail of paw prints behind you. |
NOTE: This is a night-only encounter. You will only come across it when it is night time on Lioden. |
You feel a faint smell of water, maybe you should follow it? |
You lift your gaze to empty skies above. |
NOTE: This is a night-only encounter. You will only come across it when it is night time on Lioden. |
You notice a scary cloud of sand in the sky. |
Action |
Result |
Reward |
Take Cover! |
You wait the sandstorm out under a small cliff carved in a sandstone. Being a big lion, your body provided shelter for few other animals. |
+1 to 2 Karma |
Bravely Face It! |
You close your eyes and face the wind. The grains hurt you at that speed but you're stronger than some flying dirt. |
+1 Sandstorm (Very Low Chance) |
NOTE: This is a day-only encounter. You will only come across it when it is day time on Lioden. |
You notice an abandoned Caravan Camel, dying from its injury. |
Action |
Result |
Reward |
Be Patient! |
You sit next to it, getting some shade while you wait for it to stop breathing. Then you eat. |
-40% Hunger +1 to 2 Karma |
End Misery! |
You end its suffering and grab the carcass. There's no need for any animal to be dying in such pain for so long; cruel humans. |
+3 to 4 Karma +1 Camel Carcass |
NOTE: This is a karma-specific encounter. You will only come across it if your king's karma is 30 or higher. |
You shake the filthy sand from your mane. |
You spot a Fennec Fox. It's so cute! It nibbles its dinner. |
Action |
Result |
Reward |
Approach |
The Fennec Fox looks at you with shiny black eyes and squeaks before it runs between your paws, and back into its den. It left some snacks behind for you in the form of +12 Silver Beetles! |
+12 Silver Beetles |
Kill It |
You crack its spine with your fangs and walk away with a vicious trophy. |
-5 to -6 Karma +1 Fennec Skull |
Smile Gently |
You admire the fluffy tail before it scurries away, leaving its dinner untouched. |
+5 to 6 Karma +1 Gerbil Carcass +1 Rat Carcass |
You watch in awe as a spider rolls down the dune. |
You'd kill for some water. |